Interlude – TLC
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   TLC
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Jun 18, 2010 @ 8:45pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Immediately after "Borg and Beligerance pt 5"

When Tharek and Yolanthe materialised inside the main sickbay, it was mostly deserted; a mix of the late hour and the fact that anyone non-critical had been moved out following the Maquis attack. The bar tender was glad she'd already puked everything she had to puke over the holosuite, as her stomach felt like it had been tied in knots during transport. She got to her feet, a little shaky, and turned to offer a hand to the Cardassian Ambassador.

His left foot was at an angle that could only be described as... incorrect. "Stay put, I'll get a doctor." She moved away, heading for the only face she knew, the CMO. It was probably just as well, he was an ambassador, he'd probably want and expect the best doctor in the house. She tapped Chelsea on the shoulder. "Sorry Doctor, one of my customer's had an accident, he needs looking at at. Can you help?"

"Yes of course" Chelsea agreed as always, passing what she was doing to a nearby nurse to finish off. "What about you, Yolanthe? You look a little battered yourself!" Chelsea commented, looking up and down the woman she had recently met and decided she liked, assessing her apparent injuries. Picking up her trusty med-kit, Chelsea got out her scanner and looked as if she was about to turn it on the Bokkai to assess her instead.

"I'll be fine, I've had worse," The Bokkai waved off Chelsea's concerns for her own injuries, and led the way towards Tharek. "He's worse than I am. Broken hand, some slicing, and his ankle's definitely not right." Since she was a lot taller than Chelsea, the CMO didn't see exactly who she was talking about until Yolanthe stepped aside, presenting the doctor with the reptilian features of the Vi'kar Gul.

"Well?!" He said, clutching onto his ankle, as the pain started to kick in. "Get on with it!"

Chelsea stood completely still a rush of adrenalin surging through her. Her eyes narrowed and she didn't move at all, mainly for fear that if she let go of the iron control that was holding her still, she might just give into her emotions and pick up something of a laser-sharp nature with which to surgically reshape him into a eunuch.

"Don't just stand there!" Tharek yelled. "Fix my leg!"

Yolanthe looked from the cardassian to the bajoran. or half-bajoran she wasn't sure. All of a sudden she realised she'd probably not made the right decision. A blush of palest peach appeared where her bruises weren't black. "..I'm just going to find someone to look at this," she muttered, waving vaguely at the huge black bruises that covered the right side of her face, and beat a hasty retreat, leaving Chelsea alone with Getal.

Chelsea stood up to her full height and with great control said quietly. "I am a Federation Medical Officer. It is my duty to offer medical assistance to those in need, however, i am not obliged to treat abusive patients and the last time you were in her Gul Vikal, you were just that. You threatened me, and also my staff, and you were offensive. This visit you don't appear to be starting on any different footing and your demands will get you nothing. If you wish to have your injury treated, you will ask in the appropriate manner, using the words *please* and *thankyou* and you will refrain from shouting, demanding or threatening. Is that clear?"

As she finished her statement, Chelsea flicked her comm badge before he could reply. "And just so we're also clear that i am quite serious about containing your *tendancies*...... " the badge responded with a chirp to show it was transmitting.

=^= lieutenant-Commmander Adams to Security, I have a disturbance in Sickbay and require a team suitable for the containment of a violent and abusive Cardassian patient. =^=

"Now then, Ambassador Getal, how are we going to proceed with your treatment?" she finished, her terms laid out and the safety net of security in place.

Oh, she went there. Chelsea had made him annoyed. The implant inside Tharek's head kicked in again. He stood up from the biobed, despite his broken ankel, and walked directly over to Chelsea, standing less than an inch away. He stood to his full height, and dwarfed Chelsea. "Say that again. I dare you."

"What all of it? Didn't you manage to retain *any* of it? You're probably suffering from a blow to the head... " she raised her medscanner towards his head, as if to check, the med-padd in her other hand.

~either that, or you *should* be! Allow me to assist with that?~ she thought.

"You are testing my patience Baj... Commander." He said through gritted teeth. "I grow tired of these games, are you going to fix my fucking leg or not?!"

"Your language is not appropriate for a family sickbay, Vi'kal Gul, I would request you modify it. I am not playing games. I will repair your wounds but only when I am reassured you will not renew your past attempts to attack and intimidate me or my staff. Now can I have your reassurance and reasonable behaviour for the short time you will be here, or not?" she replied.

"Fine." Tharek grumbled down onto Chelsea, before turning and lying back down onto the biobed.

Chelsea got to work and scanned his injuries, starting by setting the bio-arch regenerator on his ankle as she used the hand-held to dissipate the contusions and bruises. She sealed his cut from the depth outwards, regenerating the layers and then finally making a neat seal of new skin over the top.

With his ribs then reset carefully, she returned her focus to the ankle and worked the control panel to adjust the analgesic it was administering, increasing the dose so that she could remove some tiny fragments of shattered bone with a laser probe, she skilfully worked the regenerator to neatly knit the joint back together.

When it was all finished she stood back and brought up a schematic full body scan on the screen behind the bed, reviewing her work and nodding thoughtfully as she mentally ticked off all the repairs.

Ed McBain who had assisted, smiled with satisfaction. "Nicely done" he commented as the excellent results could be seen as an overview. "Couldn't have done better myself" he smirked, raising the first smile in almost an hour from the serious face of the CMO when she was absorbed in her work. "Oh right!" she lightened up, equally satisfied with the quality of the job done.

They both looked at Tharek who was clearly more than bored with having to lie still for so long. "I think you'll be pleased with that, Vi'kar Gul. The bones that were the most damaged may need a little boost from the regenerator tomorrow but you won't be scarred nor in any more pain." Chelsea explained, clearing the med-arch back and indicating the screen behind, for Tharek to see as he sat up.

He glared at the screen. "Great. Can I leave now? This place makes me feel sick." He then tapped his badge. "Getal to Berok, have a small medical room built into the embassy. I'd prefer my own doctors to the Fed ones."

"You're welcome!" Chelsea responded and walked away shaking her head.


Yolanthe Ibalin


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal