Beg, Steal or Borrow – The neighbors
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The neighbors
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Feb 03, 2009 @ 3:41am
Location   Intelligence offices, main breifing room
Timeline   sd 7 1100hrs
Jarred looked at the pile of reports, seven of them had reports of unusual Romulan activity, most of it looked routine, some looked like exercise activity, it was the location that bothered him. Jarred mused over the last report when his train of thought was interrupted by the presence of Lt. Gabriel.

"What the hell are you being paid to do here?" Dorian asked stepped into the smaller officer. Thankfully Dorian did not suffer from claustrophobia, because the room barely had enough room to fit more than a desk, a chair, and two officers. However, in his experience, Dorian never believed that an officer needed a port-side window to effectively serve the Federation.

"Why in the hell am I receiving reports about the damage you caused while investigating the Legacy incident?" He asked calmly at first, but his voice beginning to rise as he went along. "I gave you one simple assignment. No where in my orders did I tell you to conscript the Station's shrink. If you want to be a reckless cowboy so badly, I can arrange for you to be transferred to the Marine Detachment on this station. I will not have your incompetence tainting the performance of this department." He said as his anger began to subside.

"Now what do you have to report on the Legacy situation?" He asked.

Jarred tried to control his temper, he reached in his desk for a PADD and passed it too the lieutenant. "those are my original orders Lt. Gabriel, I was under separate orders from earth, find the Legacy, use any resources necessary, etc., you've heard it all I'm sure."

Jarred handed the Lieutenant the second PADD, "The Legacy is salvageable, its in the dock under marine guard right now. It was the regular security that may have made this mess worse, also I found these images from the security system. one of them looks like Natrice from the bar on the promenade." jarred paused "Second, this 'princess' or who ever she was, may have links to a group that was involved in a bombing on earth 10 years ago. I've got someone with the captain just in case we have a 'mishap'."

Gabriel reviewed the Padd for several moments. "I don't care what your previous orders are. As long as you are under my Command you'll follow my orders, and mine alone. The last thing I need is for you to conduct these half-cocked ancillary detours." Gabriel responded.

He continued to review the images taken from the vessel. He wasn't sure why Natrice was anywhere near the vessel, but he knew how he could find out.

"Worry about the Princess later, that was Rakka's responsibility. For now, I want you to obtain a warrant to be served upon Natrice's establishment. I want you to discover what her and her bar have in connection with the USS Legacy.

Jarred just gave a wicked smile, "I'll do you one better, I already submitted a warrant request, I'll ask for a Search warrant instead."

For the first time in a long time, Dorian smirked slightly. "Good. Just to show her how serious we are, I want you to shut down her bar pending the conclusion of our investigation." Gabriel said as he handed the Padd back to him. "You'll find my authorization on the Padd. Let me know if you have any trouble executing the order, contact security." He said as he turned to exit the office.

"Lieutenant there is also a mountain of Romulan fleet movement reports that are of concern." Wallace stated.

Gabriel stopped in the doorway and turned to the man. "You have your orders, I'll deal with the Romulan issue myself." He said as he turned and continued on his way.

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer

Jarred Wallace
Assistant Intel Officer