Unity – Where do allegiances lie?
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   Where do allegiances lie?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 10:39am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD17 11:50 (before Greo meets with Gabriel)

Greo hustled out of sickbay as fast as he could. The doctor had given him another earfull over his embassy episode, but he had things he needed to get done. As he moved along the wide corridor he felt the pain and stress that had been hanging in the air as an actual wound. He was a walking reminder of the attack and people averted their gaze as he walked. It had been the same on the way to the embassy. He was used to it. It was about time he spoke to Gabriel, but he felt like a walk to get the stiffness out of his limbs. He made his way on to the promenade, feeling a little better with every step.

Tharek gazed out of the small window, on toward the stars. He never stopped and looked. People moved around Tharek, careful not to cause any more stress to anyone onboard. The attack had given everyone problems. Even Tharek.

He continued to gaze for about five minutes, staring at certain stars and far-off planets. He could feel people around him moving in as time went on and the crowds became larger. Then, he noticed it. The distinct smell of a reptile. He rose to full height and scowered the crowd for the source of the scent.

Greo made his way through the people, moved to a stall and purchased a thin carton of an orange coloured juice drink. He sipped at the convenient straw, his lips still sore. His whole face felt tight as he turned his head, looking across the promenade toward the windows. All they would have seen from here was the anomaly, he thought to himself, shame I didn't get to watch it close with my own eyes. He froze as he caught sight of the tall cardassian staring at him from the window.

Who is that Tharek asked himself as he towered above the crowd. Intent on finding the identity of this new Cardassian, he paced his way through the crowd to him. Tharek nudged some people out of his way to get to the other Cardassian, resulting in some "Ow's." and "Hey's!" along the way.

There goes my peaceful walk, Greo thought to himself as the large Cardassian forced his way toward him. People were starting to look and make the connection between the large man and his quarry. Greo gestured at the Cardassian to move toward an alcove between two stalls, so as not to make a scene. He shuffled over toward it himself, concerned as to what this person might want to have to do with him.

Greo knew Cardassians had a strange kinship, one of great bonds and rivalries all at once. His mother had often told him of Cardassia Prime. As a young angry boy facing the death of his mother at the hands of the spoonheads he had wanted nothing to do with them what-so-ever. Yet now, as an adult, Greo had a curiosity that had not been there before. Let me see what this Cardassian wishes to say to me. He waited at the alcove, breathing deeply from a brief flash of pain. It passed as the man reached him.

"Good morning."

"Kiba'avzayn". Tharek announced in perfect and fluent Cardassian.

"Ziglen'dask" Greo answered with the formal response. He hadn't spoken Cardassian in so long it felt odd to form the words. He stood as tall as he could with his injuries and held eye contact with the taller man.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon, Chief Science Officer. Can I help you at all?"

Tharek inspected Greo's face. "Vi'kar Gul Getal, Ambassador to the Cardassian Union." He said in a pompous manner. "How old are you?" Tharek demanded.

Greo was taken aback by the question, not sure where the conversation had started let alone where it was going. The man was a reminder of the austerity of Cardassians that Greo had always found uncomfortable to bear.

"Good to meet you Ambassador, I am twenty-eight." He was not sure why he would want to know his age. He tried to change the subject. "Funny, I was just over at the embassy area this morning."

Tharek eyed the man up and down, scanning him with his eyes. He then stopped, and retained a look of civility, some would even call it pleasentness. "Mine, or someone elses?"

"I'm sure you would have been commed if I had attended your embassy Ambassador." Greo tried his best Cardassian avoidance impression, hoping the man might be more interested in him than his actual activities. "May I ask why my age is important to you?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you have been involved with the military at all." Tharek said, he assumed that Greo had, after all, the miltary was compulsory for all male Cardassians.

Greo turned his head slightly and tugged on his collar revealing a distinctly uncardassian, yet still grey, neck. "My father was a human. It appears that Cardassian DNA is extremely strong, but not entirely dominant. I was brought up a Federation citizen. I need not ask such questions of a man such as yourself."

Tharek rubbed his own neck ridges, whilst looking at Greo's. "So I assume you've never been to Cardassia?"

"To be honest Ambassador as a small boy I was very angry at Cardassians, but now I am older and wiser I feel a great compulsion to discover my mother's people." Greo paused for a breath. "To answer your question Ambassador though, no I haven't, but I would very much like to. Tell me do you agree with the militaristic regime that still abides on Cardassia, or are you favourable to the new Hebetian revival that is being talked about?" Greo may not have been to Cardassia, but he read about the place from time to time.

"I'm Cardassian. Born and bred in Cardassian society. The return of Hebetian society to a refined, if damaged, Cardassia will ruin the species." Tharek looked down on Greo with narrowed eyes. "I quote one of our greatest leaders; Joy is vulnerability, education is power."

"Well we half agree. Education is the door to understanding, something we all strive for in different ways. As far as joy is concerned, to not allow yourself to experience something is to fear it. Fear is the greatest challenge we all face, especially the fear of failure. How goes the rebuilding of your homeworld?" Greo hoped his comments were being subtle enough, he didn't realise how much the romulan ambassador had upset him and how little he had time for arrogant, power-hungry officials.

"It is slow and tireing, and requires every child of Cardassia to help. Have you done anything to aide Cardassia?" Tharek asked, raising his eyebrow quizzically.

"Unfortunately this posting hasn't enabled me to personally assist Cardassia or her people." Greo was becoming aware of the time. "I'm very sorry to leave mid conversation, but I have to head over to the security office. Maybe we can talk another time?"

"I'd love to. Drop by the embassy once in a while. See some of your distant brethren." Tharek exclaimed, trying to throw in a sincere smile.

"Of course." Greo agreed as he walked away from the imposing Cardassian. It was turning out to be quite a day for the Chief Science Officer. Let's hope Gabriel is in a good mood! he thought as he made his way to security.


Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Chief Science Officer


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador