We All Fall Down – It Starts with a...sneeze.
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   It Starts with a...sneeze.
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Aug 22, 2014 @ 11:08pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   WAFD MD02 1030

Yolanthe hadn't had to go far to get to The Box that morning - She'd spent the night with Tharek, and the Cardassian consulate was on the third floor of the promenade. It beat going home. She'd only really been back a handful of times in the year since Klia had died.

When she got there she found the usual suspects getting ready for their work day. Pelin was running the replicator for the first of the days glassware. Beautiful Blake was brushing his lovely long hair. Ahjess was wriggling into his ridiculously tight pants he wore to spin the Dabo wheel.

"Hey Boss," he called out. "Can I have a word?"

"Sure." Yolanthe stepped over to the corner where he was changing. "Whats up?"

"Its Jess, she's not feeling well. She has a horrendous cold." He grinned. "Frankly, she looks like a hot mess with a side order of death warmed up. She couldn't run rings round a track, let alone around the Ferengi she normally deals for."

Yolanthe sighed, and turned slightly grey. "Fair enough. I'll ping Charquae, see if he can work extra hours. We'll just have to have to keep her table shut. Tell her to look after herself."

Pelin came in. "Boss? I've just had a comm from Leila. She's not going to be coming in. She's got some sort of flu. Want me to do a double shift."

Oh bless his little heart. Yolanthe turned to a pretty cornflower blue. "Pel, you're an angel." But two at once. Oh good grief!

Then Vedra arrived. "Morn- Aiiiiiichoo!" She blew her nose into a tissue and sniffed. And she didn't look her usual self either. The skirt was short, the hair was glossy, the lips were bee-stung full. But she didn't have her usual glow. The aura of voluptuous sexuality was missing. The glamour was gone and she just looked tired and pale.

Yolanthe went back to grey. "Vedra! Are you alright?" Which was a stupid thing to say, becuase she obviously wasn't, but she didn't want to diminish the obvious effort it had taken her to actually get up the nine hundred odd decks from where she lived.

The waitress nodded. "I'm fine, I've just got a - Achoo! - a bit of a cold."

Yolanthe crossed her arms. "That's more than a bit. I think you should take the day off."

For a moment the risian bombshell looked like she was going to argue. Then she looked relieved. "Thanks, Yolanthe. I'll be in tomorrow. I'm sure all I need is sleep. I don't normally get bugs like this"

Yolanthe nodded, "from the sounds of it, there's something going around. I think I'll go moan at admin. We've obviously got a filter out." She turned to Pelin. "Comm me when Edward gets here." They would have to go through the staff roster. They were already two down in the morning, and one in the swing shift. Who knew what the late shift would be like. "And everyone else, don't get sick."

It was easier said than done.


A post by

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights