Cascade – Meeting the Skipper
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Meeting the Skipper
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Feb 14, 2013 @ 12:47am
Location   Captains Office
Timeline   SD71 08:15

The man sat at his desk, his elbow leaning forward as he continued to read the Padd infront of him. His eyes going over the mission results and then going to another Padd to look over the schematics of the birds he would be flying. A soft sigh as he gently mumbles in a deeper tone,"I want you to do your best Lieutenant.." His hand taking the padd and tossing it past the Desk onto the floor,"Like I am not going to do that.. Bah."

"Current Station Time: 0830 Hours. This is your requested Reminder to contact the Captain." The dispassionate feminine voice of the computer popped up. Malak glanced at the chrono on his desk to confirm,"End Alarm." He turns in his chair and hit his commbadge,

=^= "Lieutenant Muz to Captain Tahir.. Do you have a few moments to talk Captain? I would like to report in for duty. I've already reported to my Department Head."

Setting aside the cup in her hand that Tasha was idly fondling, thinking about how best to re-assign Straggard reached down and tapped her chest.

=^= "Come up to Operations Lieutenant. Someone will direct you to my office." She advised as she reached for a PADD and requested the transfer orders for Lieutenant Muz.

=^= "Aye, Aye. Captain. =^= Malak smiled to himself as it seems he caught her at the right time. He rose from his feet, hitting the button on the Padd to turn it off. He headed to the Transporters and made his way up to Operations. As he stepped out, his eyes went over the state of the art facility. His hands coming behind him, it didn't take long until he was directed where he needed to be. His hand came out as he hit the button, to alert the woman that someone was waiting outside.

Tasha glanced up to the open door and it still made her smile that crew would press the chime instead of appear in her doorway. She deduced it would be the Lieutenant.
"Come in." She called.

Malak made his way in after being called, his hands coming behind him with a dip of his head,"Sir." He offered with a slight smile before coming to attention,"Lieutenant Junior Grade Malak Muz. I was just taking the time to report in, Sir."

Tasha so hated being called sir, despite the fact that it was supposed to be genderless, it made her sound manly.

"Ma'am or preferably Captain." Tasha advised as she pointed to the seat opposing her.
Muz appeared younger than her report suggested and his black hair seemed to glisten in the light as he made himself comfortable in the chair. "Thank you for taking that time. How have you found Deep Space five so far?" She inquired, making conversation but also getting a feel for the apparently young man opposite her before asking how his name is broken down. Is Malak or Muz the host?

"..." Malak watched her a moment taken aback by the request to drop the formalness. It wasn't something new to the symbiont necessarily, but the host. His head dips,"Aye Si.. Captain." He does indeed sit and smiles faintly,"..It's been interesting. I was able to speak with the Commander. I have looked around the promenade a bit." He relaxes,"It's not what I am used to with my other assignments. It's a learning curve, one I enjoy doing though." He offers with a faint smirk,"I hope all of my affairs are in order when it comes to my service jacket?"

The captain smiled in return and clasped her hands together placing them on the desk ahead of her.
"Can I be blunt? I don't want to offend, but how is your name ... connected. What is your birth name?" She enquired with a softer tone to her voice and a genuine curiosity.

"It is generally common for the Host to take the last name. I'm not aware of any other naming arrangements with other trills. So the Symbiont with in me is Muz. My last name is Anuk.. So Malak Anuk became Malak Muz. This is the eleventh host, there have been ten before me." Malak offers with out any sign of concern at her question.
His smile stays faint as he continues,"It's often confusing for those who are not Trill. I take no offense."

"Thank you Malak, but I really did not want to offend you or your symbiont. Now, about the station, it is a bit daunting, the sheer scale of this place. It's basically a huge city in space but the transport is good, even if the natives are a little hostile." She teased, not knowing why she had come out with that particular form of analogy. "Your transfer orders are fine, signed off by Commander Dunham, so no problems there." She leant forward. "You have seen the Hangar bays? What do you think of them?" She asked as if she was excited about them and to a degree, she was still occasionally excited about the station as a whole.

He did nod his head,"They can indeed be..treacherous." He offers with a smirk,"I met the proprietor of the..delights bar.. Box of Delights or whatever." The smile slowly form's into a grin,"It is indeed large and encompassing.. I think it's quite a bit advanced to what I am used to. I look forward to seeing the software upgrades on the new birds." His head tilts,"Do you fly captain? I could take you out on a patrol if you'd be interested?"

Her hands waved at the air dismissively. "Thank you, but no. I do fly, regularly, but as for a patrol, that is what flight does, patrol. I think we can wrap this up for now Lieutenant." She said rising, "All that leaves is for me to welcome you aboard the station and to offer you a word of advice. Enjoy." She smiled.

"Of course, Sir." There was a pause to Malak's features as the woman seems to want to stop the conversation. He wonders slowly if he did something wrong. He rises as she does,"Sir." He comes to attention,"It's good to be here." He dips his head.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
DS5 - Starfighter Wing Executive Officer