Intermission – Arrangements
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Arrangements
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Fri Sep 20, 2013 @ 11:47pm
Location   Cargo bay 3 - outside secure area
Timeline   ***

Secure cargo bays made up one of several cargo facilities available on Deep Space five, accept this one, this one was dedicated to intelligence and other secure needs on the station, so it didn't seem out of the ordinary for Rhiana to be there. But she was in civilian clothing, which would raise a few eyes, but not at this hour, there wasn't even any security at this time of night. She knew the odd hour would not be welcome to the visitors she was waiting on but discretion was the order of the day and this was out of the way.

As she disabled the lock to be ready to enter the archive she heard foot steps, and turned "Gentlemen welcome." faking a smile.

"You called for this meeting now what is on your mind." Said Wayne bluntly he had, had a very long and tiring day and this was about the last thing he wanted to deal with today.

"Your ships." Rhiana cut to the chase "they along with the cargo we discussed are on the way to the meeting place as we speak."

"Yes I have sent three of the constillation class ships along with a reasonable escort to the place you wanted." Said Wayne calmly

He had a feeling he was not going to like what she asked of him next but he would have to wait and see. If she asked to much he would simply tell her it was not possible. After all this was supposed to be a covert partnership and while he could rotate ships around on refits and the like he could not risk losing his contracts.

"Excellent, I'll let the aerospace unit know that they are getting a new toy to evaluate, now to the other matter..." She knew they were expecting the heavy shoe to drop here "we need to locate a rouge ship and its been seen along one of your routes."

"Rouge ship how the heck do you guys lose a starship and just what kind of ship are we talking about here." Said Wayne flatly

"We don't know the deal and when I send an inquiry in to HQ I get shut out, I can't even get a clear idea of what this ship looks like, but a similar ship is at the scene of a shoot out on a Romulan colony three days before, and playing cat and mouse with the starship Denmark just before the Torbin colony sighting."

"Good lord we have another defiant incident on our hands."said Wayne absently "alright what do you want me to do about it. My ships are all old and in most cases except for the old excelsiors have had their weapons systems reduced. granted they all carry fighters but we all know how a fighter would fair against a full functional starship." He added

"Nothing, they don't seem to be starting fights but they seem to be on a course that will sooner or later put them on our door step and with the fleet scattered everywhere I need to make use of the resources I have, my guess is this ship isn't going to attack if they are transporting someone or something of importance." Rhiana pulled the leaver to disengage the lock on the hold "My guess is this is a diplomatic transport of some kind that doesn't want to draw any more attention."

She walked through the door "This is one of Mr Wallace's supply caches he set up before things went bad for him."

"Alright so you basicly want my ships to report in if they see this ship. Do we at least have a name or ship class. There are alot of transports out there both diplomatic and civilian. Not to mention the pirates and what not that ply the lanes." Said Wayne calmly he looked around and was surprised by what he saw

"Report only, I don't want to cause an incident, now for the tour." She said with a smile "There is a small arms supply here, about 20 Mk1c phaser rifles, the only twenty I think, and this is why your here," pausing as she opened up a dark green case with a communications seal on the top panel "These are the Mark seven long range communicator, they can tie into your ship comm systems and provide you with a secure link to the office or with me and the others while your on the station." passing over the devices that on the surface look like a modernized version of the old hand units from the 22nd century.

"Ok I can do that." said Wayne calmly "nice." he added as he looked over the communicator that was now resting in his hand. "THough I think I will keep this just between you and me for right now. Maybe later on I can fit them into my personal ship but that will not be for a while."

"Master chief Ayers can help with that part, he designed them." Rhiana looked through the racks of other oddities "There are some other goodies here as you need them, side arms, generic uniforms, and so on."

"So your basicly telling me this whole bay is mine. That is one heck of a thank you." said Wayne lightly with a soft chuckle. "Not that I am complaining mind you far from it. With some of this stuff we could have a heck of alot of fun." He added

"Umm....No." Rhiana said half way between blunt and laughter "There is equipment at your disposal from here if there is a need."

"Relax I was only joking with you I knew full well that this stuff was only to be touched on a as needed basis. Just thought I would have a little fun." Said Wayne with a chuckle.

Rhiana looked at a desk off to her left, "Looks like some one left a terminal on, I'll just..."

She was interrupted by a holographic recording that was in the image of Lieutenant Wallace, "Hello Rhiana if you are seeing this then there is a situation that you have been forced to call upon the resources that have been stationed here to help in that time of need, there is one thing you should know, I'm not dead, yet."

"What the..." Rhiana looked as if she had just been punched in the face by a supernova.

"Umm not sure what this is about but maybe this is a good time for me to head out. I will keep you informed if any of my ships spot your rogue ship and we will do our best to track it for you so you have some idea where it is headed." said Wayne calmly he had seen that look before and knew that something big was happening and at least at the present time it was something he did not want any part of.

"Yeah...I need to see the captain." Rhiana felt a chill as she looked at the hologram.


Posted By

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

Rhiana T'sehan
DS5 intelligence