Judgement – Resolutions
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Resolutions
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Dec 29, 2010 @ 12:26am
Location   Viewing deck - 199
Timeline   SD35 20:45

Tasha needed air, space to breath. She had messed things up today and had not helped either Dorian or his cause and it troubled her.
Leaning against the largest viewing window onto the docking ports, she didn't count the seven Galaxy class starships currently docked, though she was lost within her thoughts, wondering if or even how Dorian would manage to get this case against him dismissed.
She hadn't ruled him out, he was too clever for some but she also knew that his temper would get the better of him if pushed and that with a fuse as short of his, the trial tomorrow would dredge up feelings of despair in any one and having only recently read the reports, she felt that he had been betrayed.

Tasha knew only too well the feelings of guilt and anger when a loved one is taken away and not by a natural cause. Romans murderers had never been brought to justice and she felt more angry at that fact, than any other when the inquest into his death failed to reveal the person or persons responsible.

She dabbed at the tears than began to flow, tears of both guilt and frustration that surfaced whenever she dwelled too deeply on her past and even more so when it was brought to the surface through events that were totally unrelated.
Her mind drifted to the strange second officer of the Sarek, Chinari, and how he made her feel like a woman, when most of the time she felt more like an automoton when in charge of this impressive, yet complicated station.

She gritted her teeth. "Time for a change" She said aloud as her hands clenched into fists.

So much had gone wrong today, tomorrow could not get any worse, only better and hopefully, she would receive some viable information from her own friends in Starfleet that could help Gabriel.

A sense of releif veiled her as she turned away, heading for her quarters and a well deserve shower.


Captain Tasha Tahir