Judgement – Duchess
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Duchess
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Sep 17, 2011 @ 8:09pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 39, 1920

Akamu entered the Box and headed to a chair that offered a good view of the Dabo tables. A waitress stopped by, dropping of a short glass of brandy on the table before continuing her rounds. Ka'er arched his eyebrow, stretching his facial scars. He hadn't been to the Box that many times, nor had he ordered the same thing twice; but he had been planning to get a glass of brandy, somehow the waitress had known that. He thought about it for several minutes, before deciding Prince had called the Box ahead of time; it sounded like something the annoying computer might do. He was so engrossed in the rather dull train of thought that he failed to notice the woman who entered.

She was tall and slim, but her excellent figure was shrouded in a full length chocolate brown wraparound. The fabric, pinned to her right shoulder, wound around her shoulder, over her head, and across her face; hiding almost all her features, save for the sharp angle of the top of her nose and a pair of vibrant violet eyes. Silently, she approached the bar, unpinning the shawl as she walked. Stepping up to the bar, she unwound the top, revealing bright red-blonde hair and a coy smile.

"Ah," she sighed, meeting the barkeep's gaze. "That's better. I'd like a glass of wine, please." Her tone was one accustomed to command, tempered only by exhaustion following a long journey.

Rosh gave her a lightening fast professional evaluation. The weariness was obvious, so she'd probably benefit from something fortifying and fruity. "This is called Barollo. Its a human wine. The boss swears by it." he poured a small measure for her to taste.

She gazed down tiredly at the red liquid swirling in the base of the glass. Slowly raising it to her lips, she inhaled, then took a small sip. Carefully, she smiled across at the bartender and nodded, setting the glass down. "Excellent," she said.

"First one's on the house." Rosh told her. "But be warned, this isn't Ferengi synthetic. Its the real thing, so the effects can't be wished away."

The woman gazed at him imperiously. A drunk Telian was an uncommon sight, and she knew she could handle much worse than a single fruity glass of wine. However, she simply gave Rosh a gracious smile. "I am warned," she said, taking another sip and sitting down.

"What's your name, sir?" she asked after a moment of further inspection.

"Rosh," he blushed slightly at the formality. "Rosh Pelin. What's your's?"

"Shi'enna Oramen," She replied, taking a sip of wine. "Hey, you know where I can get some quarters for a few days?"

Shi'enna Oramen," he repeated. "You have a beautiful name." Then he coughed and busily started to fill out an order that a waiter brought over. "Uh, there's a hotel down on level four of the prom. Near the Bajoran Gardens. Or if you prefer something more spacious, I'd check with Civilian Affairs. Mercy might be able to find you some spare civvie quarters, if there are any going."

"Mmm.. I'll just stay at the hotel," Shi'enna said. She was simply too exhausted to be chasing anyone around trying to find suitable quarters. She only planned to be on Deep Space Five a few days.

"What about a ship?" she continued. "If I wanted to charter transportation to the Sle Belt, where would I ask?"

Rosh thought about it. "Well, there's always transports and freighters heading between here and the neutral zone. One of them may make a detour, or a private trip. If you can wait, again I'd say civvie affairs would probably have a registry or something, but..." He craned his neck, surveying the bar. "There may be one or two ships captain's in tonight...Uh, yes, there he is." He pointed to a table not far from the end of the bar, overlooking the gambling tables. where Akamu sat. "I think he has some sort of ship."

Shi'enna looked over at the man indicated. With the scars across his face at the brandy between his hands, not to mention the look with which he eyed the dabo girls, she could see he wasn't exactly the most savory character. Granted, she was in a bar; she shouldn't expect to run into the safe people.

Akamu had that little prick at the back of his neck, the one that told him someone was watching him. He turned and looked over at the bar, surprised to see a woman in a sadom robe standing there, gazing at him. He prided himself on being able to blend in with humans rather well, so he knew she hadn't singled him out as a Telian.

Curious, he drained his brandy, then walked over to the bar. "Hey Rosh," he said, a couple seats down from the woman. "Can I get a refill."

"Sure thing." the young bajorran moved over to him, and took the empty glass. "There's a lady down there who's looking to charter, if you need business." Then he went in search of a clean glass and the brandy.

Akamu turned towards the woman, meeting her bright purple gaze for the first time. It was only then he recognized her. She had certainly grown up in the last eighteen years; she looked remarkably like her sire.

"Shi'enna?" he said, sliding down towards her so he could see her better.

Shi'enna regarded the stranger calmly. Although he did look somewhat familiar, she couldn't place him at all. Perhaps he'd run cargo to Metrios before. Up close, his scars were even more startling, but his grin was also more infectious at such close range.

Rosh returned with Akamu's drink and the thumb padd. "Your brandy, Mr Makani," he put the brandy ballon down on the bar and held out the padd.

Ka'er paid for the drink silently, not taking his eyes off Shi'enna. He took a small sip of the brandy, feeling the burn as it slid down his throat. "I hear you're looking to charter a ship, Duchess."

"Not from you." Shi'enna had certainly recognized the name Makani, a mildly common Islander name; but she couldn't remember ever spending time with an Island peasant.

"Oh, come on, M'Lady," Ka'er sighed, setting his glass down. He could tell she still didn't recognize him. "You used to come to the Academy twice a week to watch us pretty soldier boys strut our stuff." Although there was a light, joking quality to his voice, it didn't reach his eyes. The Academy was what had gotten him involved in the war. In the end, it's what had taken Mira from him; and it had prevented him from ever meeting his son. He had no love for Herok Tevarna.

"Another glass madam?" Pelin saw the look on the woman's face, added the sour, haughty expression to the word 'duchess', multiplied it by the mild scorn Makani had just delivered and came up with imminent outburst. Keen to head off trouble, he jumped in first, "Or perhaps you'd prefer a cocktail?"

Shi'enna sent a glare at Pelin. "Another glass," she said. Calmly, she turned back to Ka'er.

"Yes, Ma'am." Pelin busily topped up her glass

"I seem to remember you strutting a bit more than the others," she smiled, taking a sip. Then, the regal woman leaned in closer, a predetory grin across her face. "I'm looking for passage to the Sle Belt."

"Well, Ive got a shi..." Akamu began.

"But I don't think I want to pay your price." She rose and strode out the door, leaving a half-empty glass of red wine behind.

Akamu raised an eyebrow, watching her leave, then turned back to Rosh. "I never gave my price."

Rosh stared after her as she swept out. "Wow. She was...very..." he swallowed. "What do you charge a woman like that?"

"What do I charge the only daughter of the Duke of Sordas for passage on my ship?" Akamu clarified. "That depends."

The bajoran cocked an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Depends on what?"

"Why she wants to get so close to the Neutral Zone." Akamu swirled his drink around in his drink. "The Sle Belt isn't exactly firmly planted in Federation space."

The other eybrow joined the first. "The Neutral Zone. The Romulans have been getting a bit twitchy lately."

"I've already made the Klingons, the Ferangi, and the Breen mad at me. I really don't wanna cross the Romulans either."

"I don't blame you." Rosh agreed. HE thought about it a bit more. "Is she worth it though?"

"She's the Lady of a powerful Telian family," Akamu said. "As long as she's not doing anything... questionable, I'll help her."

Rosh pursed his lips. Shi'enna had stormed out before Akami had given her his terms. "But does she want your help?"

Akamu stared at the door Shi'enna had just exited through. "Apparently not... "

Pelin had served behind enough bars and served enough drinks to know the look, the tone. A man who was still convinced her was in with a chance. "You're not going to let her give no for an answer are you?"

"I'm relentless," Ka'er replied with a smirk. He drained his glass, then got up and followed Shi'enna, putting on his most confident swagger.


Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Civilian Mercenary

Shi'enna Oramen

Rosh Pelin
The Box of Delights