Beg, Steal or Borrow – In Memorium: Part 2
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson

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Title   In Memorium: Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Thu Feb 05, 2009 @ 4:52pm
Location   Deck 72 - Marine Complex
Timeline   SD8 - 00:30
It occurred to Isha that she should feel more reticent about walking into a facility populated by an unknown number of armed strangers but then she had been raised as part of the Rihannsu establishment, and as a result instinctively viewed such as being for her own protection rather than threat.

Isha nodded her assent and followed the Lieutenant. “Do you generally extend such a welcome to unannounced strangers?” she asked as they walked, puzzled that they had not made any attempt to search her. “I rather feel that you are expecting trouble.”

She frowned slightly, "No, you are correct. We normally don't have that high security at entrance checkpoints...Major Darson has us operating at a drastically increased level of security around key areas.”

Paranoia, perhaps, Isha thought as her gaze sought some distinguishing features in the corridors; she could get lost here without someone to show her the way out.

“Is there any particular reason for that?” Isha enquired.

"We don't know...something has him concerned, but he won't tell us what it is," She turned to look at Isha out of the corner of her eye, "I think it may have something to do with those cloaked Romulans sitting off our wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you Ms. t'Khellian? Being the head of the Consulate now, you must have had some communications with I wrong?

“Is that logic or speculation?” Isha asked, watching the Vulcan intently. “I have shared the extent of my knowledge with the relevant authorities, which should be quite enough for you, Lieutenant.”

"I meant no offense," Chau'saura said calmly, "As a Marine; it is my duty to protect this station and everybody onboard. And as ILO, I must explore all possible leads. I'm sure you understand."

“I understand that I have put myself wholly within your power,” Isha said, “don’t think me so naïve as not to know that behind certain walls diplomatic immunity ceases to have much meaning.”

"But rest assured, while you are in Marine Country, nothing will happen to you...after all, you're in some of the best care in the Galaxy."

Isha chuckled, “I’m sure,” she replied her tone marked with disbelief.

"Don't be so surprised, Ms. t'Khellian. We Marines take good care of our guests. Whilst you are under the Major's jurisdiction, you are perfectly safe."

“And I’ve been raised to believe that Vulcans have no sense of humor,” Isha said with a wry smile. “You can’t seriously expect me to believe that.”

She shook her head slightly, "On the contrary. I'm not sure if you are aware, but you have already obtained significant status here...the mere fact that the Major has granted you permission to come and visit him whenever you like is a good indicator in and of itself, but there is further proof."

Chau'saura sidestepped a couple of Marines passing by carrying containers of something or other, "As ILO, I have access to more information than most of the Marines. The Major told me that he gave you a ring, is that correct?"

“It is,” Isha confirmed, “though you will understand that I have no intention of carrying such an item on my person.”

"Ah yes. But what he neglected to tell you is that in addition to being a transmitter, the gem also contains certain authorization codes, that bestow upon you full and unconditional protection of every Marine on board this station until it is’s quite an honor. If you had simply presented that ring to the Marine at the checkpoint to be scanned, you would have been admitted no questions asked."

“And if in the meantime that protection had been revoked without my knowledge?” Isha shook her head, “I didn’t ask for this ‘honor’ as you call it.”

The Marine gave the barest of shrugs, "It is not something that is given lightly. Take that however you want."

“I will,” Isha said flatly, tired of being lectured by the Vulcan. “How much further, Lieutenant?”

The Vulcan stopped outside the doors to the Restricted Section, “No further. We’re here. I’ll have to ask you to wait outside Ma’am. I’ll tell the Major that you’re here to see him.” With that, she entered the imposing doors and disappeared.

A few minutes later, the hatched hissed open again, and Major Darson glided purposefully out, his cloak fluttering like a sail in high wind as he made his way over to Isha. He stopped a few feet in front of her, and smoothly took down his hood, “Ms. t’Khellian,” he said in a silky smooth voice, “you look positively radiant.”

“I know,” Isha replied, “but I don’t really think that is relevant in this time or place.”

He shook his head, and said quietly, “There is always time to appreciate beauty. Regardless of what intergalactic incident may be brewing,” Here his tone turned sardonic, “I have some of your compatriots to thank for that. They’ve been keeping me quite…engaged…as of late.”

Darson quickly held up a hand preventing her from responding and said in a very convincing faux contrite tone, “Please…my apologies. That matter can wait for a later time. Right now you have my full and undivided attention. Now then, I know what it is that you seek…come with me…but I caution you, I can only show you the door. You have to walk through it on your own.”

Isha exhaled a long hissing breath through her teeth; “Why do you feel the need for theatrics, Darson?” she asked in a bored tone, “Costumes and flashing lights … they only go so far. I for one am beginning to wonder if there is really any substance behind it …”

“Everything has its purpose,” Darson replied mysteriously.

He pulled his hood back over his head and turned on his heel, heading for the suite of holodecks in the Marine complex. Although he had said that the matter could wait, as he strode along silently with Isha in tow he couldn’t help but ask in his head what she knew about the Romulans sitting a stone’s throw from the station. Although he had some…special insight…into what was going on, he wondered what was going on from her perspective.

He temporarily banished such thoughts from his head. Now was not the time. Wait until after this performance, until she dropped her guard. That’s when he would strike. Figuratively of course.

Eventually, they arrived at the hatch to holodeck #3. He went to the panel on the exterior, and began entering codes and commands, bringing up the program that he wanted. He then went over and opened the hatch, revealing a dark abyss on the other side, with the black shadows attempting to spill out onto the deck, appearing to roil, but at the same time staying perfectly calm.

He moved towards Isha, and stepped behind her, so they were both facing the gaping maw. He leaned in close and whispered, “Hitherto shalt I go, but no further, Ms. t’Khellian. As I said before, only you can go through with this…I would only impede the process, and I wouldn’t dream of interrupting your period of learning. But don’t worry…I’ve prepared the perfect guide…now go.”

Isha’s skin prickled from the base of her spine to the roots of her hair; she moved a pace forward to get him out of her personal space, turning her head to engage him with narrowed eyes.

“More games?” she sighed, but Isha did not really see an alternative. She hated Rh’vaurek for being right about her curiosity and for not being there to stop her acting on it; she hated Darson for the connection he claimed with her world, a connection that the husband who had discussed everything with her had not seen fit to mention.

Isha slapped the lilies into Darson’s arms. “You can put these on my grave,” she said darkly and stepped inside.

Darson took them, and although he looked quite ridiculous holding them, did not throw the lilies to the floor as Isha stepped inside and the hatch closed with a hiss. “If you insist, Isha,” He said to the door with a hint of mirth in his voice, before tossing them to the ground and stepping on them on his way to the armory.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Major James Darson