Judgement – Villain-ectomy
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Villain-ectomy
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant T'Pal & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Fri Jul 22, 2011 @ 11:12am
Location   The Aescepulus, Docking Bay 95
Timeline   SD 38 0200 Backpost

...Unobtrusively she took a set of scrubs from the shelve and donned it, following the others. Someone complained that they were a set short, but T'Pal went into OR before she could even hear the outcome.....

On an empty biobed laying head to head with one with the young woman they were loading up Arthur Glaston's Medical files. Soon he would be on that grey pallet, unconscious and oblivious to the angel of death that was waiting for him. Now she just had to look for the right moment.

....It should have been Lance's natural territory, his kingdom, but now the bright white light and gleaming surfaces seemed cold and alien and oppressive. In front of him, blissfully unaware, Gwen Glaston lay face down. Her attending nurse turned to Lance, and held out a tray of scalpels.

Lance selected one and stepped up to Gwens' exposed back, with a final glance up at North and a rock steady hand he began making his first incision down her neck.....

Under the exoscalpel, the soft creamy skin parted, instantly cauterized. There may have been no blood, but the scent of freshly burnt flesh leeched into the operating room. The staff seemed to relax as they picked up the scent. Dr Murdoch was behaving, and the surgery began.

After making the first few exploratory incisions Lance moved accross the Glaston and began duplicating the
proceedures there. He was intenstly aware of North watching his every move like a vulture watching a mortally mounded soldier.

The smell assualted T'Pal's sensitive nose. What was more noticeble was the hyper tense atmosphere. T'Pal was ready to strike. The big muscled man was focussed on the surgeon and not on anyone else. Having not had time to study her target, T'Pal had not many options, and being in a room full of armed soldiers was possibly one of the worst situations she could find herself in. She needed a distraction. She moved towards the medical replicator, careful not attract attention to herself. There she asked the replicator for an absorbant cloth as a decoy, but then unobtrusively programmed it to produce warm almond essence after a five second delay.

Picking up the cloth casually and moving to her original position, she waited for the sweet almond fragrance to fill the room and cause the panic she intended.

Three seconds after it had come to rest against one of their feet, it released it contents an imitation of the scnet of cyanide.

On one of the panels, an alarm began to bleep instantly. A scrub-swaddled male, species undetectable, glanced at it, and sniffed. "Shit! that not possible! Up the intensity of the room filters 300% Get the patients on sealed systems!"

Another nurse, one standing close to Glaston began sniffing. "where's it coming from? Its really strong!" she started coughing, reflex against the smell rather than any real sympton.

Lance stood motionless in the center of Glastons sickbay whilst the staff scurried around in a panic. He knew enough about cyanide to know that if it had been released in gas form and you could smell it, you had already ingested a fatal dose, that would kill almost instantly. Since he was still alive this must be something else. He looked around the room, T'Pal was moving with a methodical air towards Glastons inert form. Lance didn't recognise her behind the surgical mask, but she was the only other person in the room who wasn't frantic. He glanced sharply at North standing on the other side of the glass.

The huge human gave Lance a glare that promised pain and suffering. Through the clear windows, Lance could only watch as he snatched a k-bar knife from a sheath under his vest, shoved Kendra against the plexi glass, hand pulled above her head. In one smooth clean brutal strike he stabbed the knife through her wrist and through the glass itself. The bullseye pattern of tiny stress fractures around the knife became stained with brilliant green blood.

A young nurse coughing hysterically, lunged for the door, unsealing the room...

Keeping her eyes on the guards, T'Pal quickly made a hole in her left hand glove, so she could plant the microprobe on her mark, so the nanites could do their work. For a brief instant her eyes locked with the Doctor and she realized that she had not been frantic enough herself and attracted attention, even if it was only from him. She quickly moved as of going to the door, but in passing touched Gloston's neck, planting the probe. Within seconds the nanites contained in it, penetrated her victim's skin and cursed through his bloodtream towards his heart. There they attacked the heart muscle, quickly and efficiently.

Usually it would take at least 3 minutes to have an effect, but T'pal was barely a few steps further towards the door, when the monitors started blaring behind her.

There was panic all round, half the staff trying to get out, half the staff rushing to Glaston to try and stabilise him. Over the scrambled, someone could be heard shouting "Clear!"

Lance moved with lightning speed, he snatched the paddles away from the nurse and began fibrolating Glaston himself. North watched the proceeding with a critical eye. "More Power!" Shouted Lance. Pressing the paddles to Glastons chest. The ancient body on the table jerked as a jolt of electricity surged through it.
The line on the EEG remained flat. "Again! More POWER!" Lance shouted once more.

"It's maxxed out!" Replied a frantic nurse, "The levels are already dangerously high!"

Lance shoved her aside, and frantically cranked the dial again. As he did so he held both paddles in his free hand. North watching Lance's desperate measures to save Glaston's life saw the surgeon's momentary lapse of concentration as he accidnetally brushed the paddles against his own chest. Instantly Lance fell to the floor, convulsing as the defibrolar pads stuck to his chest.

The nurse screamed. But moments later came to her senses and pulled the plug on the machine. North burst into the room as she was performing CPR on Lance. He barely looked at the nurses fighting to save Glaston. "We only need his brain alive! just keep pumping the heart!" he snarled before storming over to Lance. "Get him up," he growled at the nurse.

He leaned down into Lance's face. "You have thirty seconds to get up, Murdoch, or I'm going to mess up your little green friends so bad people will pay the orions to take them away!"

Lance coughed roughly, he blinked several times a glazed, dazed expression on his face. He looked down the the burn marks on the front of his medical smock, from the overloaded defibrolator paddles. He turned his gaze to North. "No." Was all he said.

North's face took on the surprised face of someone who was used to seeing intimidation get results. "Last Chance. Get this show on the road, or I trigger those nanites, and leave you a cripple whilst I gut your little girlfriends."

Lance rolled over and struggled to his knees. The smell of burnt fabric and charred flesh filled his nostrils. He coughed again. "Get bent." He spat. He rolled his eye's over at North as he drew several deep ragged breaths. "I'm done being your errand boy." He said. Glancing accross at the nurse trying to keep Glastons heart going. He reached up and yanked the tubes and wires out of the decrepid, evil old man. The machines that had been keeping what was left of him alive screamed in protest. Lance ignored them. He pulled himself up to his feet as North looked on agast. "DIE! You evil sonofa..." He said. The Nurse stepped back in fright. Then bolted for the door.

Lance turned his attention back to North whose rage was about to erupt like a pent up volcano. "Your boss is dead. You're next." The Doctor said simply.

North's reply was a an uppercut that was powered from the knees, caught Lance on the chin, picked him up bodily and flung back to the floor a good six feet from where he started.

The surgeon crashed into a trolley of surgical impelments and went down in a clatter.
He spat out a globule of blood from where he had bit the inside of his lip in the punch.

North stalked towards him slowly, pulling out a small silver switch. "You can't say you weren't warned," He thumbed the silver switch, and grinned, "say hello to arthritis. for five minutes before I beat the living shit from you."

North flicked the switch. Nothing happened. North flicked the switch again, after a moment nothing continued to happen. Lance rose to his feet before North, blood dripping from the demonic grin on his lips. North glanced at the defribrolator paddles in disbelief, as he realised what Lance had done.

Lance nodded. "That's right Mr North. I fried your nanites when I electrocuted myself." The manic grin was fixed psychotically on his face. "Oh and I figured out that Plutoxin 7 virus was just a bluff, a concentrated version of the flu I believe. Glaston would never risk impairing the man who had to save his life." He glanced at the old mans corpse now lying abondoned on the table.

Lance had been moving slowly around the room, placing himself between Gwen who was still lying unconscious on her bio-bed, out of the corner of his eye he could see one of the nurses administering to the Orion girls in the obervation room.

He looked up at the hulking brute that was Mr North "Time to die Mr North." He taunted the big man.

T'Pal used the errupted mayhem to ease her way towards the door. Glaston was now dead and she fullfilled her contract. The Doctor's intervention quickened his demise, but she couldn't care less how he died. All she was interested in was getting out of there and leaving no trace. But a block of a man blocked her path. The Doctors threat gave a name to this obstacle and his obvious hatred for him, suited her well right now.

She accessed her blade under her scribbs and in a swift movement, drove it into North's spine, severing his spine between his fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae in a calculated cut. As North's legs gave way, the same blade plunged into the superior carotid triangle and was pulled out instantly. Like other of her kind, T'Pal studied anatomy, the anatomy of killing. It was her trade. As North slowly sank to the floor, she saw that the doctor face to face for a moment before he moved in towards North.

North's mouth moved wordlessly as the shock set in. "You're dying Mr North." Lance said calmly. Watching the red stain spread around North's wound. He selected an impelement from one of the trays. "I could save you Mr North." Lance said stepping up to the hired thug.

"But I'm not going to." Lance suddenly brandished the tool, it resembled an ice-pick, in one swift sudden movement he plunged it into North's right eye. The killer screamed in agony. "An eye for an eye Mr North." Lance exclaimed, remembering what he had done to the Orions.

He extraced the spike from the punctured remains of the man's ocular organ. North continued to scream, he clawed weakly at fluids dribbling down his face. Lance gave him a tight smile. "I told you that you would die screaming. Mr North." He grabbed Norths chin and lifted it. Gazing into the man's one remaining eye. Which flickered in terror and pain. "You've caused nothing but pain and anguish Mr North, now at the end, you die with the knowledge that your entire life was a failure, you will join your master in hell."

Lance smiled again, "And the last thing you will ever see is my face!!" He plunged the spike into North's remaining eye. The killer screamed again, he reached up and toppled over, driving the spike deeper into his skull. Lance stepped back.

"Be seeing you Mr North." He said. Then almost toppled over, he was still weak from the electric discharge he had taken only minutes before. He looked accross at Gwen, time for all of them to get the hell out of there.

The surge of violence had sent the staff scattering, knowing that any protection that success would have offered was now gone. Gwen was still unconsciounce, no one monitering her vitals. Chiara and Kendra appeared at the door of the theatre, supporting each other. "Lets get out of here!"

The passionate display of vengance from the Doctor appealed to T'Pal's Klingon side, but there was no time to acknowledge that, that would be illogical. The others in the room had no interest to her, she only wanted to make sure she didn't compromise her own escape and identity. She proceded to step over the body and the increasing pool of blood, careful not to get any of it on her. Passing close to the Doctor, she exited the door to where they scrubbed. An overly zealous guard tried to stop her, but her he met his demise at the end of T'Pal's blade, which she drove into his jugular notch with a twist to the right to sever the coroitid artery. He groaned and sank to the floor as well. Two nurses screamed and ran out of the room, giving T'Pal change to slip out as well and ditch her scrubbs.

She walked down the corridor, clothed in the brown outfit of one of the crew towards the hatch she entered through.

As the assasin vanished into the depths of the ship Lance gently hefted Gwen off the bio bed, she was heavier than expected, or maybe he was just still feeling weak. He nodded to the Orions, "Lead on." He said simply.


A Jp Between:

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5


Security Consultant


A cast of thousands, provided by Notty