Cascade – History or Relic?
by Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   History or Relic?
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jun 16, 2013 @ 2:24am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD72

Melazar moved through the hallways and to Sickbay he had heard the Ambassador was awake but confined to sickbay. He approached and was allowed in moving to the bay where the Ambassador was he stood in front of the Ambassadors gaurds and greeted the Ambassador in Cardassian.

"Greetings Ambassador, I am Melazar Trogan, Chief Diplomatic officer here on board DS5 now." he said "I imagine you of all people know why I have come to you first." he stated

"I could probably guess." Getal spoke the words with only a small hint of sarcasm. "I am Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal. Ambassador to the Cardassian Union."

Melazar nodded still speaking in near perfect Cardassian "I am here in hopes of preventing possible retaliation, I am aware its a lot to ask, but our joint interest should be in keeping the peace and not starting a fight." he said still standing nearby

Tharek propped himself up in the biobed. "Hopes? My only hope at the moment is that the medical staff fix my legs so I can look the miserable bastard who did this in the eye as I drive a knife into their heart." Tharek paused momentarily. "Tell me, diplomatic officer Melazar. What is the almighty Federation willing to offer me as a sign of good faith? They've already denied me one prisoner in the past. And I'm sure Central Command is going to love being trampled over not just once, but twice."

Melazar nodded "Ambassador, I have arrived here today I sadly have nothing to offer you yet. However I believe we are dealing with larger forces at work here then either of us believe, I will speak to my commanders and give you my word to keep you in the real loop and not in the candy coated version you might usually get from someone like me." he said staring directly in the Cardassians eyes "To do that though I need your word that there will be no retaliation attempts in the meantime." he stated straightly "Whatever group or people may be reponsible could just as easily leave, I have the impression that a retaliation attempt will make them do that and you will lose your chance for true retribution."

"Retribution? This isn't about retribution, revenge or even common decency. This is about letting these terrorists know that the Union will not sit idly by whilst Federation supporting terrorists make Cardassian's look like dirt. Do you really think I give a damn if they hid? I am a Vi'kar Gul of both Central Command and the Obsidian Order. I command soldiers and spies alike." Getal paused momentarily. "Mark my words. I will spill the blood of the sole person responsible for this, and I will annihilate anyone or anything in my path. And you can quote me to any damned officer on this station. I will wage war if that is what it takes. It will not be retribution. It will be hell."

Melazar chuckled and reached into his pocket pulling out a Cardassian coin tossing it to the Ambassador, the coin was beyond ancient. "You are not the Cardassian I hoped to meet today." he said shaking his head "Narrowed minded, and not seeing the bigger picture." he said "Imagine if the Cardassian Ambassador captured the criminals alive, and brought them to justice, how good that would be for relations or how good that would look." he said "No we concentrate on the small issues and pettyness of revenge." he shook his head "Killing someone who was probably convinced to do what they did by someone else, a group that would remain at large to try again." he said "Rather then getting credit for breaking up a likely Maquis cell..." he sighed and said "Your choice Ambassador." he said indicating the coin he'd tossed him "A Cardassian friend gave that to me and said he used it to remind him that one can either be a relic or part of history." he smiled "You need decide which you'd rather be."

Getal picked the coin from his lap and examined it. Without raising his glance, he spoke again. "Breaking up Maquis cells is easy, I have soldiers and ships for that. There is little glory to be had from such a conquest. Bringing a terrorist responsible for the bombing of a diplomatic Cardassian outpost however, would be news around Cardassian colonies everywhere." Tharek flicked the coin through his fingers as his gaze switched to Melazar. "However, your words have not fallen on deaf ears. I will think on them. Good day, Mr. Trogan." Getal's last words were aided by the appearance of a guard stationed nearby, ready to escort Melazar away from Tharek.

Melazar nodded and gave the Ambassador a proper Cardassian salute allowing himself to be escorted away, hoping the Ambassador would indeed listen. While here the Ambassador himself could not act, but he certainly could pass orders on to others. He made his way from sickbay wondering if the Legate was more reasonable.


Ambassador Vi'Kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador


Lieutenant JG Melezar Trogan
Chief Diplomatic Officer