Judgement – Cruel and Unusual
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Cruel and Unusual
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Mon Nov 08, 2010 @ 10:16pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD35. Leading up to 23:00

"Deletham, have you managed to locate Legate Turvan?" she asked. Isha may have agreed to consider Getal's evidence but that did not mean that she would not try further to verify its accuracy.

"He is still on Deep Space Five, Ambassador." Even Deletham's voice was thin, brittle and skeletal, just like his frame, "Do you wish to speak with him?"

"Contact him and ask him if he will meet me in the Vulcan tea-shop on level one of the main promenade. I will be there for the next hour," she added before cutting the channel.

If Deletham was surprised by the request he did not show it. Knowing her as he did, nothing about Isha t'Khellian would really surprise him, not even the fact that she neglected to mention all the failed attempts to communicate with her made in the past half hour.

"What are you playing at this time?" he muttered to himself as he sent the request. Deletham knew that t'Merek was still waiting in the Cell likely none too pleased about being forced to linger while the Isha t'Khellian gallivanted around the base. He would go and check on her in a short while but first there was something he had to attend to.

The last few weeks had brought Deletham a great deal of contentment, ever since that Cardassian had started harassing her, he thought as he settled back down in his chair. There was little went on in the embassy that did not reach Deletham's notice, even in her apartment and office where the surveillence equipment supposedly deactivated when she was inside out of respect for her privacy. It didn't of course, when the circuit appeared to switch off the security monitors, the data stream did not terminate, but was diverted here and only here. The record that he had built up was quite fascinating.

Of course Deletham could have intervened and done something to assist, he probably would have won the Ambassador's favour if he had alerted security during the first incident, but the only thing that Deletham wanted from Isha t'Khellian was to see her suffer and the Cardassian was making that happen regularly, and with a certain finesse.

He flicked to the latest permanent addition to his collection. When he had discovered who had bought the copy of the consulate plans that he had sold through a broker Deletham could hardly wait to see what happened. He had not been disappointed. As the recording reached his favourite part, when she managed to raise her head revealing the twist of anguish on her face, he reached forward, slowing the moment so that he could savour it; the bitch deserved every second of it.

Much as he might like to Deletham could not sit here all night indulging himself. He had to see if the Ambassador had returned. The best that could be said of her absence was that having ordered the punishment and not been available to witness that it had been carried out was that Isha had been negligent in her duty, at worst she had committed a wanton act of cruelty in causing t'Merek to wait so long for her acknowledgement; Deletham thought the latter, though in his view this was a minor incident, Isha t'Khellian's whims and lies had ruined lives.

He checked her office first, he knew that she had not returned, otherwise his data feed would have activated, but he had to keep up appearances. The door had not been opened so he made his way to the small soundproofed room where nobody really wanted to go.

"There has still been no response from the Ambassador," he said as he wrapped his long fingers around the doorframe.

The woman in the room was quiet. The entire room, in fact, was as silent as a grave the people who came inside often begged to occupy. The only thing that broke through it was the sound of Arrienye's shivering breath. She sat on one of the stools meant for her to sit on in her condition, and tried to keep her wounded frame as still as possible, resisting the urge to bury her face in her hands. It would stretch the drying wounds on her back, making them break open.

There were several places on her back where, despite her punisher's skills, the skin had broken open to let her green blood run down her back. The medic had come in a couple of times after it had been done to run a sterilizing scan over them to keep any infection away. But the waiting was the torturous part. It made the blood on her back dry off, and her flesh tightened around her wounds to try and fight any blood loss. The pain had not subsided at all since the first blow came. Her extremities gave a strong, dull ache as sharp slices of pain erupted over her back with each breath.

She barely heard Deletham as he spoke.

Expression impassive Deletham took a pace forward and waited for the door to close behind him. What a sight she was. He had no issues with t'Merek, but part of him wished that he could have seen what had happened in here; the result was of less interest to him than the process.

It had been half an hour now, and when he had gone as asked to fetch the Ambassador, he had found her absent. Each attempt to contact her had failed. That is why he had come earlier to inform t'Merek that the Ambassador had left the embassy, and why he had returned now. He did not mention the brief exchange with Isha t'Khellian.

"Did you think that she was capable of this when you first met her?" he asked as he folded down onto the other stool.

Arrienye simply moved her eyes to look at him, not moving her head. Why is he here? she asked herself. No one but the medic really should be allowed in this room. And the person who had requested her punished - t'Khellian in this case. So what was this tall, ghost of a man sitting there for, asking her foolish questions that no doubt had a hidden motive. All seemingly foolish questions had deeper meanings at the Consulate. And beyond, no doubt.

"This does not concern you," she told him. Her voice sounded higher than she thought it would. It was steady though, with t'Merek doing her best to control the amount of emotion in it. She did not show weakness in front of those unworthy of seeing her in such a way. This skeletal figure who sprung from the shadows unannounced as if summoned by some dark force was included in that category.

"I was instructed to bring her, but she has refused to answer my calls," he said in a tone as dry as wind blown sand, "I wish you to know that it is not through lack of effort on my behalf that the Ambassador has not yet visited you," he said, "nothing more."

Arrienye looked over at the wall. "I know that," she told him, unable to keep herself from taking a deep breath. She gasped slightly and as her eyes opened with a blink, they were watery, but none of the liquid escaped her blue orbs.

"Very well," Deletham said without the least twitch of interest on his face. He straightened. "When I return I will bring you Isha t'Khellian," he said, stalking towards the door.

It was another half hour before he returned.


"Tell anyone that I was anywhere other than the Bajoran Gardens and I will have your tongues removed," she hissed at her guards as she entered the embassy. How had it become this late?

Deletham intercepted her even before she had reached the door of her apartment.

"Ambassador," he said, "If you will forgive me, this has waited long enough."

"Yes,yes," she replied irritably. She did not understand the man. She had no idea what function he performed other than acting as a stand in for some of Raedheol's duties. Deletham was Rh'vaurek's man, and as such she allowed herself to trust him. Isha sighed, then straightened, it was true that she had put this off long enough.

As he had said the next time the door opened Deletham brought Isha t'Khellian.

"The Ambassador," he said before pulling back and allowing the woman to enter and the doors to close between them.

Arrienye closed her eyes briefly to steady herself, allowing a small prayer of gratitude to spread through her mind.


"t'Merek," Isha said as her eyes darted around the claustrophobic wash-down room, she had been somewhere like this before and felt the weight in her own stomach. "I am here."

"Yes," t'Merek just acknowledged. She didn't make an effort to stand up. Having to do that once will be enough and she couldn't help but wish to delay that moment while hoping that once it came she would be able to do it. The dark, dried parallel wounds on the back of her legs and arms pulsed pain through her limbs and she wasn't sure if they would support her weight when the moment came.

"So, I ..." Isha hesitated, she had not known quite what to expect and she found the reality of the damage quite appalling.

Isha blinked, she had been wrong, she realised as she walked behind her head of security and stared at the oozing wealts on her back.

Why had he had to make her order such brutality? Why had she complied? Isha knew why, but this was so much more visible, and it was at her instigation. He knew she would not let him assault one of her people, but this was the alternative? She had put t'Merek in a position where she had no right to fight back, that is what that bastard had manipulated her into doing through exploiting Isha's own fear of him.

As she lingered behind t'Merek Isha bit her bunched knuckles; even if Getal had tried to carry out his threat against the woman, t'Merek would have had a fighting chance, by choosing for her, Isha had made t'Merek as passive as she was herself and denied t'Merek's own agency by framing this undeserved assault as a legitimate punishment.

That was what R'Vek had been trying to make her understand, Isha thought with a shudder. Had he meant that? Would he see her here? Isha no longer knew.

What would her mother say? Llairr would know what to do. What in Eisn's name was she supposed to do now?

"You understand and accept the reason, don't you?" Isha settled on eventually as she stepped around the stool to t'Merek's other side and back into her line of vision, her fears tight within her head.

Arrienye raised her head for the first time, withstanding the pain it brought. "I understand and accept the reason for my punishment," she said, meeting her eyes. Her own showed the usual confidence, but with a clear tint of the pain she'd been put through and still suffered from.

"I shall have the medic sent to attend you," Isha said turning to the door, then she paused, very much as t'Merek had when she had left Isha's office to come to this room. Isha had to tell her why. She had to let t'Merek know that she had not seen any other choice.

"I require your word that I may speak in confidence," she said, knowing that even if such word was given t'Merek might well break it after what Isha had done to her. Isha had forcibly removed t'Merek's right to act of free will, she could at least give her back the right to vengeance.

Arrienye couldn't help but let out a snort in the form of a soft puff of air. She wanted her word? The Head of Security had just bled because of her and she actually had the gall to ask for her word?

"You have my word," t'Merek told her, still in disbelief that she had actually asked it of her. Now, with her emotions mixed in with physical pain, Arrienye had no intention of taking this seriously.

Isha bit the inside of her lower lip before she spoke, "I was afraid that he had found out that I was involved in a plot to assassinate him," she said hardly able to look at t'Merek, let alone look her in the eye, "Getal I mean. Then he made this demand. It came so suddenly that I didn't know what else to do other than agree," she said, "it was a valid complaint even if its source was abhorrant."

The silence was not good. Isha thought the other woman should say something. "I made the wrong decision," she said as she stepped closer, then she did something she would never be able to explain to herself.

Isha fell to her knees on the bloodied floor before t'Merek. "You have to forgive me," she sobbed, "i just wanted him to lift his foot from my throat, to leave me alone; I just couldn't resist anymore. t'Merek, I did not want what he would do to you on my conscience ... I thought that if I agreed I could control it, that you would come to less harm," Isha explained as she struggled to keep her guilt under control. "I was wrong," she repeated, head bowed, "You have to forgive me."

Arrienye, not a talkative woman to begin with, now found herself at a complete loss for words. It wasn't every day (or century) that a Merek found a Khelliana kneeling in front of them, their head bowed, asking for forgiveness. However just and fitting she felt the act was, Arrienye found no joy in it. Only further hatred for what Getal was putting them both through in his efforts to break them. t'Khellian, Arrienye felt, was so close to it she could smell it off her sobbing form.

"t'Khellian," Arrienye said finally. She raised an injured arm and put a hand on her shoulder. "Get up and sit," she told her, lightly motioning with her head to the stool by her side that Deletham had occupied only a short while ago.

Isha's skin tingled at the unexpected pressure of t'Merek's hand on her shoulder. She hesitated a moment before raising her head. Making no effort to wipe the tears from her face Isha did as instructed, she perched on the edge of the stool, her gaze focussed on the dark patches that stained the fabric over her knees.

t'Merek remained quiet for what seemed like ages to Isha, but when she finally spoke her voice was soft.

"Getal did this," she said. Arrienye was pained to admit it, with the woman by who's word she'd suffered sitting so close. But she forced herself to, knowing that once the physical pain had subsided, she would come to that same conclusion. "...not you," she added, looking up at t'Khellian. She had to forgive her. If she didn't Arrienye knew she would be tied to the woman with emotional bonds harder to break than tritanium. And she simply couldn't allow that to herself. She was taught better.

But she also couldn't add to t'Khellian's shame, since this, she imagined was enough. The Ambassador may not see it that way, judging by the sincerity Arrienye saw in her eyes, but Getal was forcing her to her knees in front of someone she never would have knelt before otherwise.

"So...there is no reason for me to forgive you for my punishment," Arrienye finally said in a soft tone.

"If you have nothing to forgive me for, and I cannot ask your forgiveness, then who will?" Isha asked looking down at her hands.

Arrienye didn't answer for a long time for the simple reason that she really didn't know what to say anymore. The conflict between her mind and her heart was too great for her to just manage easily, let alone explain it to t'Khellian with simple words. There was nothing simple about what was going on. She glanced at Isha, observing her for a moment. Then she asked her something that was simple for her.

"Why did you force me to wait?" she asked.

Isha considered the question, still staring at her palms. "All my life I have been subject to one rule or another, my Mother's, my Husband's, the Empire's, and now that creature - there were other names she could have mentioned, but for the most part they would be meaningless to the other woman. "I have never been allowed any freedom, so somethimes I simply take it. This night I found I had to get out of this place, it was closing around me, and when I did, I just couldn't face coming back." It was a very frank admission. "If you suffered for it, I am sorry."

"I know you are. And I did," Arrienye nodded slightly. She couldn't deny she was angry. What t'Khellian did was cruel, making her wait wounded like this. Even if she hadn't meant it as such.

Isha swallowed. "As much as you have to me I have a duty to you. I have failed in mine," she said. "I have no right to ask you to forgive me for that dereliction of duty. I should have made myself available as required. You are at liberty to make a complaint against me," she said, "I would understand."

"Neither of us would get anything from that," Arrienye pointed out logically. "And I had failed in my duty as well when I failed to protect you from Getal," t'Merek told her. That issue was still weighing on her ever since she'd found t'Khellian lying in a mixed pool of blood in her apartment. "I suppose in some involuntary, morbid way, we're even in our dereliction of duty."

She did not agree, but Isha conceded the point without protest, "If that is your view," she said simply.

Arrienye couldn't help but close her eyes, reaching up to rub her temple. Her view, she'd said. If only Arrienye knew what her view was anymore. Since arriving on DS5 so many of her views were confronted and had become so disfigured even she didn't know what they were anymore. Even this 'view' she'd just spoken off. She had no idea what the hell she was talking about anymore. On any other occasion, things would've turned out so differently. She never forgave easily but tonight, of all nights, with emotions running high, Arrienye couldn't help but just want to run with the simplest solution. The one that would, at least for now, soothe her pains.

Isha stood, feeling unusually awkward, "May I help you?" she ventured, "Or would you have me summon a medic to assist?"

"You have never done this before have you?" Arrienye asked her, looking at her face as several realizations about t'Khellian came to her.

Her gaze flicked up, then down again. "I have given the order before, but more usually I have not needed to," Isha said, "I have never until now had to deal with the result, other than appending my thumbprint to the report.

"Do what is correct, t'Merek," isha said taking a pace back.

Arrienye closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths and letting out a small prayer before taking another deep breath and moving to stand in one quick movement. Biting the inside of her cheek to keep any sounds from escaping, Arrienye immediately tasted blood. She shook, her body reacting to the shocking pain and she leaned forward onto a ridge along the wall placed decoratively, but for that purpose.

She stood there for several minutes, gathering up her strength again. "You don't need to be here, Ambassador," Arrienye pointed out. The angrier part of her wanted the woman to watch exactly what she'd put her through, but the other, proud part loathed having someone watch her in such a condition.

Isha nodded, "I'm sorry," she said a little startled at the tone t'Merek used to her, ""Arrain," she said with a curt nod before she turned and left.


Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Arrain Arrienye ir-Elehu t'Merek