Beg, Steal or Borrow – Odd Readings
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el

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Title   Odd Readings
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el
Posted   Sun Jul 05, 2009 @ 9:31pm
Location   Security
Timeline   MD9 10.00

After speaking with the Romulan ambassador Dunham had learnt that Ensign Opaka had got some odd readings during the conflict with the Romulans. Data PADD in hand with his own readings from this mornings patrol, Dunham went in search of Opaka down in security to see if what he had seen could of been a cloaked ship. He asked around the security office to see if anybody had seen him. A Security chief pointed him out from across the room. Dunham went over. "Mr. Jo'el?"

The Bajoran looked up at yet another officer he had never met before.
"Opaka, actually. Lieutenant Opaka Jo'el."

Dunham smiled a friendly smile. "Pleasure to meet you I'm Richard Dunham" he said offering his hand. "I have a odd request of you Ensign. I have heard on the rumour mill that you picked up some odd readings during the confrontation. I was wondering if I could take a look at them?"

Jo'el took the hand and shook it warmly. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Dunham. Assuming the sensor logs from the Romulan vessel have been transferred over to the Freedom, we should be able to call them up. Why did they assign that mess to you? Aren't you in the starwing?"

Dunham shrugged "Yeah Bravo wing. They didn't ask me to do anything. But me and my team picked up this signal this morning when we saw what looked like a shimmer from a cloaked ship" Dunham handed Jo'el a data pad, "and I was wandering if it looked like the same thing you saw yesterday?"

Taking the PADD, Jo'el sat down at his duty station. "Pull up a chair."

"Thanky you Mr Jo'el." Dunham pulled up the chair and sat down.

"Computer," Jo'el said, "display all sensor readings sent from Romulan vessel Vrelnec to the USS Freedom yesterday."

The datastream appeared on the station's viewscreen. "Isolate time index 25 baker green, and enhance."

The screen magnified the unusual readings picked up on the Vrelnec.

"hmmmm, it does not seem to match, though it is hard to tell with this Romulan data."

"You have to remember, Lieutenant Dunham, this data was originally received by Romulan sensors, and while I'm no expert on alien technology, it is safe to say that their scanners are more in tune with picking out cloaked ships than ours. If there's a ship in that blip, and the Romulans missed it, you're not likely to find it with Bravo wing's sensors."

"So even if it's something different on this data from the Romulan ship could we use the ships sensor logs to see if their was aother cloaked ship out their in the battle?"

Jo'el tilted his head, concentrating. "I don't know, I'm not a scientist. Maybe we should get some help from the blue shirts..."

"Good idea." said the pilot. "I will get it down to the labs."

"I'll be in ops if you need me. Let me know what you find out, and just hit me on the comm if you have any questions."


Lt Richard Dunham

Lt Opaka Jo'el