Unity – Lost
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Lost
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Apr 16, 2010 @ 1:15pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD17 - 13:00

With a deep intake of breath, Arrienye took her first step Deep Space Five; her first step onto Federation soil without a war going on. She looked around cautiously, unable to her the gut feeling of paranoia inside her. She walked through a few corridors until her path widened into a burst of space and activity. The Promenade.

The blue-eyed Romulan gazed at the large space, and the people walking around it. She wasn't very knowledgeable as far as races went, so she couldn't really recognize the majority of whom she saw. Most of them looked the same to her and all she could say with any certainty was that none of them were Romulan. Walking by, Arrienye ignored the looks some gave her, intent on simply finding a way to the Consulate.

But, twenty minutes later, she finally admitted to herself that she was completely lost. Not to mention embarrassed because of that fact. 'Wonderful,' she thought, 'my first day and I already feel like a fool.'

Looking around, she tried to find the place with as few Federation officers as she could. It being still early in the day, a lounge marked 'Box of Delights' seemed to be the right place. Tugging at the hem of her uniform jacket, she walked confidently inside, straight for the bar.

Behind the wave shaped bar a young Bajoran man was serving drinks to a pair of Nausicaans. He didn't notice the Romulan. A short Orion woman leaning upon the bar gave her a nod. When the Bajoran remained at the far end of the bar to serve a waiting Andorian, the Orion straighted up. "Give me a sec," she nipped around the counter. "Okay, what can I get you? Unfortunately, we aren't allowed to sell alcohols right now. Orders from on high." she swivelled her eyes up to the ceiling. "Though we have plenty of other beverages, including plomeek tea."

"Actually, I need some information," Arrienye said, glancing at the Nausicaans and the Andorian. She wasn't used to being around so many aliens. It didn't feel right, somehow, despite how arrogant and racist that might sound to other races.

Klia breathed a big sigh of relief. "That I can do. I wouldn't have the first clue how to brew plomeek tea." She leaned forward. "But information is easy. What do you need?"

"How do I reach the Romulan Consulate?" the Rihannsu woman asked.

The Orion hesitated, certain that the woman in front of her was a Vulcan, and completely uncertain why a Vulcan would want to go there. Maybe the Vulcans also wanted to use the fight last night to get at the Romulans who had helped them. If so, she was going to be cautious. "Is this about the fight?" she asked. "Becuase I didn't see anything, well, I mean I saw stuff, but i was upstairs, and it was all confusing, and there was smoke, and then I got locked in the holodeck. So i really can't help anymore. I was confused, mistaken. It was a very hectic night."

Arrienye was a bit taken aback by the flood of words from the petite woman. "Um...what fight?" Arrienye asked, confused now. All she wanted was a quick 'go left, then down the hall' type of answer. But now she couldn't resist asking more.

"You mean you - ?" Klia bit her tongue, gave a nervous smile and pulled herself together. "Nothing major. Everyone was a bit upset because of the bomb, tempers frayed, that sort of thing. no harm done. Not if you don't count bruises and an itty bitty stabbing." She stopped to breathe in, realized she was babbling and changed the subject. "Romulan Consulate you said?"

"Woah, one second. Bomb? Stabbing? What kind of security do you have here?" she asked, not wanting to give insult and say what kind of *people* did they keep here.

Klia was surprised. She assumed everyone knew about the bombs by now. "Someone let off a bunch of bombs last night. No-one knows why. Its got security hopping mad, they're livid. And then when the PMA all turned up to demand an explanation and a fight broke out, Lani - she's not here right now - decided she had to stop a Romulan getting punched rather than watch her own back, and got stabbed. But she's silly like that. Comes of growing up on a world that the arse-end of nowhere considers a backwater. "

Arrienye raised an eyebrow. She needed to meet this woman if she was willing to sacrifice herself for a Romulan, since she knew her species was hardly popular here.

Klia realized she was babbling and tried to get back on track. "So, Romulan consulate...you're miles away. They're up on deck 60. Along with the Klingons. Only the spoonheads down here, and they're only temporary. Scuttlebutt is they're going to move soon, and then the entire funny forehead brigade will be camping out together. That should cause some fun. Anyway, take the turbolift. it puts you right out in the lobby apparently. Can't miss it."

"Funny forehead brigade..." Arrienye repeated slowly. And she thought she was going to be racist.

Klia shrugged. "You know, Cardassians," she shuddered, "they give me the creeps. Klingons, Romulans. I know you can add lot more species to that list, but none of them has conquering the galaxy as a national hobby." She saw the expression on the woman's face. "Hey. I'm Orion, people say even worse things about us. Its not easy being green."

"It's not easy being Romulan either. We're *green* too," Arrienye replied, giving the woman a piercing gaze.

The Orion squirmed under the laser frown. She'd let her mouth run away with her again. And upset one of the aforementioned funny forehead brigade. And the woman hadn't even had the decency to look Romulan. Klia was sure she'd been talking to a Vulcan. "You're not that green." Oh heavens that had come out all wrong. "I mean you don't look like a Romulan." Even as she said it she winced Keep digging! You have to hit bottom sometime. "Er, drink on the house?"

Arrienye tensed at the woman's accusation that she didn't look Romulan. She had definitely hit a nerve there, as Arrienye had always had a very slight lack of confidence concerning her smooth forehead and, more prominently, her aqua-colored eyes. She was an inch away from blowing up in the smaller woman's face when something in her head told her to stop and think. The same thing that had saved her career numerous times before. Instead, her eyes narrowed, letting the blue orbs transfer her feelings as they met the Orion's. "I'll pass," she said firmly, standing up to her full height.

Klia wished the deck plating would open up and swallow her. Lani would go nuts, upsetting a potential customer, upsetting a Romulan after they had been so helpful with the fight. "Er, well, um, the offers good. Come back any time. Please. We have really good ale. and rhennish, and carallun." The stream of words withered under Arrienye's glare and Klia stepped back from the counter, putting a bit more distance between herself and the Romulan.

"Did you say Deck 60?" Arrienye asked to confirm, her gaze steady.

Klia nodded frantically, "Sixty," she squeaked, "Cant miss it."

"Good," Arrienye said firmly, giving the woman another once over before turning on her heel and leaving the Box of Delights.


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Security Chief/Diplomatic Aide
Romulan Consulate


Holo-programmer and co-owner, The Box of Delights
npc'd by Yolanthe/notty