Unity – Is it that time?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Is it that time?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Feb 20, 2010 @ 1:57pm
Location   Docking Bay 28
Timeline   SD 17 - 06:05

Davies had a fitful nights sleep and despite the events of the night before, he was determined to make sure that the new rules were in place.
The report PADD in his hands read:

Status is currently on alert.
Station in lockdown.
7 ships are awaiting permission to dock.
17 ships are awaiting permission to depart
14 ships are offloading cargo
3 ships are undergoing repair
17, 459 Federation staff are accounted for
21,937 civilian members are accounted for

Several key areas were affected by explosions. Repairs carried out and all station functions are green.
waste scrubbers on decks 1276 and 1277 are offline for repair
Security reports several disturbance through the night.
Several security staff were injured in an affray on the promenade.
Despite the increased radio traffic, the communications channels are open.
Environmental controls are Green.
Gravitational stabilisers are green
Docking bay 4 still has power fluctuations when the main doors are open.
Despite the emergency, medical coped exceedingly well. Still a shortage in staff and several EMH programs were initiated to deal with triage.

Davies didn't read any further. Main sickbay was on his list of priority visits this morning.

---Kreallia's Quarters---

Kreallia had slept like a baby the last night, after finally getting back to her quarters she had been greeted to a nice surprise.

"Good morning." Alex said, reaching his arm across her chest.

Kreallia tried to groan a sleepy sigh, but she cracked up laughing.

"What's So funny?" He whispered.

Kreallia rolled over to look at him. "It's just......." Kreallia started.

"What?" He asked, kissing her neck.

"Nevermind, we have to get up." She said, ripping the covers off and going over to her closet getting her uniform. After buttoning up her undershirt she moved to the jacket and looked at her bed to see Alex was still in bed looking at her with his suave attitude. "What?" She laughed.

"Nothing." He chuckled.

"Yeah sure, and don't you need to get dressed? I hear Flint is a tough cookie." She said, turning to he mirror to pin on her pips.

"Fine." He said, suddenly appearing by her side.

"I'll...be...back." She said in between kisses.

"Great." He whispered.

Kreallia pushed him away gently and moved out of her bedroom and into the living room and rushed out the door, a beaming smile on her face.

---- Main Promenade ----

Gabriel continued to survey the damage that was done to the Promenade. It would be awhile before this area was cleared for open traffic. He wanted to know what the hell was going on and who would launch such an attack, but not immediately strike the station while it was at its most vulnerable.

Either way, he was glad to have something else to focus on other than the dead Romulan who had somehow managed to bring himself back to life just enough to inconvenience Gabriel. He knew that he shouldn't spend too much time focusing on the past, especially considering he had gone through such lengths to make sure that his past would not come back to bother him. He had worked extensively to cover his service record so that it would not make any mention of the incident onboard the research facility and the Romulan. There was no telling what would happen to his career, if the entire episode was brought to light.

Kreallia ran up to Gabriel and jogged next to him. "Hello Commander." She said cheerfully.

"The hell do you want?" Gabriel said as he turned to answer an officer that had handed him a report on a Padd.

"I'm here for our daily session." She explained.

"I don't have time for you or your hand-holding treatments." Gabriel replied. "Someone of us actually have necessary jobs to perform." Gabriel said as he walked off from the Romulan.

"Hey that was our agreement, five weeks of counseling or five weeks of me observing your duty." She replied.

"Go observe someone who gives a damn." He said flippantly.

"Well you can do your duty with me observing or you can spend a hour each day in my office." Kreallia stated.

Gabriel didn't have time for this nonsense. "Fine, you want to observe, then observe all you want." He said as he turned from the Romulan to the security officer standing beside him.

"Ensign Roberts, you are to escort her for the duration of her time that she is with me. I'd hate for any unforeseen accident to befall her. Make sure that she remains at least 25 feet away from me at all times." He said to the officer. "If she moves with 24 feet, you have my permission to shoot her." He said without the hint of any humor in his voice.

"Ten feet." She stated firmly.

"You want to do your job, fine, but you'll stay the hell out of my way. The last thing I need is for you to screw up this investigation, although I'm sure your kind would love nothing more than to see such a thing happen." he said to her as he continued to inspect a fallen beam just a few feet ahead of him.

Kreallia was sure to stay out of the ten foot range and followed him as he inspected the beam. "This'll take a while to move." She muttered to herself, but loud enough so Gabriel could hear.

Gabriel looked at Roberts and gave him a hand gestured that indicated that he was serious about the "shooting" part of his orders.

===Aboard USS Montana===

Jarred rolled out of bed in the captains quarters of the Montana, the reserve crew was ready to go he got his coffee and started his way to the bridge, he was hoping to get this mission underway shortly. He walked down the corridor to the turbo lift, and engineering petty officer joined him in the lift. The lifts low hum was the only noise as the lift stopped Jarred exited followed by the non-com who joined the repair party working on one of the engineering stations. A yeoman handed him the latest status report the ship was ready, so were the other two ships in the task group.


What Karen needed was the brisk wind that scoured Scarfell to blow the space dust out of her ears; she realized as she twisted herself out of bed that she had not so much as looked at a mountain since she had arrived on Deep Space Five. She was not one for for the gym and the clear knowledge that she was running on the spot, but somehow holosuite time had not fitted anywhere into her schedule yet.

As she showered and pulled on a fresh uniform it was with some regret that she acknowledged that she would not find time today either, with more regret when she conceded that this time it was due to the attacks of the previous night, not because her schedule was too hectic.

Her first call after she had answered a rather tense and disturbing summons to visit the Cardassian Ambassador was to check in with Commander Davies, but by that time he had already left for sickbay. Karen made her way there too.

***** SICKBAY *****

Chelsea called a Departmental Meeting. It was the first of these routine *catch up and report in* meetings the Medical Department had been able to have since she'd been promoted to CMO. As a result of the bombings and the state of emergency, they hadn't had time for routine 'housekeeping'.

Ed McBain was first to arrive. He and Chelsea started getting in the coffees.

"Is the new Chief Counsellor coming?" Ed asked.

"Should be" Chelsea replied, unable to think of a reason why not. "I sent her the same notification that everyone else got." She looked at him quizically.

"Oh I was just interested" he smiled.

"Whyyyyyyyy?" Chelsea raised an eyebrow.

"Just because I haven't met her yet, that's all" Mc Bain replied with his best innocent look.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!" she smirked. "But you've *heard* how beautiful she is and you were hoping to check that out?"

"Don't talk such nonsense!" he scoffed, pretending to put on a fierce face that just made her laugh.

"Don't tell me a man your age doesn't look at beautiful women?" she joined the pretence at seriousness.

"You got it, and........ Heyyyyyyyy! Less of the man of *my* age, young whipper-snapper! You're not too senior for going across my knee, my girl" he joked.

Chelsea looked haughty. "Oh yeah? You and who's army, CPO McBain?"

"I could take you down with one hand tied behind my back!" he retorted.

"Into bondage too now?" she laughed.

"I dunno, the young these days!" he put on his *old man* voice and pretended to wave a hovver-stick, bending over as if his spine were stiff.

Chelsea dissolved into a heap and conceded defeat. "Ok, ok.... so you're more of a drama-queen than I am.. but you *have* to admit that's no mean feat!" she laughed. "and for your information, I'm not *so* young by comparison to most of this department, and well you know it." She ordered a red-leaf Terran tea.

Ed perched himself on the table at one side of the office.

"Ed, if it were anyone but you I'd ask you to sit down in the chairs and take this seriously" Chelsea chided gently, knowing full well that Ed was the only one in the universe who could get away with murder and she'd still not be able to tell him off. He was 'family'. More like a big brother or father-figure to her and it wasn't possible to carpet your Mentor.

McBain grinned, his wry face told her he was making his own choice of this but he did sit down none the less. "Okay, okay!" he laughed. "I'll be good."

"Old reprobate!" she muttered, a smirk playing around her lips. "Lucky you're so special, eh?". Ed winked at her, settling himself in a comfortable chair.

"Thanks Ed. I don't know what I'd do without you. To be honest, I'm a bit nervous about this first departmental meeting. I know Ryan used to just sail through them but he was better at this sort of thing. I appreciate your support, as always." Chelsea admitted.

Ed wasn't hearing anything he didn't already know. "I know honey. But relax, you'll be fine!"

Chelsea took a deep breath, did a *Picard manoeuver* on her tunic and sat in her own chair just as the others arrived, filling the room with Senior Nurses, Senior Registrars, Specialist Regs, Senior Housemen and varying degrees of Doctors and Consultants.

Looking around the familiar faces, Chelsea felt as if she was still ACMO standing in for Ryan and finally she relaxed into the role again.

"We're just waiting for the Counselling staff then we can move on." Before she began speaking again, the door chime went.

"Come in" she called out.

* * * *

Kreallia continued to walk down the hall with Gabriel and then remembered her previous engagement. "Shoot." She grunted and tapped her COMM badge. "t'Jay to Adams, I'll be a little late for the party." She said, moving away from Gabriel. "And we will continued later." She told Gabriel as she sprinted off.

* * * *

Davies held the PADD under his arm as he approached sickbay and before he had even reached the door, there was a fair amount of sounds from within.
"Sounds like a party!" He remarked to himself as the door slipped apart and he entered.

Davies was surprised at the number of medical staff already gathered in the CMO's office.
"Good morning." He said simply as he moved towards the CMO and nodded.

"Sir" Chelsea stood up respectfully at attention and offered her own chair, the rest of the office being full to bursting.

David eased his way through the staff and made his way towards Chelsea and waved his hand, declining her offer of her chair.
"I see some new faces." He said with a grin. "Introduction?" He questioned as he placed the PADD on the desk and turned towards the assembled group.

"We're just being introduced now, Commander." Chelsea explained. "The new batch of Medical Registrars have arrived. Guys, this is Commander Davies, the Station CO."

* * * *
Kreallia dashed into sickbay, still out of breath after running at least a mile to get here. "What did I miss?" She panted, and then looked over to the compressed office of medical personel and nodded. "A party." She muttered. She pushed through the crowd until she reached Chelsea's desk and jumped on the top and vaulted over the surface, her boots narrowly missing Davies' head. "You know my office is four or five times as big." She explained.

Karen observed with narrowed eyes and pursed lips, her eyes swivelled silently towards Davies, "If you wish to be at the centre of the room, be sure to arrive in good time in the future, Lieutenant t'Jay," she said disapproving of the display. "You were about to say something, Doctor Adams?"

"Thank you Commander" Chelsea acknowledged the XO. "I have convened this Departmental Meeting in the format that you are all used to, but as it's my first as CMO I accept that it may vary from the norm in some small ways. I want to start by wishing Lieutenant Milarno all the best in his new ventures and to assure you all that he promises to return to us in the future. Ryan has been a rock and an important personal friend not to mention an extremely talented and inspired doctor. This department will miss him sorely on all levels. I would like to place on record my thanks and commendation of him. I only hope I can walk in his footsteps. I will do my level best, that much I can promise you all." She took a breath.

"Ok, that's the official stuff. Now I would normally start with the reports from each of you in turn. From the top. Commander Davies? May I ask you to go first with your business please?"

David fully agreed with her judgements on Ryan and he would be missed.
"Yes, good luck to Doctor Milarno." He let his arms fall to his side. "The real reason for my being here, was to first thank you all for your assistance yesterday, the response times were fantastic and to only have one fatality speaks volumes. The second, is to welcome the new intake of junior medics onto DS5." He nodded to the group.

"Very well, as you were." He said turning to Chelsea. He leant in a little closer, so that only Chelsea would hear him. "When your ready, I want to talk statistics from yesterday." He stood upright once more and cast a glance around the members of Chelsea's team.

"Thank you all once again." He said as he made towards the exit, signalling for Karen to follow him.

Chelsea stood respectfully until the CO and XO had left and then returned to the meeting.

"To the reports then. Remember, as always, if there's anything you need to keep for my ears only, please stay by at the end. Ok, Counsellor? Would you like to start us off please?" She sat down indicating that Kreallia had the floor.

Kreallia nodded. "Okay then, well I have been promoted to Chief Counselor as Lieutenant Kasikova is not returning to DS5 and I am now taking over the department, ah...........well there is some stress amongst the crew after the bombing but besides that everything is normal." Kreallia explained.

Chelsea was not impressed. "Thank you Counsellor, perhaps you would be kind enough to remain behind for a further discussion after the meeting." she instructed before moving on to the next report from the next sub-department head.

===Intel Office===

Jarred walked into the room, nodding to a few familiar faces, four PADDs' in hand he sat down at his desk, between the casualty reports, the forensics from the bombing, the mission to the POW camp, and now having to spy on the Romulan population on the station along with what ever else was feeding Dorians paranoia was enough to make him think about taking on a transfer of some kind. Chief Ayers was still off station and he wasn't too keen on letting his other staff just do any old surveillance job, this needed someone with some skill, or something else, he started scrolling through the unassigned roster of field officers, as he looked through the list he saw a name that would fit the bill.

"computer open a comm link with starfleet intelligence, personnel management."


Outside the sickbay, Davies stood and waited for Commander Villiers to emerge.
"Commander," He began as the door closed behind her, "If I may request Commander Gabriel be given his liberty for the remainder of the day, so he can investigate the explosions. It's not that I don't trust Captain Flynn, but I would rather the Chief of security be allowed to do his job then pass the reins downwards, if you agree..

She was more concerned that the Romulan contingent would use the opportunity to remove him from the station, but Karen responded in an undertone, "I'll give him until noon to do what he thinks is necessary, that's a favour to you , Sir, not him. He's safer out of circulation at the moment."

"That will suffice, we have to show that Starfleet security is doing it's job. You are going to get your hands tied today with all the legal repercussions from yesterday, so I will try not to disturb you as much as I am able, but if you have time, can you run point with Engineering?" He enquired, preparing to head to the CSOs office.

Once upon a time Karen would have exploded if someone had felt the need to inform her that there might be legal repercussions, as it was she managed to restrain herself, more or less, "I'll be the conduit, not the focus," she said, unconcerned as to whether or not the implication was understood. "I'll add it to my list."


A JP Between:

Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Lt Commander Dorian Gabriel

Lt. Jarred Wallace

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five