Beg, Steal or Borrow – There's a new sherrif in town
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   There's a new sherrif in town
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 12:28am
Location   Commander's Office - Ops
Timeline   SD 8: 13:00 hrs

Gabriel walked directly past the young Ensign sitting at Ops. Custom required that you stop and ask the officer if the Commanding Officer was available. But today was different, today he was pissed and really didn't care about protocol.

He walked up the stairs leading to the Commander's office and walked through as the doors slid open in time.

"What the hell is this?" Gabriel said as he waved the padd in the air that contained Wallace's departure orders. (

"Why is my department being reassigned without my authorization or even my notice?" He said curtly.

David was not surprised at Dorian's entrance, it was in his character, but the question reinforced with a waved PADD confused the Commander.

Sarcastically, he responded. "Lieutenant, good to see you, please come in and take a seat." He smirked a near smile. "and the last time I checked, that's what's known as a Personal Access Display Device." His smirk now becoming a grin, knowing full well he was referring to what was actually on the device.

~Great, our Commanding Officer is a part-time comedian, and not a very good one at that.~ "This is NOT the occasion to try out new material." Gabriel said as he tossed the padd onto the Commander's desk. "Why are my men being re-assigned behind my back?" He said as he walked over and took a seat. Gabriel didn't like this man. He was too pompous for his own good, hopefully Tahir's absence wouldn't be a permanent one.

His hand shot forward to stop the device sliding off the desk and into his lap. Resting back in his chair, the anger in Dorians voice was plain and he had not helped. He glanced at the PADD, not recognizing the name upon it.

"Sorry Lieutenant, I should not have been so flippant, but sometimes a little wit can ease a situation." He shook his head, "I have not been made aware of any assignments within your department, who has been re-assigned?" David asked, his tone softening as Dorian stood at the chair, his arms locked straight.

"My Assistant Chief of Intelligence, Jarrad Wallace. I leave for our staff tea-party, I come back and my department is decimated. From the looks of it, that order is official and it wasn't drawn upon somebody's terminal." he added.

Again David shook his head. "All I can tell you is that the order did not come from or through me." He re-iterated. "Perhaps, and don't take this the wrong way, this mans' commands come from a more secretive source." He said, his brow raised.

Gabriel sighed in annoyance. "Great, don't tell me you buy into Tahir's theory of some secret underground "Section 31" organization that pulls the strings of the Federation beneath a cloak of secrecy?" He asked incredulously. "Everytime something happens on this station, everybody wants to point to the boogie man in gray uniform." He added.

"We have a Romulan attack fleet waiting outside of our door, not to mention the Romulan embassy which has carte blanche to do whatever they please WHILE that attack fleet is outside of our door, our Chief of Security is no where to be found, pirate attacks have become even more of a threat, and now I'm losing men in my department." He listed. "We have been sitting on our hands for far too long, it is now time to go on the offensive and find out exactly what that Romulan fleet is doing here, and what the hell they want." He added.

Davies shook his head. "I wasn't referring to anything in particular, lieutenant, just that I have seen men disappear from active service before, especially in the intelligence department. Here." Davies slid back the PADD to Dorian. "As you have broached the subject of security, I was not joking when I said that I think you should take the reins of the security department for a few days." Davies leant forward. "I will be blunt and I think you know I am deadly earnest when I say that you have the wrong attitude towards security." He stood up and circled around the table to Dorian. "Personally Mr Gabriel, I don't know you but your record is in it's own way, commendable." He looked into the eyes of the man stood before him.

"Captain Tahir lauds you for your integrity, then chastises you in your personal file for poor attitude. You have managed to confuse, rankle and still gain a mention of admiration from a superior officer and though there are those who obviously dislike you, there are those that see promise in you. From what I saw this morning, you have a major problem with those in command, yet you command a department?" He began, interrupted by Dorian.

"Yes, I command a department, and I do a damned good job doing it despite the hindrance of this station's command staff and other catastrophe." He said defensively.

David held up his hands in surrender. "I am not judging your performance in Intelligence. Again, I can only go by what I have read and in doing your job in your own way works for you, so I want you to command the security department." He said in a flat tone.

Gabriel leaned back in his chair and thought about the offer carefully. With Rakka gone, there was a definitive void with the station's security. He was aware that Darson had just received a new assistance jarhead earlier today. Lord only knew what out-dated tactics the Klingon-ish Commander had planned during his brief stint in charge. It wasn't going to be easy, however Gabriel knew that the best way to protect the Federation's interest here was to do so within a gold uniform.

Gabriel looked up at the man and nodded. "Alright, I'll do it. I'll take over Security until I die or you find somebody better." He said as he stood and shook the man's hand

David was surprised at the grasp on Dorian and the fact that he actually took his hand, subconsciously reciprocating.

"Superb." He found himself saying, realizing that it was his favorite saying at present, well that and 'super'. "I will just get your command codes arranged to access security department and I know your not one for promotions, but for the hell of it, lets get that black pip changed to another gold one." Davies shook his head, happy with the statement as he released the new chief of securities hand.

"I am sure I won't have to tell you that you will have autonomy over the department, but I will tell you that whatever you decide to do, you will have my full backing." He added with a nod, not sure if Tahir would agree with him, but for now, it was his command.

Gabriel smiled appreciatively as he accepted the box with the two gold pips inside. He already had plans for what he was going to do as soon as his authorization codes were recognized by the station's computer. For too long Security on this station had tip-toed around the obvious threats that continued to present themselves. A reckoning was on the horizon.

Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security/Intelligence

Commander David Davies
Temporary CO