Judgement – Rescue of Lacey Part 2- The escape!
by Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Rescue of Lacey Part 2- The escape!
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Mar 10, 2011 @ 4:03am
Location   Stephens Lair
Timeline   After Part 1

"All clear," Rhiana turned back to beckon them through, "Lets get the hell out of here." She tapped her chest. =^= t'Sahen to War'lon, five to beam up.=^=.

No answer.

She tried again as Annie carried Lacey out. =^= t'Sahen to War'lon!=^=

Silence. Rhiana swore. "We're in trouble!!"

"Thats an understatement." Lance pointed out. As a fresh bunch guards came into sight. "Run!!" He said slinging Stephen back over his shoulder and making for the door at the end of the corridor.

Annie adjusted Lacey on her back and ran as best as she could with the extra weight. ~Thank God I am in shape!~

"Rhiana fire that phaser please!! I can't reach mine!"

The romulan brought her rifle up, sending a volley of shots towards the guards. they ducked behind the corner and started taking potshots.

Lance was already running for cover down the corridor, using Stephen's unconscious form as a shield he made his way to a nearby doorway. "Hey guys!! In here!!" He called . Ducking as a fresh volley of disruptor fire scorched the bulkhead above him.

Rhiana was last into the room, covering Annie and Lance, sniping at any guard who put his head up too far. Suddenly a shot buzzed from her left, burning into her shoulder. She let out a howl of angry pain, and through herself back into the room, just as reinforcements moved up from the other directions. Stephen's security had them pinned.

Annie imediatly moved to secure the room.

"Better let me take a look at that." Lance said, moving over to Rhiana with his medical tricorder and satchel of tricks. He pressed one of his hypo's to the Romulans neck. "This will numb the pain." He explained as he reached back into his bag and pulled out a tube of elasto-seal. Pressing the nozzle to her wound he quickly sealed up the scorched flesh. "That will have to do, till I can get you onto my table, and here's a shot of adrenalin in the meantime!" He pressed another hypo to her neck. "Guys we need to get out of here fast! I'm running out of drugs!!" Lance half joked.

"Where in the hell are we anyways?" he said looking around.

As the drugs took over, Rhiana let out a long relieved sigh, and stared around. "not sure. Looks like some sort of systems facility. I think that," she pointed to a tall tank that was bolted to one wall, "is a coolant sampler."

Lance was checking the comatose Stephen "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked.

Annie looked behind her and Lacey. "You're kidding right?"

Lance shook his head, "You've got a better idea?" He asked.

Annie went through the different scenarios in her mind and processed them quickly. She sighed, "No I guess not. Rhiana....I need you to take Lacey...Can you manage it?"

"Sure, but what are you two thinking?" Rhiana asked warily

Annie grabbed her phaser and walked out into the open and started firing again. "GO! I'll be right behind." If I don't get myself killed first, she thought to herself. She saw them leave out of the corner of her eye. She had taken out 3 of Stephen's men and had shot the phaser at the above bulkheads causing the corridor above the rest to collapse.

She followed the path her party would have taken and soon caught up with them. "Can we please get out of here? I caused the corridor to cave in but that wont keep them away for long. I am sure Stephen had jeffries tubes put in everywhere."

"We need to go down the corridor and take the....next two rights...the...transporter...system...is...there." Lacey whispered and began coughing.

Lance gave the coolant sampler another look, then turned back to Stephen who was beginning to stir, he made his way over to the sampler and opened the inspection hatch. It was going to be tight but it just might work. Whilst the other's gathered themselves he picked up the groggy psychopath, nobody paid him much attention execpt Lacey who was watching Stephens every move as her tormentor slowy woke up.

Lance made his way to the sampler and pushed Stephen into it, the man stuggled feebly against him but the drugs and made him weak and his movements were sluggish and ineffectual. Lance leaned in and whispered in his ear. "When the plasma coolant reaches your ankles you will beg me for your life. When it reaches your knees you will beg me to let you die!" He smiled, as the realisation dawned on Stephen as to what was about to happen.

As Lance shut the hatch trapping the man inside, Lacey gave a little satisfied squeak, and the others turned to see what the doctor was doing. Rushing up to him they arrived a second to late as he hit the purge button flooding the coolant sampler chamber containing Stephen with the corrosive flesh eating coolant. "Just flushing the trash" Lance commented.

Stephen's screams lasted several minutes as he was eaten away, the man died screaming and writhing in agony. A fitting end. Lance regarded the others with a cold stare. "Anybody have a problem with this?" He asked. As they all looked at the damage the man had done to Lacey.

Lacey looked up at Lance and wondered what had just happened...he had sold her out to Stephen in the first place and now he kills him? What was he going to do to her? Part of her was sad that Stephen was killed, he was the only 'father' she had ever known, the only family that she had...even if he beat her nearly to a pulp or tortured her to the point that she was nearly dead, even after all that he was still family.

She clung closer to Rhiana hoping that the woman would protect her from Lance should he try and do something to her. He had let this happen to her, he was a doctor and was supposed to protect those that couldn't protect themselves. Lacey diverted her stare from Lance to the coolant sampler before looking up at Rhiana. "We...need...to go...His men...are...loyal." She coughed again and this time there was blood when she tried to wipe her mouth. After all this she was still going to die. She prayed to The Fates that she would not be joining Stephen in Hell for some unknown crime that she had committed.

Lance stepped towards Lacey but he paused when she drew back, the terror evident in her eye's. "He was a monster, I couldn't let him live." Lance explained gently but firmly. He stepped forward again, Lacey nearly went into hysterics. "Look I know I used you, and I'm sorry! " He said. "But it was the only way to track this man down, I'm not your enemy, your enemy is in there!" Lance gestured at the tank, "He's burning in hell, but you have internal injuries and I need to examine you."

Lance reached forward once more, he could feel Lacey tremble beneath his touch, quickly he reached for his tri-corder, and breathed a sigh of relief, "She has abrasions in her oesophagus, poor girl has probably screamed her throat raw," Lance gently laid a hand over her's. Laceys nails were cracked and broken, from where she had clawed in vain against the cold metal table surface. "I'm truly sorry we couldn't get here sooner, but I'm not your enemy." He whispered quietly to her. "You may never see me as a friend, but I'm not your enemy." He finished rising to his feet once more.

"We still need to get the hell out of here!" He said aloud, looking down at Lacey, "Down the corridor and two turns to the right?" Without the wieght of Stephen, Lance bent down and cradled the emmaciated girl in his arms, she was to weak to offer any resistance and by carrying her he freed up Annie and the wounded Rhiana to provide cover, " Let's move!" lance called moving down the corridor, there was a bounce to the surgeons step. As the rag-tag bunch of walking wounded set off for the transporter controls.

Lacey went rigid when he picked her up and cradled her to him. Her instincts were wrong before when she thought she could trust him, had she traided one evil for the next? Her head pounded and she could barely process what was going on around her. She should of breathed a sigh of relief when she Lance kill Stephen...but how could she trust someone who sold her back to her captor for gold pressed latinum?

Rhiana put a steadying hand on Lacey's shoulder. "Live now, hate later." she suggested, before pulling her phaser rifle to her uninjured shoulder. "I'm ready. Lets-"

There was a loud clunk that shook the floor. Then a grinding sound that sounded like the screams of a thousand tortured cats, and finally, everything pitched to one side by about ten degrees, sending them sliding into the bulkheads.

"Uhhh guys? What the hell was that?" Lance asked.

"No idea. But I don't like it." Rhiana regained her balance and helped Lance shift LAcey back into position. "I think we need to leave even faster than planned."

"There..." Lacey pointed and Annie looked where the other woman pointed. She ran over to the controls. "They have locked us out...Give me a couple of minutes to work out the decryption."

The station shook again, and then sirens began to wail. Rhiana looked up sharply. "That sounds like an abandon ship.! We don't have a couple of minutes!"

"Are the transporters still blocked?" Asked Lance.

A couple moments went by as Annie worked on the computer. "We're good! We're good! Rhiana get us the hell out of here!!"

=^=Kel'tor! Beam us up!=^= The romulan woman hit her communicator and preyed.

Metal screamed, and the bulkhead wall fifteen meters away broke open along the seam, and a gale of leaking atmosphere buffeted them.

=^=Kel'tor!=^= rhiana bellowed over the air. "Now!"

The hull rip bucked and opened up another five meters, and the rush of air double in strength, pulling them towards the open gash.

"Engage the transporters!!" Shouted Lance, looking in vain for something to grab on to.

The power of the atmosphere blowing into the void picked them up and sucked them bodily towards the split in the hull, as their hands tried to slow them down, grabbing nothing but slick metal. The edge came ever closer, and Lance's toes slipped over an endless fall...

The sound of rushing air and taering metal was sudding replaced by the hum of the transporter as the away team and Lacey were beamed back onboard the shuttle. Lance fell to his knees gasping for breath. "That was too close! Everytone ok?" He asked.

Rhiana sat up from where the emergency beam out had left her on her rump, and glared at Kel'tor. "You and I are going to have words about your timing when we get out of here." she looked to Annie and Lacey, to see if they had made it back okay.

"I'm ok...but Lacey isn't...Lance you have your work cut out for yourself. Let's her to sickbay." Annie replied.


a Post between

A psychopath
NPC'd by Brad

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5

Ensign Rhiana t'Sahen
Intelligence officer

Someone simply tagging along

Kidnapped victim