Incommunicado – Half-Vulcans Can't Jump
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Half-Vulcans Can't Jump
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Feb 13, 2012 @ 9:45pm
Location   Holodeck 4, then Kaelin's quarters
Timeline   SD55 - 15.00hrs

"I can't believe you actually talked me into this. You should feel extremely privileged," Kaelin told Lash for what felt like the tenth time since they'd met that morning. Holding his hand, he let Lash lead him along to the holosuite section of the civilian base. He'd suggested they use the Starfleet ones but Lash had insisted, saying the civilian holodecks had less restrictions. Kaelin was confused and didn't quite know what he'd meant by that, or whether or not he should be worried, but went along with it.

"It could be worse. We should be doing this in the Box of Delights. These ones are a little dated." Lash finished loading up the program. "But for what I have in mind, it won't matter."

"And just what do you have in mind?" Kaelin asked, trying to sound as eager as possible and failing miserably. He'd never liked holodecks and he very much doubted this would change his mind, even if he was with Lash.

"Something to demonstrate the brilliance of holodecks."

"Oooh, I'm intrigued," Kaelin said, giving him only a vaguely flirty look before looking down the corridor.

Lash just grinned, "tah-dah!"

It was a changing room.

Kaelin looked around curiously at his new surrounding. "What-"

"So get changed, silly! Catch!" Lash through an old fashioned Locker key at Kaelin's chest.

The grabbed it easily, staring down at it for a moment. As he lifted his head up to ask Lash something, the younger man was already going through his own locker, utterly distracted. Glancing down at the key, Kaelin thought it would be best to just play along so, unlocking his locker, he opened it, looking inside.

Inside the locked was a brand new pair of sneakers, a pair of baggy shorts, in blue with purple trim, and a matching purple strip.

Reaching inside, he took out the uniform, looking it over before turning his head to look at Lash.

Lash was stripping down enthusiastically, and without any self consciousness what so ever. He was thin as a whip too. A strong wind would probably knock him down.

Kaelin smiled fondly at Lash's enthusiasm before stripping off his own clothes. Although pale in comparison to the half-Vulcan, Kaelin had an incredibly good looking physique, easily confirming the views of his race's universal beauty. He changed quickly, folding his own clothes and placing them back into the locker.

"Nurse Mcbain mentioned you liked basketball, so I thought we could play. But I'm useless at one-on-one, so I've picked us some team mates to choose from. Come on,"
He led Kaelin out to the court. It was a magnificent replication of the Boston Garden Arena, its orignal glory from fourhundred and fifty years ago.

Sitting on the court was a group of men, mostly human though there were one or two aliens scattered in, and Kaelin knew almost all of them. Possibly the eight greatest players in the games history, Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan Lebron James and Dwyane Williams, the Denobulan Mostix Anar, and the 7’ 6” tall, spindly, whip-fast Betelgeusian Los Lavae.

Lash leaned over murmure in kaelin’s ear, “Dibbs on Los Lavae.”

"Jerk..." Kaelin murmured back before he moved away. "I'll go with..." he considered the players. "Lebron James," he decided.

The two made their picks and at the end, Kaelin's team consisted of Anar, Chamberlain, James and Johnson, leaving Lash with Russel, Jordan, Williams and Lavae. Kaelin had one of his players throw him the ball and he tested it out for a couple of seconds. "So, how do we play this? Do we call our own fouls?"

"Sure, why not?" LAsh replied. "its just a friendly game."

The other nine people in the room gave him a look that said that there was not, and never had been, any such thing in their lives.

Shooting for who starts the game, Lash's team won and they started. It wasn't long before Lash found himself body checked as he jumped up to dunk the ball. He hit the pavement and Kaelin grabbed the ball he'd lost, shooting from the spot and getting his team three points.

Lash scrambled up onto his feet. "So we're playing it that way are we?" He grinned. "Fair enough." He scooped up the ball and passed it to Jordan. "Catch him if you can!" he taunted Kaelin as the small forward shot forward with ball, his team mates working hard to check any attempts Kaelin's team made on him.

But ultimately, Kaelin managed to grab hold of the ball and tossed it to Anar, who passed it on. Just as they were about to shoot Jordan seemed to come out of nowhere and with one well placed body slam sent Lebron James to the floor, letting him score two point for Lash.

"Damn," Kaelin spat, his competitive side worked up. The game progressed and both Kaelin and Lash were thrown around. Lash more so than the Deltan, due to his light frame. More often than not, it was Kaelin pushing him away. As the game progressed they became more and more intent on checking each other, to the point where Kaelin had no idea who had the ball, just as long as it wasn't Lash.

The score was 50-51 in Lash's favor and Kaelin really wasn't in this for the sport anymore as one of his more ugly traits reared its head. The main reason he didn't participate in many of the base's team sports. He was way too competitive for his own good. Not to mention he was a sore loser.

Lash hopped and skipped around him, keeping the Deltan away from Dwyane as he lined up another shot. "Want me to ask them to go easy on you?" Williams practically took flight, and the ball smashed into the net, the hoop making a loud twanging sound. "He shoots, he scores!" Lash crowed before turning round to high five the taller man.

Kaelin frowned and snapped at his Denobulan teammate as he tried to comfort him by saying something about 'sportsmanship'. By the end of the game, Kaelin was practically fuming and Lash bouncing around like an excited chipmunk wasn't helping. He was over 20 points ahead of Kaelin and seemed very aware of the fact that they only had 2 minutes of game time left.

Lash, the shortest on his team by far, was nipping in and out of the other men, dodging round Chamberlain by virtue of being small enough to stay out of reach, made a play for the net, thrwoing all his energy into leaping for the hoop. But just as he got close, he felt a firm body hit him from the side and he kissed the floor once again. But he'd let go of the ball just in time and it went through the hoop. The end of the game signaled followed by plenty of Deltan curses escaping Kaelin's mouth.

The Half Vulcan got up, wiping a streak of blood over his cheek from a spit lip. He checked the scoreboard, and with a delighted grin began hugging and high-fiving the rest of his team. Afterall, they had done all the work. Unlike Kaelin, Lash didn't know his point guard from elbow or his breaks from his bum. Then he turned to Kaelin, and couldn't resist putting out an impish tongue, before making a L sign with one hand against his forehead.

"Why you little..." Kaelin began, outraged at his childish antics. As the other players left the court to head to the showers, he marched over to Lash and grabbed him around his waist, tacking him quite easily to the ground. As he heard Lash let out a squeak when Kaelin's fingers moved over his ribs, an evil grin erupted over his face. "Ticklish?" he asked innocently before grabbing the man's sides and tickling him.

"arrgh!" gasped Lash, "Yes...NO!.. get off!" He squealed and curled into a ball, trying to keep Kaelin's hands away from her sensitive skin.

"Oh, no you don't!" Kaelin said, continuing his assault by tickling behind his knees and under jaw, moving his fingers over the soft flesh. "This is for that L sign!" he told him, watching his squirm and turn red in the face.

Lash bucked and thrasshed, partly giggling, partly chokng under the assault. "Stop! Please stop!" he squealed. "I've pulled something! I'm sorry! Stop! Stop!"

Continuing the assault and earling a few more squeals of laughter from the half-Vulcan, Kaelin finally stopped, his just resting his hands on Lash's sides now as he looked down at his flushed face. "Had enough, eh?" he asked with a wicked grin.

"Uncle! Uncle" Lash held up his hands and gasped for breath, "Please, for the love of Pete! Show mercy!

Kaelin chuckled, "Well, alright. But only because you beg so adorably," he allowed, propping himself on his elbow to look down at Lash trying to catch his breath.

The young man was wheezing and gasping like he'd run a marathon. "I think I hate you."

The Deltan grinned and leaned down to nuzzle his cheek affectionately. "No you don't," he said against his ear.

Lash sighed happily, his hand brushing at Kaelin's face. "Yes I do. This is me, hating you."

"Well, then you're very lousy at it," Kaelin teased, not moving away. His brain nagged at him, telling to pull away, but the contentment he felt at that moment overshadowed the little voice easily.

"Yup," Lash murmured, breathing gently against Kaelin's neck. "But you should see what I'm like when I'm in love."

"Should I?" Kaelin asked, kissing Lash's temple softly as he reached up and took Lash's hand in his own, entwining their fingers in a now very familiar, loving motion.

The half-vulcan slid an arm round the deltans waist and pulled him down closer, "Oh, yes. I'd do anything for the person I fell in love with."

"Oh really? Anything? Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Kaelin relaxed against Lash's side, still keeping himself propped up on one elbow so that he could look down at him.

"Danger is my middle name." Lash gave him a wicked glance. "Don't you like a little bit of danger now and again? Lets you know you're alive."

"Really? I wouldn't know. I've kind of always been the type to play it safe," Kaelin admitted, nuzzling Lash's cheek lovingly.

"Trust me you have not had wild passionate sex until you've had wild passionate sex after a near death encounter." He gave a big grin and nuzzled up against him.

"Then I suggest we immediately transfer out of the geek branches and into Security. Though, with me being a pacifist and you being so scrawny and nerdy, I doubt they'd have us." Kaelin laughed.

"Ah, but you don't need to be in security. You just need to be repairing the nacelles when Engineering tries to flush the warp core, or in Qu'its for last orders."

Kaelin laughed, shaking his head at the younger man. "I think I'll just stick to Medicine. Pathology is less adventurous," he decided, kissing Lash's cheek before glancing over his face. As his eyes settled on Lash's lips, he finally noticed his split lip. "Oh...I'm so sorry," he said sincerely, reaching out with his hand to gently inspect the small wound. "We should go to my quarters so that I can fix that up," he suggested.

Lash gave him a wicked grin. "I always do what the doctor tells me."

"Well, you better," Kaelin said, pushing himself up off the floor and taking Lash's hands to help him up as well. They both a quick shower and changed back into their regular clothing before making it back to Kaelin's quarters after about a half hour. The Deltan's roommate was on LOA with his girlfriend, so Kaelin had the place to himself. Something he and Lash took advantage of. Of course, they kept things as innocent as possible, since they still hadn't heard back from Kaelin's friend on Delta.

"Want to get us a drink while I get the First Aid kit?" he asked, not really waiting for an answer as he went straight for bathroom to get the kit. When he returned, there were two tall glasses on the coffee table, looking like they contained mostly orange juice. mostly.

Kaelin didn't say anything and simply gave his friend an inquisitive look.

"Orange juice, vodka, sloe gin and whiskey liquer." Lash said brightly, though the impish light in his eyes told Kaelin that there was something else, something Lash wasn't sharing

"And?" Kaelin prompted.

"And nothing," Lash replied, picking the glasses up and approaching the deltan. "But when it was created on earth, back in the dawn of time, it was called a Sloe." he stepped closer to Kaelin, "Comfortable," right inside his personal space, almost touching. "Screw," the half breed breathed against Kaelin's lips.

Kaelin didn't move again, keeping the eye contact between them. "You know," he began, practically feeling the warmth of Lash's body rolling off of him as he took the drink. He made sure to brush their fingers against each other, sending a small shiver through them both. "The county I come from back on my planet, it's considered a bit rude to resort to innuendos."

Lash put a hand on kaelin's hip, to draw him closer or stop him pulling away, "We're not in your county right now. We're here. Right here. Right now. light years from anything remotely civilized, let alone somewhere they disaprove of cunning linguists..."

Kaelin couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him as he shook his head at Lash. After a moment he met his eyes again, an odd glint in his own. He smirked in a way Lash hadn't seen before. "You know..." the Deltan trailed off, resting his hand on Lash's on his hip . "You're not the only good communicator here," he told him, running his fingertips over the hybrid's hand, making sure to place small, barely there caresses on the edge of the inside of his wrist, enough to send little shivers through his arm.

Lash leaned forward. "Kaelin, shut up." and he silenced the Deltan wiht a kiss.

Almost immediately, he felt Kaelin relax, melting into the kiss as he slipped his arms around Lash's shoulders. The kiss was slow but no less eager or thorough than the more passionate ones they'd gotten into a habit of sharing. By the time they separated, both were breathing heavily and Kaelin was sure he felt a little dizzy. "Mmm..." He licked his lips, feeling a slightly metallic taste linger on them as Lash's split lip reopened. "You have such a way with words." He grinned, kissing Lash's cheek.

"Just wait until you see my actions!" Lash promised, stepping back from kaelin, but with fingers still entwined, leading him towards the bedroom of the Deltan's quarters.

But Kaelin wouldn't move, his mood shifting to a more serious one. " know we can't. We still haven't heard back from the Institute back on Delta."

Lash turned back to Kaelin, but kept trying to pull him forward. "And with comms out, we're not going to anytime soon. Why not just take the risk? experiment? Think of it as doing - " he paused dramatically, " Science!" he dropped kaelins hand and struck a hammy heroic pose, fists on hips and chin set and raised in what was supposed to be a noble bearing.

Kaelin laughed at the younger man's antics. He was just too adorable. "That's very cute," he said. "But, Lash, this could be potentially dangerous. I don't want to risk hurting you."

"Let me be a grown up and decide for yself what risks i want to take okay?" he raised kaelins fingers to his lips and kissed them. "I'm a big boy..."

Giving a small smile at the gesture, Kaelin took a step towards him. " Yes, you're a big boy and you're going to handle this like a big boy. With patience," he said. "Let me take care of that cut now," Kaelin added decisively, kissing Lash's cheek as he took the first aid kit.

Lash rolled his ees in frustration, then sighed. "Walked into that one, didn't I?" he sat himself down on the nearest surface and fixed kaelin with a suspicious look. "Alright, sawbones, do your worst!"

Grinning, Kaelin brought the kit closer to Lash and set it by his thigh. "You're so cute when you're pouting," he teased, taking out a sterilizer. Holding Lash's chin gently, he positioned his head to he could easily run the ray over the wound, cleaning it quietly. "Just going to heal it up with a dermal regenerator," the doctor explained, activating the device and moving it slowly and carefully over the small wound, a look of hard concentration on his face.

Lash sat still whilst he worked, carefully not looking at Kaelin in case he distracted him. "You could have kissed it better you know."

Kaelin's concentration didn't break as he smile, finishing up the healing. "I tried, remember? Didn't work," he pointed out. "There." He didn't pull back. "It'll feel a little tender for a while, but you'll be fine," he assured him, caressing the newly healed lower lip with his thumb.

Lash gave Kaelin's thumb tip a small kiss. "Of course I will, I've got the best doctor on the station."

Kaelin smiled. "Yes, you do," he said with a nod before laughing and cupping Lash's face with his hands and pressing their lips together.


JP by

Ensign Kaelin Niers
Resident Pathologist


Crewman Lash