Beg, Steal or Borrow – Love taken away (part 3)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Love taken away (part 3)
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 2:05am
Location   Privus Prime Research Development facility
Timeline   2376 (Shortly after the treaty of Bajor)
Tag   Back story leading to SD - 9
2376, after the Dominion War, leading up to present Station Day)

It took Commander Muldeen several minutes to unseal the door and gain access into the science lab. When he finally opened the door he was taken aback by the gruesome scene that was before him. To his left lay the body of Dr. Kur'ann's Nausicaan bodyguard. Green blood still continued to pour from the lifeless hulk of the creature as it lie slumped against the wall. From the tattered display of his clothes he appeared to have put up a fight.

To his right, Muldeen saw the body of the Romulan scientist also in a beaten condition. Muldeen slowly approached the man and rolled him onto his side and saw the metal rod rammed through the man's chest. Muldeen shook his head as he stood up and looked towards the security officer with him.

"Get me Dorian, now!" he said through clenched teeth.

- - - Personal Quarters - - -

It had been at least 8 hours since Gabriel had exploded and threatened the Romulan scientist in the interrogation room. Gabriel was tossed inside of a holding cell for several hours to give him enough time to calm down. It did help to a small degree because it kept him from launching into an attack against somebody else. However, it only gave the Romulan more time to think of a more convincing lie, or perhaps cover his tracks. He was convinced that he was responsible for the death of his fiance, Dr. Mya Redding. Everything pointed to the Romulan, but Gabriel was restrained in his "legal" options. Something definitely had to have been done.

Gabriel's train of thought was derailed as the doors to his quarters were automatically opened without so much as a chime. Gabriel quickly stood up and looked at Muldeen and the two officers that accompanied him.

"Gabriel, you've failed to respond to any of my attempts to communicate with you." Muldeen said as he remained in position by the door.

Gabriel raised an eye-brow slightly. "I didn't hear your call. I've been obviously distracted. It might help if you hadn't taken away my comm badge." Gabriel said with ire.

"You mean this badge?" Muldeen said as he held up Gabriel's comm badge with blood on the surface. "We found this on deck 6 near the Science labs." Muldeen said carefully. "Coincidentally, for some reason the facility was experiencing some sort of power fluctuation. Every so often internal sensors would go offline as the facility's auxiliary systems began to kick in." Muldeen said as he tossed the badge towards Gabriel. "We weren't able to track you at all for the past several hours." he added.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes on the badge and quickly recognized it. "Right, I just assumed that I had lost it during the conversation with that Romulan. I've been too occupied to really remember to do an inventory of my uniform." Gabriel said defensively.

"Right," Muldeen said. "Just where have you been for the past four hours since we released you from detainment?" Muldeen said as his hand moved slowly towards his holster.

"I've been in my room for the most of the time. I took a quick stroll to clear my thoughts, but then came back to my room to think. More importantly, why are you armed?" Gabriel asked as he noticed that not just Muldeen, but all of the officers with him were armed as well.

"Dorian Gabriel, Dr. Kur'ann was found dead along with his bodyguard, and your comm badge was found at the murder scene." Muldeen said as he signaled for the security officers to place Gabriel under arrest. "Dorian Gabriel, you are under arrest. . ."

- - - 06:00hrs, present Station Day 9 - - -

Gabriel's shot out of his bed and looked around his quarters as he tried to control his breathing. He looked at the chronometer by his wall and saw the current date. Today was the 9th anniversary or the death of his fiance and the subsequent murder of the Romulan that Gabriel believed responsible.

Gabriel got out of his bed and went into the bathroom to splash himself with water. He looked into the mirror and tried to gain control of his emotions at the moment. Despite the fact that 9 years had passed, Gabriel still could not forget everything that had happened all those years ago. He had lost the woman he loved, and charged with murder all within a matter of days. He was eventually cleared of all charges much to the chagrin of the Romulan Government, but he still could not shake the weight of everything that had happened.

Gabriel shook his head and left the bathroom and began to get dressed. He knew he had a long day ahead of him and it was only beginning.

Gerrod Muldeen
(NPC by Gabriel)

Lt. Cdr
Dorian Gabriel
Security Investigation Officer/Chief Security

Dr. Kur'ann
(NPC by Louise)