Incommunicado – The Rise of the House of Vaurek
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Rise of the House of Vaurek
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jul 02, 2012 @ 11:29am
Location   Senate Chambers, Ra'tleihfi. ch'Rihan.
Timeline   Indeterminate but within Incommunicado timeline - will amend when I decide exactly where this falls
“It is a very …” the Praetor paused as he considered which descriptor to select. The wrong one might give Isha an advantage, but knowing her, so might the right one, “… radical proposal, you are making. Please explain again the basis for the petition.”

The edges of Isha’s lips twitched very slightly as again she took the central podium. In the chamber were several senior members of the Upper Senate, the leader of each Great House or a senior representative, and the entire Continuing Committee.

“Radical?” Isha tasted the word, “I think not, indeed the proposal has precedent. In the year 1958 a feud split the loyalties of the House of Mandak, thirty years on conflict that threatened the stability of the Empire were brought to a close by such an agreement. The noble Houses of Mandak and of Viaen still stand today, pillars of the Empire.”

“Ihhei t’Khellian, the case you refer to occurred four hundred years ago, an earlier time when such division could be accommodated,” it was the head of the Merchant Navy who made the point.

“Four hundred and twenty seven,” Isha replied. “And the Empire was on eh brink of disaster, all because too much power had been allowed to accumulate in the hands of one person. My proposal is a very simple one, but I will explain to you now why I wish to divest myself of power, and to retire.”

Isha paused, the collective gasp was quiet but it was audible. How rare it was for any Rihannsu to put power aside. She was in control of the room as she gazed over the assembly. Her mother, her daughter, friends and enemies … who among them would expect this.

“Eight months ago I consolidated the House of Illialhlae having eliminated the threat of dissent within that even grew so far as to threaten these halls. At this time I thought it appropriate to cede control over the House to my daughter who stands among you as eri'hfirh of the House of Illialhlae even as I stand here as eri'hfirh to the House of Khellian, heir to my esteemed mother the hru'hfirh.

“I see it in your expressions, my lords that you fear that by creating a third House over which I have power that I would further entrench my position, but this fear is unfounded. I cannot in all honour continue to lead my husband’s House. Our daughter can. If ratified, my daughter will with immediate effect become hru'hfirh of the House Illialhlae and with the able support of her retainers lead my Husband’s House into the future.

“I have long been at odds with my esteemed mother over the future of the House Khellian, it is agreed that my cousin Kaolea will become eri’hfirh and carry the House of Khellian forward. My accession poses too great a risk to such a sizable House, it would be split and civil war would ensue.

“So you see, my intent is to retire to my colony on Cariel III which will be the base of the House of Vaurek. It is not I who will lead the House of Vaurek to greatness, but my children who were born three weeks ago. I ask this for their future, and to honour the deeds and achievements of their father Rh’Vaurek Raedheol who is listed as lost in action.”
Again Isha paused. The gasp was loud this time, they knew that there was no going back for her after this.
In those long seconds Isha thought again on why she was doing this, she had given birth at Pradai, the town that had grown up around her estate in the Cariel system, several weeks premature, but both of the babies had survived, Eviess ir-Pradai t’Vaurek eight minutes older than her brother Argelian ir-Pradai tr’Vaurek.
“I will accept no petitions from members of either my mother’s or my daughter’s House to join me save those who already reside within my walls under my protection. I have provided revenue projections, study them. This is a great opportunity for the Empire. I will await your verdict.”

As the last echoes of her voice rang off the vaulted roof Isha turned and left the chamber, her skirts barely rustling in the silence as she glid across the marbled floor.

As the doors closed behind her she smirked to herself as the chamber erupted. There was only one conclusion that that heated debate could reach.

Seven hours later the foundation of the Lesser House of Vaurek was confirmed with Isha as its head.


Isha e-Khellian-Illialhlae t'Vaurek
hru'Hfirh of the House of Vaurek