Beg, Steal or Borrow – Here we go again
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Here we go again
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Fri Feb 20, 2009 @ 10:19pm
Location   Conference Room
Timeline   SD8 1115 - just after the meeting

Da`nal couldn't help but notice Davies glance to T'Lan. No doubt they both were expecting more fireworks or possibly need to restrain either Da`nal and or Gabriel before they killed on another. While the Intel Officer was arrogant and opinionated he needed those characteristics to if his plan was to work. There were details to iron out put he had a few other individuals to see before he got things off the ground.

As the doors closed leaving the three officers he had no doubt that T'Lan near by using her abilities to sense what was going on. The thought brought a slight grin to his face. His business with both officers would be brief, at least for right now.

Leaning up against the table as the Major stood and approached. "Major, I know you have a new XO transferring in so I'll be brief. I assume there is the usual competitive....environment between Fleet security and the Marines stationed here?

Darson cocked his head to the side as he considered the question, “If be ‘competitive environment’ you mean the fact that my Marines and your Security personnel will fight over everything from range shooting, to simulated ops, to bar games, and always end with the Marines coming out on top…than yes, I suppose that that environment does exist here.”

Grinning as his answer came as expected, "I figured as much. I was thinking that we could use that. I'm suggesting joint training and mission ops. We could use the competition to better both departments while at the same time boosting moral and unit/joint unit cohesion.

Darson gave a quiet sigh of contemplation as he leaned back in his chair, “I suppose it couldn’t hurt…however,” he said in a jovial tone, “I don’t want you throwing a hissy fit when my Marines kick you ass. For the past couple of days, scores on everything have been through the roof compared to recent weeks…as a matter of fact, it started right after I arrived…weird, isn’t it?”

""Well not having accessed the abilities of the security staff I cannot challenge your statement....regrettfully. However. I know at least one officer that is ready for you." Shifting back to the logistics of his request. To that end I would like to request a liaison officer from your staff to help coordinate things between Stat Ops, Security, and your department.

Darson began to juggle a PADD that was on the table as he contemplated a list of Marines who would be suitable for this liaison, “Well,” he said slowly, “with the arrival of my new XO, Lt. Flynn will have to be reassigned…I’m sure she won’t object to be reallocated to this job.”

He balanced the PADD perfectly straight on the tip of his finger and held it there, “…I’ll make up some position for her…she’s part of the S1 headquarters detachment, so she does have substantial administrative skills. Maybe a Defense Force Liaison Officer? With the creation of my MTAC, all of our departments,” he indicated Dorian, Da’nal and himself, “are more connected then before...we should foster that. I’ll put her to work this afternoon, and have her get in touch with you.

"Excellent. This afternoon then."

Gabriel sat and observed the pissing contest between the two men. The would-be Klingon and the Caped Crusader were providing him with much needed entertainment, but he had more important matters to discuss with Darson, sooner rather than later.

Darson turned slightly to face Dorian, “Mr. Gabriel, I do believe we have many logistical elements of the coming days to go over. If you will accompany me back to my complex, we can work out the details.”

Da`nal looked at the time. "That works for me as I have another...matter to see to. However, Lieutenant I will want to see you in my office sayyyy…1300 to discuss a few things with you."

Gabriel slowly stood as he looked at Da`nal, "I have important matters to discuss, your meeting with me will take place at the conclusion of that meeting," He said as he grabbed his PADD and , "whenever that may be." he added in a dismissive manner as he began to walk towards the door near Commander T'Lan.

The door opened revealing the CO and XO; shouting after the defiant officer. "GABRIEL!" Looking from Gabriel to T'Lan and back again as he walked to door. "Lieutenant you WILL report to me at 1300 or you WILL find yourself facing charges of insubordination and the willful disobedience of the orders of a superior office." Stepping passed he nodded to the two command officers. "Commanders". With that he headed to the turbolift and to his next stop....the Romulan Embassy.

Davies watched Gabriel disappear shook his head. There were obvious issues between the man and the Vulcan at his side. "Commander. If you will excuse me, I have to meet with the medical staff." And he turned and exited.

Darson stood slowly as everybody left and shook his head regretfully. These confrontations never ended well. He had no doubt that Da`nal was a Klingon of his word, and would have no problems with putting Mr. Gabriel up on the charges he had mentioned. He also knew that Gabriel would probably insist on getting some form of revenge on the Commander.

He stared at the closed door. It really was such a bother being a quadruple agent, but then again, it was what he was best at...besides killing people of course. With another look at the door, he decided not to use it, on the off chance that the temporary commander and XO were out there waiting to ambush him for some reason or other….probably with complaints about Mr. Gabriel.

That decided, he quickly and silently reached into his cloak, and in a flash retrieved a small spherical object, and raised it above his head, before bringing it down and throwing it into the ground, where it exploded and released a small cloud of black smoke and a bang.

When the smoke cleared a few moments later, he was gone. And there was nothing left to mark his presence save the sound of a locking Jeffries tube.


Lt. Commander
Da`nal of the House of Varal
Chief Strategic Operations & Acting Chief Security Officer

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander David Davies
Temporary CO