Unity – Arriving On DS5
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Arriving On DS5
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Feb 20, 2010 @ 1:41pm
Location   Secure Docking port 11
Timeline   SD17 8:05

Lani made her way out of the shuttle along with the other passengers and stepped out into the corridor. She'd never set foot on a space station before, this was a completely new experience for her. Before going to the promenade, Lani decided now would be a good time to meet the person in charge.

Bryan had just left Mercy again in Sickbay and he would have a stiff arm for a week, at least that was what the doctor had said.
He was not looking forward to the day at all. After last night, he didn't know if could face the civilian members who had been in the bar, now he had seen them in a different light.

The door to the Administration opened and small female face poked her head through.
Bryan looked up and beckoned her inwards, with a curl of his finger.
"How can I help?" He asked, trying to sound jolly.

Lani stepped inside with a smile. "Hi, I've just arrived from Earth, the name's Lani Corven. I was told to report here as soon as I arrived."

"Here?" Bryan questioned. "Have you already signed up for a premise or did you want to rent a pre-furnished allocation?" He asked, as he turned around to retrieve both primary and secondary lists of available premises. "What sort of shop are you looking for?" He enquired, laying both sets on the counter top. "If you want to rent a furnished shop, you will need to fill in one of these, if you are looking for a developmental, then its this one." he said, pushing both PADDS forward.

Lani looked a little lost as she looked over the PADDs and picked up one for a furnished one.

Bryan could see that the woman was looking confused.
"OK," He began, moving around from the counter and missing the feminine connection that Mercy provided," lets see if we can make some sense here." He offered. "My name is Bryan and you are?" He asked.

"Lani Corven," she replied.

"Hello Lani. First, lets work out what sort of shop you want to run. What are you going to be selling?" He enquired.

"Actually I'm more of a chef than a shopkeeper," she answered.

"Ah, a restaurant then, you don't want to be too far off the beaten track, so lets find a shop on the main Promenade route and with no other eateries in the vicinity." He studied the layout for moment and then pointed to what he thought would be an ideal location. "This should do it, 1N 33 on level 2. Room for 60 guests, the rent is reasonable and it's a prime location." He looked at Lani and she didn't really seem to know what to do.
"I tell you what, why don't I show you the promenade and the shop we are looking at here, it will give a better feel for what you are looking for." He suggested.

She nodded, relieved. "Yes, sir, thank you that would be helpful."

He nodded with a smile as his hand raised towards the door."Lets go then." He remarked, leading her out onto the main promenade.
"As you can see, we had a slight problem here yesterday, hence the delay on your arrival. Some idiots decided it would be fun to set off explosions on the promenade." His arm arced across ahead of him, encompassing all the decks. "As you can see, the prom is a very busy place. All walks of life, all species and all sorts of characters come here. It has shops, restaurants, casinos and bars as well as a library, a museum and there is even a fancy dress shop." He shook his head, "though I never really understand why this is so popular, when a replicator can supply most the needs of the people, though Mercy says it's the interaction." He gave a small shrug of his shoulders as they stepped onto one of the continually moving escalators.
"As you look around, I think you will be quite impressed by the number of different outlets, some restaurants specialize in particular types of foods. What do you specialize in?" He asked as they stepped off on the second level.

Lani was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the promenade and fear kicked in. It had helped to see the Piazza, it made her think about what she had done.

"I, I think I have made a mistake." She stammered, "Thank you, but if you will excuse me...." She said as she turned away and made her way back to the transport ship.

Bryan simply shrugged his shoulders. "It's for some and not for others." He said aloud, making his way back to the Admin office.


Bryan Surzchenko


Lani Corven