Unity – Official Business
by Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Official Business
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Mon Mar 29, 2010 @ 8:47pm
Location   Cardassian Consulate
Timeline   Station day 17 11:00 hours
Mathew walked into he Cardassian Embassy very confidently and strode of to the receptionist.
He felt the Guard's Tense-ness.
"Hello there I am Lt Mathew Totti I have an appointment with Vi'kar?"

"Please hand in all weapons and volatile substances in to the guard please." Lemat said, in a very automaton way. The Shri'vara guard stationed by the door stepped forward, and dwarfed the Lieutenant.

"I would if I had any to give."

"Your communicator too." Lemat stated coldly, before the guard stepped right into Mathew's personal space.

Mathew sent intensely strong suggestive forces to the guard and knew he wouldn't resist him .

"Look that is part of my Uniform and I'm not giving it to you. You can scan it if you like."
Mathew broke through the Guards natural physic walls that all humanoids possessed like cutting soft cheese.
"I guess you will be escorting me in now?" Mathew hinted.

The receptionist blew off the guard with a single sharp wave of the hand. "The Vi'kar Gul's orders. I don't suppose he'll mind though... " She said, almost sniggering. "Enter." She said with one, just word.

Mathew smiled as The doors opened.
Tharek was sitting pouring a glass of Kanar.

"Matthew Totti, I presume." Tharek said with a huff. He then changed his face, to his diplmatic smile. "Please, sit. Have some Kanar with me."

"Greetings to you to." Mathew smiled and eyed the Kanar that had just been offered.
"Yes i'd love to." Mathew sat down and grabbed the glass that was handed to him.

"Good. Now. Business?" Tharek said, raising his eyebrow quizzically.

"We'll we have to do it eventually why not now?" Mathew coughed as the Kanar burned his throat.

Tharek sniggered at the man, as he took in his own Kanar, and swallowed it with a lot more ease.

"We'll as you know the Bombing was of Maquis origin and I was wondering if you had any on or off the record information for me?"

"Please don't start. If your asking what I assume your asking, then I should have you shot. Right now." Tharek said, slamming his glass down onto the table with some force.

Mathew did not have a clue what the Gul was talking about and was sending out an unknowing vibe.
"And what would that be?" Mathew stated coldly.
"Ive come for a simple exchange of information and perhaps to meet a new friend."
Mathew put his glass on the table and recalled the letter from the admiral he received about an hour ago.
"Don't think your the only one with information."

"Gabriel's already been in here accusing me of the bombings. Plus, what information?! I've got no clue who bombed you, nor do I have any clue about what's going to happen to my embassy in the process!"

"Firstly i don't want any of our colleagues to interfere with our business work."
Mathew lifted his glass "or pleasure." Mathew took another sip and put it back down.
"Now I don't think from my classified records that you would like or deal with the Maquis." Mathew raised a pad just in a normal persons reading range to give the appearance that he was reading it but only Mathew knew about his own telepathic abilities.
"A sister of yours of the Carnellian Freighter J204 carrying routine medical supplies was hijacked and the crew executed by Maquis soldiers."

Tharek couldn't help but burst into laughter. "I have no sister!" He roared through his laughter at the man. "You need a lesson in intelligence work my friend!"

"I have access to some of the most restricted information in Star Fleet." Mathew roared.
"And don't you forget that. I believe." Mathew started calmly "That I've been feed some false information." Mathew drunk the rest of his Kanar and stood up.
"Thank you for your hospitality. And your Kanar." Mathew smiled
"But I must be going."
Mathew walked over to the door and facing it stated:
"Oh and some off the record advice for you."

Tharek looked at the man. This'll be funny. "Speak." He said, with a sharp tone.

"I'd just say tighten up your security and arm them too the teeth for the next few days."
Mathew could feel the Gul's thoughts leading back to when Mathew had said "Don't think your the only one with information".
"This is not a threat my new friend, and not a joke."
Mathew walked out and smiled to the receptionist.

Tharek hit down on the panel and commed Lemat. "Lemat, increase the security, have Sotar get more Shri'vara sent to us."

Tharek then sat, and stared at Matthew's empty glass. What was in that Kanar? He joked to himself.

A Joint Post By:

Lieutenant Mathew Totti


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador