Judgement – The source of trouble
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon

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Title   The source of trouble
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon
Posted   Sat Jul 02, 2011 @ 10:18pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 38 2115 (immediately after Please Drink Responsibly)

He reached out and put a hand on her knee. Leaning forward there was more than a whiff of the kal-ifal on his breath, "You can't go yet. The night is young."

Miranda quickly sobered upon his touch, "I've got a headache, we can meet up some other time", after sliding his hand off of her knee she quickly stood up from the bar stool.

He caught her arm. "Aww, sweetheart. You're the most adventurous woman on station remember?"

"And you're a daring trader of whom the Star Empire depends on.. Remember?", Miranda pulled the Romulan around her and threw him into the bar. Upon collision a loud crash was heard as he had been thrown into a collection of empty glasses, the Box of Delights came to a sudden stand still as all eyes converged upon the two.


[Box of Delights]

"I don't care! In the span of a month this place has been the site of a full-scale riot. A murdered woman was discovered in the bathroom, and now there has been bar fight involving a Starfleet officer!" Trellis shouted uncharacteristically.

It was becoming hard for him to focus on protecting the rest of the station when he had to worry about this particular establishment transforming into a war zone.

"This bar has become nothing but a threat to the safety and security of the promenade." Trellis said to the Barkeep.

"I will not stand by as more and more people are hurt or even killed because of the dangerous elements that this place attracts!" He continued as his subordinate officers continued to walk around the Bar interviewing witnesses.

Rosh Pelin squirmed at Trellis's accusation. "You should probably take that up with the Boss. I just serve the drinks. Besides, e're a big place, we probably ...uh.. don't.. atrract more trouble than anywhere..." he trailed off. "Talk to the boss."

Before Trellis could respond, he was interrupted by another officer. "Lieutenant Trellis, I have reviewed the sensors and one of the combatants left immediately after. It appears that she is currently in sickbay." The young Ensign stated.

Trellis turned to him and responded quickly. "Go to sickbay, find the officer and keep her there until I am finished here, she is not to leave." he ordered as he turned back to the original target of his ire.

"I will talk to the boss, but until then, I am ordering that the Box of Delights close its doors until my department has done a thorough investigation and a plan can be constructed to ensure the safety of all the denizens of this station." He said affirmatively.

Pel was horrified. "You can't do that. We're not responsible for every criminal on the station!"

[Sick Bay]

By this time Miranda had made her way to sickbay and was sat down on a bed being patched up by one of the Medical Officers. This room seems and ideal of peace and tranquillity, in comparison to the Box of Delights. The Medical Officer, a short black haired male began to speak to her "Rough night aye?", she looked at him and smiled "Nothing that'll kill me right?". Miranda had a mild fear of sickbay's, gifted to her even since she was a child, the prolonged exposure to both the medical officer and the entire room was only making her more anxious by the minute.

Shanchen, pale blue antennae pointed forward at a jaunty angle strolled nonchantly towards Sickbay, his freshly replicated uniform covering him from ankle to neck. Just to be on the safe side he also wore thin surgical gloves, in and opaque blue that matched his skin tone. From the other direction he saw two security chumps heading straight for him, but didn't worry. He guessed they were here for the same person he was, though for different reasons. He stood aside to let them through the doors with a polite nod, and then busied himself with examining a patients notes in the foyer of Sickbay. He could wait.

Miranda watched as the officers marched into the room with a sense of nervousness surrounding her. Then, the realisation of what had happened hit her, she stood up from the medical bed and knew she needed to get out of the sickbay without attracting the attention of the security officers. Thus, slowly pacing towards the exit whilst the officers were reading her notes, she managed to reach the foyer, where she was spotted by the Andorian male.

She matched the description that his contact had given and she was obviously trying to dodge security. Shanchen stood distractedly and turned sharply into her path. His padd tumbled towrards her as he fubled it into the air, distracting her so he could swipe at pocket number one. "I'm so terribly sorry!" he gasped.

Miranda pushed him to the floor as she was still not fully sober and was wary of everybody around her because of the incident that had unfolded in the Box of Delights. "I don't need your apologies..!", she slurred when saying this and then began to run down the corridor out of sickbay, limping because of her injuries.

"Well where is she? We were informed that she was here!" Ensign Malcoy said to the medical officer. "Where did she go?" he said, his voice showing his frustration of wondering aimlessly through the station.

Shanchen got onto his knees. Risk involving security, or loosing the merchandise. He settled on involving security. Chances are they wouldn't even know what there were looking at if they turned her pockets out. "That way," he put on a theatrical gasp. "She went that way," and he pointed them after Miranda's fleeing form.

Miranda looked back to see the sight of two security officers pacing towards her "That blue...", she sighed and then came to a stand still. She then turned around to face the approaching officers, "Didn't realise I was so popular..", upon saying this she chuckled to herself and waited to be apprehended.

"Don't take another step, Lieutenant." The Ensign replied sternly. "Security Chief Trellis wants to speak to you about a recent dispute that occurred at the Box of Delights." He added as he gestured towards the nearest turbolift. "After you, ma'am."

[Box of Delights]

"I am doing this as a matter of security! Your boss can appeal my decision with the appropriate authorities at a later time!" He replied in a frustrated tone to Pelin.

*taps* "Ensign Malcoy to Lieutenant Trellis," Trellis' comm badge chirped, interrupting his conversation with the visibly agitated barkeep.

"Sir, we have obtained the Lieutenant from the Bar fight and we are escorting her to the Security department for you to speak with her." Malcoy stated.

*Taps* "Very well, I'll be there shortly. Trellis out." He said as he turned back to Pelin. "Please inform your customers that this establishment is no longer open for business. Do so, or I will do it for you." He concluded as he turned and exited the bar, but leaving an officer behind to facilitate in the shuttering of the business.

Miranda looked at the turbolift, then back to the Ensign. "Don't be too forceful to an injured and just attacked woman.. God, you people know how to train your security personnel with good manners don't 'cha?" she smiled upon saying this then stumbled onto the Turbolift with the Ensign, he spoke a few words to the computer, then the doors whooshed closed, and the lift began moving.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Miranda Aeylon
Chief of Communications

Rosh Pelin
The Box of Delights
Nefarious Andorian
NPCs by Notty