Interlude – ... Secrecy (part 2)
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   ... Secrecy (part 2)
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Fri Jun 04, 2010 @ 1:45pm
Location   Isha's Aapartment, Romulan Consulate
Timeline   Immediately after 'Tea and ...'

Drawing across Isha's long skirt to give her as much modesty as possible, Chelsea began to clean up the blood and regenerate the torn skin and contusions. She was as gentle as if she were treating a baby, fully understanding both how painful and distressing this must be for her dear friend.

The comment about impregnation was one that was already in the CMO's mind as she scanned Isha's womb at the same time as her lower organs. Wishing to keep what she was looking for from t'Merek, not because she didn't trust her but because it was a precious confidence. Working on Isha's wounds covered the investigation into her unborn child's welfare after its ordeal through the same assault as its mother had suffered.

Chelsea frowned at the readings as she found the foetus with the scan. What the CMO was seeing was something of a shock and the source of even greater concern than she had first expected. She made no notes on the med padd, and saved her conclusions to wait until they were alone. To indicate to Isha in the meantime that she need not be alarmed and that the pregnancy was not in immediate danger of termination as a result of this, she gently patted the pregnant belly and smiled.

Isha shouldn't really have been showing yet, in the normal course of an early term but in the circumstances, there was a slight rounding that would not have fooled the trained eye. Nothing more was said as Chelsea continued to repair and make good the vicious damage, her blood rising at the outrage in her soul as she became aware of the savagery to its full extent.

Arrienye busied herself with some inane thought when she heard her comm beep. "tr'Tahn to t'Merek. The kit is outside. Anything else, Arrain?" her cousin asked. "Make sure the corridor is clear and leave the area immediately," she told him firmly, knowing he wouldn't question her further.

"Yes, Arrain." A pause. "Corridor is cleared. tr'Tahn out."

Stepping past the doctor and the Ambassador, Arrienye opened the doors, took the kit and then locked it once again. Turning to her own business, Arrienye took out a small forensic scanner and went over to the blood spatter that was in the center of the room. Kneeling down, she marked the stains and took some images first. After taking some samples, the Security Chief began her scans, looking at the data results. Two types of blood, one a match to the Ambassador's, of course. And, though she believed t'Khellian was speaking the truth about there being only one attacker, Arrienye was still glad to see the scans confirmed it. Cardassian, male, healthy. And of course, wounded, which she was very happy to know. Turning to the two other women, Arrienye spoke again.

"You wounded him. Where?" she asked.

Isha really could not think about that ... that wort now. The potential political ramifications were immense - there was no official recourse except government intervention. And how could that help?

"Why does it matter?" Isha said without opening her eyes, she could feel what the doctor was doing and felt no urge to watch.

"It matters because I want to catch this bastard," Arrienye told her firmly. "And since you are unwilling to share his name with the me, I will simply have to find him myself," she finished, crossing her arms.

"Ladies, please?" Chelsea muttered, seemingly unheard.

Isha raised a hand. "t'Merek," she snapped. Though her heart felt the compassion that drove the woman's intent she could not sanction it, "This is a sovereign issue. If word leaves this room of what has happened it is your family that will pay. I will seek ..." and at that Isha fell back again. “Take no unofficial action,” she said, unsure what to do.

At the threat to her family, tension rose within Arrienye and she absentmindedly narrowed her eyes at the woman. But only for a split second before she glanced at the doctor briefly, emotionally pulling back from the situation. Taking a quiet breath, she simply tightened her grip on her crossed arms. "Yes, ma'am," she just said formally.

"If your investigations are complete Arrain? I would like to give the Ambassador something to make her sleep. Could we be alone for a while please?" Chelsea asked tactfully.

Arrienye raised an eyebrow at the doctor, trying to read her intentions and then gazed at t'Khellian. "Ambassador?" she asked, her tone clearly showing she wasn't in favor of doing this.

“The doctor is no threat to me,” Isha said, “If you insist on staying you may.”

Arrienye looked from the doctor to the Ambassador. There was something going on here. Whether it was paranoia over the drama that had happened in the last few days or just a built in instinct, Arrienye could feet it. She finally nodded, turning to leave.
"His face was bleeding," Isha said, a concession, though she really had no better idea than that where he was wounded, just a rather unpleasant image of barely sated rage dripping blood.

Arrienye looked back at the Ambassador as she was gathering up the bloodied towel she had to take in for examination. Giving the woman a nod of appreciation, she left the Ambassador's quarters.

When they were alone, Chelsea looked at Isha. "Of course I can't give you anything chemical to make you sleep, my lovely friend, because of your condition, but I wasn't going to give that away. I have to say I rather like your new Security Chief." she smiled.

“I think she has just become less fond of me. Why did I say that to her? I won’t have her family harmed … Chelsea, I feel so powerless. I don’t sit in a big chair pointing my finger and threatening people because I can. What is it Doctor?” she asked seeing the expression on her face.

"I can't be certain you won't miscarry, but I have done all that this century's medicine can to prevent any rejection due to trauma. I have given you the appropriate hormones to counteract your own stress and trauma induced body chemistry. I have even added a temporary sling to support your bruised cervix. It's made of terniestagel which is totally neutral in construction and which will introduce no unsuitable elements but will just hold firm for a couple of days before it dissolves and comes away, leaving your body to do the rest once it's repaired.

It's a tried and tested support that's used to prevent miscarriage in women with a history of early insecure holding. In any normal pregnancy I'd be able to predict that it would keep a baby elephant safe but in the case of a multiple, together with the extent of the severity of your injuries, i do have to offer you slightly reduced odds." Chelsea drew a breath and watched to see if her gently dropping of that bombshell had penetrated Isha's exhausted emotional state.

“I should have scratched his eyes out,” Isha said, as though the opportunity had been presented to her and she had turned it down, her body shaking as she sobbed with no more tears to fall. “I hadn’t even thought of … them?”

"Twins, d'Ishaal" Chelsea said quietly, gently holding Isha's hand and inadvertently using Rh'vaurek's private affectionate name for Isha. She was probably the only person her *adopted older brother* had ever allowed to hear him use it, other than his beloved Isha herself. Chelsea had probably used it now because he was so much on her mind at the moment although she was quite unaware that she had done so.

Perhaps it was because she had thought of him immediately she discovered what had happened, knowing how he would personally castrate and slowly dissect the perpetrator of this crime against their lovely one. Despite her Hippocratic 'oath' not to do harm, and her horror at his early displays of the levels of violence he was capable of, Chelsea could quite easily condone even the lengths that Raedheol would go to, on this occasion, in fact a part of her actually wished him to.

She was also deeply sad that he couldn't be here at the moment when they discovered that Isha's and his baby was actually twins. She hadn't forgotten that he didn't even know there was a baby nor that it was his, but she did know that if he found out, he would be beside himself with pride and ecstatic with the news. The thought of the smug look and proud grin that she was sure he would immediately wear spread from ear to ear, made her smile.

Watching Isha carefully, Chelsea kept hold of her friend's hand and waited to do whatever was needed. She was never sure with Isha how she would take anything so important as this. The two of them, whilst close friends, never seemed to see anything from the same angle.

Isha’s hand tightened around Chelsea’s. “I can’t win this,” she said, “Getal hates me so much and he’s not going to stop until it kills me,” she told her quite accidentally naming her assailant. “And Rh’vaurek has his orders, and they don’t involve standing by my side. I thought that with all my battles won at home I might at least enjoy a little peace.”

"Isha" Chelsea breathed, gripping her friends hand back. "He's but one man. I know he's a particularly powerful one and a totally obnoxious, vicious, sadistic brute with it but you've never been so phased by one man before.... apart from your brother-in-law. Are you giving his spite too much importance? You're more powerful here that the Cardassian Ambassador, surely? Why does he fill you with despair. I've never seen you so affected by just one man."

That wasn't strictly true as Chelsea *had* witnessed the effect Raedheol had on her friend but that was for a different reason of course..... surely...

"Isha? You don't have.... you couldn't hav.... no, forget it. I know better," Chelsea was struck by a thought but a few seconds thought dismissed it again as ridiculous.

"What is it, Chelsea?" Isha asked wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She blinked at the doctor, at her friend. "What is it you are asking?"

"i'm not .... i just was wondering why this one man has so much power over you ... the only other I know who could disarm and disorientate you like this is Rh'vaurek and you'd be a match for *him* with all his enormity of personality, power and presence, yet this paltry Cardassian, in whom i can see nothing but childish, petty spiteful hatred of that which he can never aspire to..... has you in despair? I am confused, even Nniol with all his Romulan allies and deviousness was unable to break your spirit this way...... " she paused thinking still.

"Perhaps you have just taken about all you can bear, hru'hfirh?"

"Please don't be angry with me, Chelsea. You did not witness what Nniol put me through when I was married to his brother," Isha reminded her, "His last attempt was mild in comparison. I think he knew I had almost given up - I came so very close to agreeing to what Nniol wanted, just to make him stop, then I found another way to make him stop," Isha paused. Absently Isha rubbed her hand over her stomach, she doubted the doctor knew how rare twinning was in her species. Certainly there was no record of it in her family. What an irony that would have been if she had agreed to marry Nniol to allow him to secure his legitimate heir and ended up bearing Rh'vaurek's bastards.

"Isha.... no... i'm not angry... well only with Getal... i feel only protective towards you." Chelsea replied fervently.

"Getal is merely taking advantage of the state he found me in when I returned from ch'Rihan. I don't even understand why he hates me, but he does hate me, and I'm scared."

"Taking advantage" Chelsea repeated "That's exactly it... and the bastard deserves to have someone do the same to him! There has to be a way to take that one down. I wonder if Commander Gabriel has anything that might help? And your new security Arrain..... she's not likely to be taken unawares again. We will close ranks against him, Isha. We are not without our friends."

Isha spluttered, something between a laugh and a sob. "Gabriel would probably pat him on the back for crushing me," she cried.

"No he would NOT... he's a strange man but he's Federation. I have every faith he'd defend you as a victim of a crime on 'his patch'." Chelsea protested. "And if he didn't, then *I* would." she offered with some rather unwise bravado.

"I know that you would. Promise me you'll not do anything. I couldn't tell t'Merek, I didn't mean to tell you. She'd go straight down there and get herself hurt," Isha said taking Chelsea's hand again. "I will find a way."

"She's a big girl and so am I and we both want to do something to help you. We're both outraged and want not to be ineffective and helpless."

Why would she not understand? Isha thought, bloody stubborn Bajoran. "You can help by not forcing fear for your wellbeing onto my conscience," Isha told her in a peevish tone, "Give me time to think. I will find a solution, then we can all cease to be ineffective and helpless." Isha had not yet reached a stage at which her fragile emotional state could be converted into fury, only then could she start to plan her revenge.


A JP Between:

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek