Unity – it is not wise to enrage former marines
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   it is not wise to enrage former marines
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sat Feb 13, 2010 @ 2:39am
Location   WII Offices
Wayne was in his office he was still furious with the chief of security and his anger showed not only in his posture but in his eyes and his hands as well. It was times like this that he really wished he had not given up some of the things he had over the years. The main reason that he was so pissed off right now was not the fact that he had to go through a total of four searches of his ship, it was more the fact that the blasted Chief of security was acting like he was god's gift to starfleet.

Well all things considered now at least the searches were over and all his office gear and experiments were safly tucked away in their places. Some of the crates would not be opened until the null grav and vacum lab was sealed off. Some of the things were just not met to be played with. He knew that his moves would piss off the CSO but frankly he could at the moment have cared less. At the moment the extra security measures were being put in place, and a few extra guards were stationed in key areas.

True it made the place resemble a fortress but none of the measures were overly obvious and really the only thing that stood out was the extra man power. It was only a rough guess but at the moment he figured that it would take at least two squads of marines to get into the heart of the operation, and if at some point the CSO should decide to play dirty well there were backup life support and power generators ready on standby.

He hated being this paranoid but there was really nothing else he could do he would be damned if he was going to put up with a pompus jackass. He would have to start watching things a little more closely and setting up a few things to cover his ass if things went south as he expected them to. he might have to explain things to the station CO but he would cross that bridge when he came to it.