Unity – [USS Marathon]Chapter 8: Red Storm Rising – In the Flesh?
by Captain Jessica Connor

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Title   [USS Marathon]Chapter 8: Red Storm Rising – In the Flesh?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Jessica Connor
Posted   Tue Nov 24, 2009 @ 3:20pm
Location   Just outside Paulson Nebula

***USS Trafalgar Bridge***

Master Chief Petty Officer Terry "Mac" Mackall, Chief of the Boat, stood behind the big chair. He referred to the PADD in his hand. The computer has pulled over 5000 possible questions and answers that where ‘likely’ to be present on the Bridge Officer's Test. With a crooked smile he picked one.

“Define a Quantum filament and list its possible dangers if a star ship were to come into direct contact with one.” He proclaimed, hoping to stump the young woman sitting in the command chair.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Andrea Morin, Duty Officer, frowned, trying to remember. She had gotten up an hour early just to study because she knew she would be asked those types of questions. However, for only a second, she couldn't remember. "Quantum filament..." she mumbled as she dug in her mind for the answer, and it came soon after.

"A quantum filament is a type space anomaly. Having almost no mass in and of itself, they are very difficult to detect with long range sensors. However, if a star ship came to be in direct contact with one, it would suffer severe systems damage and possibly loss of life, as the Enterprise-D has suffered on star date 45156.1," she said in a slight Quebecois accent, almost reciting what she had previously read.

Mac smiled. "Textbook perfect." He replied, as the turbo lift doors opened and an unfamiliar face entered the bridge. Mac watched him closely. He tapped Morin's shoulder and gave her a questioning look. "Who is that?" He mouthed.

Lieutenant Commander Steven Edwards, Mission Advisor, walked onto the bridge and walked over to the main ODN conduit behind the tactical station.. He bent over and opened the access hatch and placed a simple transponder in the network.. He stood up and fiddle with a small headset in his hands.. matching the frequencies. He placed the headset on his head and could see the tactical and sensor readouts scrolling before his left eye. "Cool." He smiled to himself and moved down the helm and operations stations, doing the same thing.

Andrea shrugged as she observed Edwards fiddling with the consoles and a headset. "Excuse me, but what are you doing?" she asked, an inquisitive look on her face.

Edwards looked up.. "Nothing unauthorized, Lieutenant." He gave her a calm smile.. "Just making some minor efficiency alterations." He answered.. "So what possible systems damage could be caused by the filament?"

"Major power loss and the possibility of losing antimatter containment, just to name a few examples," Andrea replied, still watching what Edwards was doing.

Mac looked at the main view screen. They had entered the Paulson Nebula. "Helm, once we have reached roughly 100 kilometers inside we are to hold position and release three class-3 surveillance probes. One each set for the coordinates given by Ensign Vanessa Jackson."

"They won't find anything." Steve grumbled. "Jack won't be there."

"Says who?" Mac retorted, looking bewilderingly at the Lieutenant Commander.

***USS New Orleans Bridge***

2nd Lieutenant Valkris Chang, USS Trafalgar 65th Marine Detachment Deputy Commander, exited the bridge turbo lift right behind Captain Jackson Matthews. She walked over to the Science Station.

“You are to contact Vanessa Jackson and get her to man this station.” Chang said gruffly, not giving the crewman an explanation.

Jack's half-masked face whirled. His eye leering at the crewman.. his hand hovering over the butt of his disruptor.. just waiting for the man to disagree. His eyes returned to the view screen.. An evil grin coming on his face... The New Orleans was trailing roughly 200 kilometers behind the Trafalgar, under cloak.. He looked at the chronometer and smiled... He accessed the targeting array by twitching his left eye in rapid succession of blinks and then acquired his targets and locked them into the computer.

"VALKRIS!" Jack bellowed in a voice that was almost inhuman. "Determine the operational status of the subspace beacons and prep them for activation."

Crewman Sebastian Belso keyed a few commands on his console and sent a message to Ensign Vanessa Jackson, which would play in a loop until it was turned off. The computer would literally recite, "Ensign Vanessa Jackson, you are to report to the bridge on orders of Security Chief Valkris Chang." His fingers were shaking, as he knew in his gut that he would be killed if he even dared to think of disagreeing with a given order.

Vanessa had slept fitfully, tossing and turning. She'd completed all the tasks she'd set for herself, and those given her by Flagg and Matthews -- more or less. But she was unable to relax. She woke from a disturbing dream to hear her computer ordering her to the bridge. She groaned, but quickly dressed and hurried to the bridge. She knew there had to be an important reason for Chang to call her to the bridge.

She walked through the doors and paused for a second, surprised to see both Chang and Matthews on the bridge. Was it time to put the plans in motion? She walked up to Chang. "What do you need?"

"Man the Science station," Chang ordered. She then turned to the Tactical Station. Within moments, the data on the subspace beacons began to appear. "Subspace beacons are fully functional." She entered a few commands and continued. "Ready to launch on your mark, Captain."

Vanessa walked quickly to the science station and logged in. She ran a quick scan of the area and was surprised to find that they were trailing the Trafalgar. She didn't dare show it, though. As she ran her routine scan, she got ready to put things into motion.

Jack looked back at Chang.. "Launch them.. but do not activate them yet.. launch them deep into the nebula."

"Aye, Captain," Chang replied as she input the data to have the subspace beacons travel towards the center of the nebula. ((We are following the Trafalgar, cloaked.)) She sent the message to Vanessa. ((It is time to fight, yes?))

((I know. I'm scanning the Trafalgar now.)) Vanessa answered. ((It's time to fight. But be aware that Matthews is fighting Flagg, too. Today IS a good day to die. For our enemies.))

"Captain," Vanessa said out loud, "I'm ready when you are." She was ready to start the series of explosions or release the nanites or set off one of her programs, depending on what happened next.

Rafik turned around at the Engineering station. "Engineering reports all systems ready and fully functional, captain." But then he realized that Matthews would already know that, given the implants that Flagg had put into his brain. He flinched, as he did every time he thought about such cruelty.

"Thank you." Jack folded his arms on his chest.. his hatred beginning to boil..

"You feel it don't you?" Flagg asked as he walked behind Chang and Vanessa.. His comments were meant for all of them.. "You feel the adrenaline pumping.. the assured response to knowing your prey is unaware of your presence.." He paused and pressed his body against Vanessa.. "There is something almost erotic to it.. something unnatural to it.. something your mind screams out against.. but your soul yearns for?"

Oh, yes. Vanessa could feel it. But it wasn't erotic. Her mind was screaming out against Flagg. She gave him a feral grin and turned back to her console, pretending her prey was the Trafalgar.

Flagg turned to Matthews.. "You have waited almost three years for this moment.. to have your revenge.. to avenge yourself on Starfleet for turning their back on you.. You, The Hero of Betazed.. The Steel Horse himself." Flagg stopped beside Matthews..

Jack felt his anger and lust for battle beginning to form.. His heart was beginning to race and the warp core began to pulsate faster..

"You want to attack them.. they have mocked you.. they have killed your wife.. and two other women you loved.." Flagg prodded.. "You owe her nothing.." He whispered in Matthews' ear.. "She would use you for her own ends.. she would destroy all of you.. Just as she allowed Ryina to die."

Matthews clinched his teeth.. The entire bridge crew could hear his teeth grinding together. "How long to the nebula?" He asked the helmsman..

"Five minutes.." The officer reported back.

"Vanessa.." Matthews said quietly.. his voice dead neutral.. "Begin your fireworks." He turned to Valkris.. "Activate the beacons." He then turned to Rafik.. "Begin computer program Matthews Offensive Delta on my mark."

"Aye, Captain." Chang said as she looked for an opening. Now was the time to move, she just needed to pick a spot to pounce.

Vanessa prayed she was doing the right thing, that Matthews did, indeed, mean to save the Trafalgar and the crew of the New Orleans. With a few quick commands she teleported the explosive and the nanites from Matthews into the nebula, quickly followed by her own specially designed ones. In a matter of seconds, the chain reaction would begin...

"The time is almost here.. the galaxy will know the name Jackson Matthews again.. and it will respect it." Flagg smiled.. "You are not some lowly barkeep.. you are the greatest captain Starfleet has EVER known.. You should be no one's advisor.. you should be the one at the wheel.. Just like on the Sutherland."

Jack watched with a simple grin. The nebula began to erupt with explosions and the beacons began to charge the nebula.. causing the particles to move to and fro in a pattern to be controlled by the computer's tight beam connection to the main hub of the beacons and time it perfectly to music that was being broadcast on all Starfleet frequencies.. effectively jamming the Trafalgar's comm system. "To the last.." He sighed heavily as he shut his eyes in apparent bliss. "I will grapple with thee." He opened his eyes and looked back to Rafik.. "Mark."

Vanessa began to activate other programs while Flagg and Matthews were preoccupied. The ship began venting particles that would be easily scanned by the Trafalgar, the hole she's programmed into the shields opened without appearing on any of the ship's systems, not even Matthews'. Several of the nanites she'd programmed began to send other signals to the Trafalgar. Signals to help them fight Flagg. She made sure her personal command overrides were still in place, then she prepared a few more surprises, all while appearing to scan the nebula and track the explosions.

Rafik executed the plan, scared to death of Matthews. He didn't know what he could do to thwart that little charlatan now...she had spurned him at every turn. Still, there was hope if she tried to escape. Stealing a glance at Flagg, he wished the man a thousand deaths as painful as the ones he had helped to commit.

***USS Trafalgar Bridge***

Steve looked up at the view screen and his heart skipped a few beats. The Paulson Nebula was coming to life. Rhythmic pulses cascaded through it.. Too rhythmic. "Oh god.." His eyes darted to Andrea.. "Quick put any Starfleet channel on speakers!"

Andrea nodded and quickly tapped a few commands on the console attached to the arm of the command chair, and suddenly heard the music booming throughout the bridge, and no doubt thorough the whole ship. "What the...?"

The music was undeniable.

***USS New Orleans Bridge***

Jack leaned over the helm and screamed. "Fire!"

***USS Trafalgar Bridge***

Steve was speechless for a moment before his thoughts came to order.. "EVASIVE STARBOARD!!!" He screamed at the helm officer.. The ship rocked violently as the first phaser blasts hit.. spilling Steve to the floor.. "Red Alert.. Captain to the Bridge!" The panel beside him exploded in flames and he fell to the deck to avoid the flames.. his thoughts went immediately to Alyson and the kids.

***USS New Orleans Bridge***

Jack watched with his mouth hanging open as the Trafalgar listed under the attack and moved off to starboard.. He closed his eyes.. and ordered another volley.. whereas the last one was aimed at the ODN nexus between the primary and secondary hulls, this one was aimed directly at the nacelles... The Trafalgar dropped out of warp and began to drift as a result of the attack. "Is something eluding you, sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see?" Jack muttered.

***USS Trafalgar Crew***

Master Chief Petty Officer Terry "Mac" Mackall, Chief of the Boat (NPCed) by

Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Andrea Morin, Duty Officer (NPCed) by

Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Steven Edwards, Mission Advisor (NPCed) by

USS New Orleans

***USS New Orleans Crew***

Flagg, Dark Lord NPCed by

USS New Orleans

USS New Orleans

2nd Lieutenant Valkris Chang, Marine Executive Officer (NPCed) by

Commanding Officer

Chief Science Officer

Crewman Sebastian Belso, Dark Lackey USS New Orleans (NPCed) by

Executive Officer

Abdul Rafik Jabar, Dark Lackey USS New Orleans (NPCed) by

Chief Medical Officer