Judgement – Power Drain
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Power Drain
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Thu Jun 30, 2011 @ 7:23pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD37 22:00
Taibek i-Delnar was a little surprised that he was asked to meet a Starfleet Engineer in the foyer, particularly as he was off duty. Still, if his superior wished to delegate, he was not about to argue.

Laying down his fork and returning his meal to the replicator he sighed, still he could always make another one later, one of the biggest benefits of being housed in quarters on the station rather than in the Embassy itself - there were only three replicators in there ... Taibak made his way back to the Consulate to await the arrival of Lieutenant Kramer, and as he waited Taibak browsed the request that had come from Deep Space Five.

Going to the Romulan Consulate didn’t sit well with Lt. Kramer. He was much more comfortable tearing apart some power junction interface, than to play diplomat. But, this is what he had been asked to do. Kramer entered the foyer and said to the beautiful, yet sturn looking, young female Romulan behind the desk. “I am Lt. Kramer from Main Engineering, here at the Starbase. I was asked to come and speak to Taibek i-Delnar.”

"You're expected," she said not commenting further as she pressed a button on the desk.

“Yes,” Kramer replied hesitantly. “I can wait right over here.” He said as he motioned and then walked over to a chair near the door. He thought it was the best move.

Taibek scratched the back of his head, "No need," he said, "Lieutenant Kramer? You must be. I'm ... not used to getting visitors. I take care of the interface between the consulate and the station grids ... not something that anyone is really that interested in. But I suppose you are?" he added.

"That is what I do," replied Kramer. "I keep the power on. In what ever area needed. How shall we begin?"

"You'd better come inside," Taibek said, "there's not a lot we can do from out here."

"Of course," Kramer politely replied. "Please lead the way."

The route Taibek was taking was unnecessarily convoluted and turned around on itself a number of times, but then he had been instructed to take pains to avoid the Starfleet Engineer from gleaning a clear plan of the location of the Consulate's power systems.

Kramer followed him through several doors and down a corridor.

"Here we are," Taibek said eventually as he entered an access code into a panel and a door slid open. "I don't suppose you've ever been on a Romulan facility," he said, "so you should find this interesting."

Kramer made a polite nod to Taibak's comment. But as soon as he walked through the door, Kramer began to hear moaning and soft wailing far in the distance. He winced and closed his eyes to suppress the emotions it called out in him. He immediately knew that this was due to his unknown gift. After a second or so he opened his eyes and put on a false smile for Taibek. Kramer then looked around the room with amazement. "Yes, very different."

Taibek shrugged, "I'd probably say the same if I wandered into your control room," he said. "The main systems are monitored from that panel - lighting circuits, climate control, security, surveillence - monitored, not controlled," he added.

Kramer continued to look around, looking for where the unheard sound in his brain was coming from.


Kramer thought, 'If it is a moaning or painful sound, it may be something that is strained and possibly ready to break.' He finally replied, “Oh, sorry. No, I’m fine.” Kramer suppressed the noise in his head to an annoying buzz. He then asked, “I think you have a problem. Is everything working correctly?”

Taibek shook his head. "Unlikely, all systems are performing within accepted limits."

“I understand.” Kramer said sympathetically. “Can we look at your readouts?”

"Go ahead. over there. Unless you happen to read and understand Rihannsu I'll have to run a translation script to make the readouts legible to you. I won't take long."

Kramer walked up to the display on the wall. It was quite through. Taibek showed him how to change the display for the different parameters.

"And this is our offtake from the Federation generation systems." The flow of power was meagre for a facility of this size and appeared to be confined to the operation of the dedicated turbolifts, and the interface with the wider comms system.

Cocking to his head to the side, Kramer commented thoughtfully. “This is all your power output, control and cooling diagrams and data, but what kind of power plant is it?” Kramer turned to Taibek. “What is the source of the power?"

"Ah, well, that is why our gracious Ambassador believed we might be able to relieve the temporary issue you are having on the other side of the walls." Taibek had not spoken to the Ambassador of course, the instruction had been relayed to him. He had barely even seen her from a distance ... A brief flicker of a smile and Taibek drew his attention back to the matter in hand.

"Our primary power source is not that governed by the SLA between the station and this facility - we would never leave ourselves at the mercy of another power's whims by relying solely on their generation capacity - such could be cut at will," Taibek explained. He was not at all comfortable about sharing this information, but he had his orders, and they originated from the highest level.

Vince had been nodding his head as Taibek and talked and talked, all that political mumbo-jumbo. He also realized that, Taibek did not answer his question. "So," Kramer began, "What do you wish in trade for feeding additional power to the station?"

"Trade?" Taibek asked, surprised. "I've been told to help you as long as your requirements don't reduce our own functions," he said.

Kramer's facial expression changed to one of shock. He was not prepared for such generocity from Romulans. "Well then . . . "

"How much do you estimate you need and for how long?"

Kramer felt rather humble for a second then remembered Romulans always have alternative reasons. Tilting his head to the side and smiling the best politically correct smile as posible, Kramer continued, " __________ (volume) would probably be sufficiant. Probably just for a day or two."

The two engaged gentlemen continued for several minutes speaking of specific needs and processes.

"Well, I think that just about cover all the details." Lt. Kramer said.

"Very well," Taibek relplied, "You should have sufficient power to get through the night."

"Thank you again." Kramer replied.


Taibek i-Delnar
NPC by Louise


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering