Beg, Steal or Borrow – Wavelength
by Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Wavelength
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 8:31pm
Location   Deck 24, Captains' suite (Room 11)
Timeline   SD7 - 0055

Darson sat in the icy paradise he had made his office, brooding over a big decision. He stared down at his boots, or more specifically at the large black case that was next to his boots.

It was the size of a medium cooler, and came to about his knees when it was sitting on the ground. Hermetically sealed and otherwise unmarked, it represented a large burden on Darson, one he was obliged to get to Earth. And although he had advocated using Tahir himself in his earlier conversation with the Colonel, he was wondering now if it really was the right choice.

Eventually, he came to a conclusion, and put his doubts to rest. He stood up, grabbed the heavy case with surprising ease, and with a squeak of boots he slid across the ice floor to the door, opening a comm channel to Captain Tahir.

=^= "Captain...I hope I haven't woken you." =^=

Placing down the glass of hot chocolate that Ayren had brought in; Tasha ran back to her bedside table and retrieved her comm, pressing it hard. =^= "Major! Is it urgent? I assume you’re aware of the time." She replied a little breathless.

Darson noticed her breathless tone, and logged it away in his mind. Taking on a grave tone of voice, he said, =^= "I apologize for calling at this unholy hour Captain...but I wanted to speak to you...alone...about a matter of great importance. Would you mind coming down to the Marine HQ?" =^=

Had he heard about the Romulan problem already, or some other matter that would detain her early departure from the station. =^= "If it’s urgent, I can secure a channel from here to you." She suggested, looking at Ayren who was drinking her own chocolate.

Darson stopped at the turbolift bank in the Marine Complex, and said, =^= "I'm sorry Captain, but this cannot be done over the Comm. I must see you in person...where are you?" =^=

She paused, =^="I am in my quarters, but if it’s dire, I can meet you." =^= She pulled her arms around herself. His tone was indeed urgent and she had the sudden thought that he had heard of yet another planned attack on her or one of her crew.

Darson was silent for a second. Then he said, =^= "Stay put Captain. I'll come to you. Darson out." =^= With that said, he cut the comm channel, and entered the turbolift, instructing it to bring him to the Captain's quarters on Deck 24.

The speed at which he closed the connection stunned her. She turned to Ayren and shrugged her shoulders.
"Can I ask you to give me a few minutes with Major Darson when he arrives?" Tasha begged.

"Of course,' she said.”I could also leave," Ayren offered. "Really... it is no problem...”

Tasha didn't want her to leave, she found her company invigorating and refreshing. "No, don't go, not yet. Let me talk with the major for a few minutes, and then it’s my turn to treat you to one of my little pleasures." She grinned.

After the turbolift discharged him on the correct Deck, he continued down the corridor, eventually coming to rest in front of the correct hatch. Without hesitation, he reached out, and rang the chime.

Ayren opened the door for Darson. She hadn't met him as they would have little to do with each other. "Major," she greeted him and stepped outside. "Please,' she showed him into the room as she exited.

Darson cocked his head curiously to the side as the CDO moved to let him in, but ignored it and stepped though the hatch instead and allowing her room to leave.

"Please, come in; tell me what is on your mind Major." Tasha said in a clear even tone as Ayren disappeared behind the door as it slid closed.

“Thank you Captain, for seeing me on such short notice,” He said quietly, as he moved over to the small table on the side of the room, and gently depositing the case onto it, where it sat ominously. He then moved all the way to the other side of the small room, as far away from it as possible, before turning to the Captain again.

“Captain…I understand that you are leaving for earth today…am I correct?”

Tasha nodded as she eyed him with confusion at what he just done and wondered why.
"Major, after what you did, it would be no imposition for me to see you." She made her point before continuing. "Yes, I am heading back in the morning. It was going to be the evening, but you know...." She stopped, seeing that he appeared extremely troubled himself.

He nodded slowly, “Unfortunately, I have in my possession certain…time sensitive…objects, which must be delivered to Earth as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I cannot take them myself, as I have been chained to this station like a dying man chained to an anchor before he’s shoved out of an airlock.” He was silent for a second and considered his statement.

Tasha dropped her head, knowing what he was trying to compare his predicament to, but it came out badly.

“Ok, so that analogy didn't make much sense, but it’s true. I cannot deliver it myself, and I don’t have anybody on this station that I would trust enough to handle it for me...but then I thought of you, Captain."

His words were perfectly chosen and she felt the honesty in his remark, but it came as a surprise for her to hear him admit it.

Darson stared at her for a second and then said silkily, “Oh come on, don’t look so shocked Captain. You have proven yourself time and again to be more than trustworthy. And it’s a very simple task that you need to perform. All I need you to do is escort that box,” he indicated the case sitting on the table, “to Earth, and hand it to a designated recipient. Nothing more...can you do that for me?

She thought for a few seconds, wondering what was in the box, before responding.

"I take it that its a 'No questions asked' sort of favour, but if you guarantee me, that it does not put me or the Castor in any danger, then yes, I will take it to Earth for you." Tasha said, although guarded in her response, felt she owed him this much.

"Hmm..." He said, giving a dark dramatic sigh, "I suppose I can guarantee the ships safety, but not your own, Captain...'tis an evil box. It has tried to kill me on numerous occasions...most recently, when it mysteriously appeared in my path, and I tripped over it, nearly breaking my neck. But it has been known to operate heavy machinery and simple weapons...I would recommend chaining it down and keeping a round the clock guard on it..." He trailed off as he stared at Tahir's shocked expression.

"Ahh...I'm kidding, Captain. Might be a little bit too early for humor, I be honest, there should be no danger. I have here the contact protocols that you'll use when you get to Earth," He pulled a PADD out of his cloak, and placed it on the sofa, "I've also taken the liberty of obtaining several dinner invitations for you...the annual Starlight Ball being one of them. Do attend, Captain. I feel it will do wonders for you."

Tasha wanted to hit him hard for raising her blood pressure. He had her on the edge of trepidation and if she had been sitting, her seat but she saw the funny side and was feeling far too relaxed to hit him anyhow.

"Thank you Major...I think." She grinned, but still cast her eye over to the box on the table. "And thanks for the invitations, I will put them to good use." She said gratefully.

He turned to leave, making sure to stay on the prehiphery of the room, to maintain as big a distance as possible from the innocuous box. As he made a move towards the door, he turned to Tahir with one last odd comment, "You know Captain, in my opinion, Deep Space 5 might just be the most subterfuge filled station in this Fleet. But throughout all that, its comforting to know one little fact...'Trust, has to start somewhere'. Oh yes...and when you're on Earth, don't eat the fish."

With that said, he palmed the door's mechanism, and stepped through the hatch, giving a nod to the Diplomat on the other side, and disappeared down the hall as quickly as he had come.

Ayren stared after him for a moment as if deep in thought and then turned back to Tasha, a smile spreading on her face

Tasha popped her head out into the corridor, watching Ayren watch the Major pace away.

"Coming in?" She enquired, the grin on her face widening as Ayren eased herself around to face Tasha.

"Of course," said the diplomat, stepping back inside. She was going to miss Tasha when she was gone.


Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

CO: Tasha Tahir

CDO: Ayren Kelan