Time is Fleeting – Boredom
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Boredom
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 9:40pm
Location   Various Decks of DS5
Timeline   SD14 10:10

Mokab had been watching to the activities of the Marines and Security officers and though he had heard rumours of an exercise, he didn't have the faintest idea of why a 'Game' would be taken so seriously.
He decided now was as good as any to head back to his cart and make the best of a poor situation.

In the Admin offices, Brian was buried deep into the requests for this and that, most stating the 'needs of the crew after the exercise' as a reason.

He chuckled to himself.
"Mercy, take a look at this!" He said with the smile growing on his face. "Can you believe the nerve of some of the shop owners, this guy wants compensation for loss of revenue because the battle exercise falls into the morning breakfast time." He slid the PADD with the request over for her perusal, admiring the way she wore her hair this morning and the tighter fitting jumpsuit she chose to wear.

Mercy laughed reading the Padd and slid another to her colleague with a sultry look from under long dark lashes. "You think *that's* bad. This one wants extra rations of Diathane and Flexisteel because he says he has to put up anti-riot security to protect his shop in case the Wargames cause 'simulated' riots that turn into real ones! Tell you what, why don't you offer your claimant 'simulated' compensation and see what he says?" she grinned, allowing her fingertips to touch his and wander up the outside of his hand.

He tingled at her touch and smiled.
"I like both your touch and your sense of humour." He replied, giving her a wink.

Jenna looked across at the two lovers and rolled her eyes. "Do you two *mind*?" she asked rhetorically. "You really should get a room"

Mercy grinned at her friend. "Jen? Are you back with us? I didn't notice you fall off that pink cloud you've been floating about on ever since you met that nice Ensign Elliott!" she smirked.

Jenna flushed pink and began to splutter denials that the sparkle in her eyes over the past week had clearly belied.

"Bry, have you noticed Jen's seemed so much taller since John's had her walking on air?" Mercy teased, grinning across at the man who was the reason she herself was visibly glowing with happiness too.

He leant back eyeing Jen and nodded.
"Definitely!" He remarked. "And she is at least a few pounds lighter as well." He teased.

At that moment the door opened. The person who walked in was known to all of the Admin staff.

"Alexia!" Jenna exclaimed.

"Hi Guys" Alex replied, depositing the huge armfull of padds she was staggering under onto the nearest desk. "You have never seen a department with so much paperwork! I thought it was bad up here." she sighed. "This lot are done and ready for archiving and re-formatting for re-use. I've uploaded the contents onto the main database and I'll go back and get to work on the next lot in a while but right now, I'm kinda in the way down there with all this 'boys and their toys' simulation stuff going on."

"Do I take it you're getting a hard time down there, hun?" Mercy asked sympathetically.

"Nah... well, okay, Gabriel.. or 'El Guappo' as I've secretly nick-named him, he can be a P.I.T.A. but he's not as bad as he's made out to be. I kinda like him..." she began.

"OH REALLY?" Jen brightened.

"NOT like *that*!" Alex rolled her eyes scornfully.

"Noooooo?" Mercy raised one eyebrow at the pink spots on Alex' cheeks, nudging Bryan and tugging at the side of her lower lip with her teeth.

"NO WAY" Alex denied it a little *too* strenuously and picked up a snack-bik from the plate where they were always kept for everyone to help themselves. Instead of biting it, Alex lobbed it just past Mercy's grinning face missing her ear by a narrow margin.

"Stop it *you*" she laughed. "You're a fine one. We can't *all* fall for our bosses, can we?"

"Hey, I she didn't fall, I was pushed." Bryan retorted in a mock stern voice, folding his arms across his chest and putting a pout on his lips.

Mercy just sat grinning disconcertingly. "SO? Tell all! Come on"

"There's nothing to tell." Alex replied, looking a little wistful for a moment. "They're all really nice guys."

"And Gabriel... the strong silent type. Just the way you like them?" Jen chipped in.

"No. And he couldn't be less interested in me if I were an Andorian Snow-Targ" Alex stated, matter-of-factly. "Sorry, I'd like to oblige you with some gossip but I'll have to go away and work harder on that for you"

"Shame. Well, *do* try harder Miss Jackson." Mercy said with a wink.

"Listen if I tried any harder it'd be assault on a senior officer. I'm telling you he doesn't know I exist!" Alex grinned back.

"Well, if it works, perhaps an assault is what it'll take? Be assertive!" Jen put in helpfully.

Alexia laughed out loud. "Jennie love, have you actually *met* the CSecO?"

Jen looked perplexed. "Um... I'm not sure.... I.....I don't *think* so." she said thoughtfully.

"No. If you had, you'd certainly know about it. And you wouldn't suggest I assault him, trust me!" Alex stated, patting Jen on the shoulder.

Jen shrugged. "Point him out to me next time?" she suggested.

"Deal" replied Alex as she blew them all kisses and left the Admin Offices to return to Security, tentatively sneaking in quietly and making herself into an invisible shadow, keeping well out of the way of all the excitement going on around her and trying to avoid getting yelled at by 'El Guappo'.

Bryan began to chuckle to himself. "If only she knew what she could be letting herself in for." He said as he started to collect up the deposited PADDs from the counter and didn't show the twinge of pain he felt from the middle of his back..

In the Science Department, CPO Martinez followed the instructions of her superior officer thinking at every quiet moment of the wonderful time she had spent having breakfast with the Chief Medical Officer that morning. She began to plan how she could do something nice for him in return.

Wondering how to get an idea what he might like, her thoughts wandered to what he would be doing right now but that picture she was imagining of him at work obviously would include his 'ex'. Nora decided it was time to exorcise that particular ghost and began to wonder how easy it would be (or not) to make friends with Chelsea. Ryan had told her things were all sorted between the two medical officers but Nora still felt that it would all be nicer for everyone if she and Adams could be friends.

She sent a computer generated text to Chelsea's personal mailbox asking to meet up for lunch. If it paid off it would be a nice gift for Ryan, if it didn't, no-one could say Nora hadn't tried.

Chelsea's box received the message but she herself didn't see it as she was too busy. Nora wondered why she got no reply and assumed it meant the ACMO was hostile to her suggestion that they might meet. Actually, it was only that Chelsea was so busy she didn't even notice there were personal messages.

Mokab had made his way to the Promenade and was watching the various ships outside playing their game and wondering for what possible purpose they would be doing so when there was so much that needed doing inside the station, without playing outside.
"Sillies." He remarked, parking his cart in the middle of the walkway, sorting out the better items so they took pride of place, at least his reasoning as to what were better to sell. Jewellery was still the most popular, but some still liked to have the components to make something, so he tucked them at the back, leaving a latinum bracelet in the middle, surrounded by a few worthless trinkets.


Mokab Mellibrate
Bolian Trader
CWO2 Bryan Surzchenko
by Mark

CWO (2) Mercedes Denoublier (PNPC)
CPO Jenna Minton (NPC)
Ensign Alexia Jackson (NPC)
CWO Eleanora Martinez (PNPC)
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