Interlude – Of Ouzo and Awkwardness
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Of Ouzo and Awkwardness
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Eleni Monteros (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Sep 13, 2010 @ 4:56pm
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD 30 Late afternoon
Yolanthe opened the Box of Delights early to give herself something to do whilst she waited for Ding to get out of the gruelling surgery trying to save his life. She was focusing now on chopping fruit for the garnish trays, when someone tapped on the bar to get her attention.

"Excuse, please, beautiful lady." Gregori began, his voice as velvety smooth as his manners, "But I am spending the afternoon with my granddaughters, the first of my retirement, and I thought we would start with lunch if you're open."

Normally, the bokkai was a sucker for compliments, but today she was too distracted by the attack on her friend to really notice. "I'm sorry," Yolanthe looked up to see Gregori Monteros in front of her, flanked by his two grand daughters, Rianni and Ashara

Oh stars! Yolanthe thought seeing Rianni. This is going to be awkward

Rianni chose not to even look directly at Yolanthe, she was pretty embarrassed by the whole thing, especially being rejected for a Cardassian, ~What is it with me? I keep getting shot down for subspecies?~ She hadn't even wanted to come here, but if she had raised an objection she might have been asked why she didn't want to be here and she'd rather not go into it.

"I would also like to pay off my share of party tab." Gregori laughed, "I haven't forgotten, don't worry."

Ashara couldn't stifle a laugh at Papa Gregori, he just had the best and funniest way about him. She did however note her sister's discomfort and made a mental note to ask about it later.

"So, you are open, yes?" Gregori asked, "I am starving and the girls want to drag Papa to a new film for the afternoon."

"Yes, I'm open." The bokkai was aware she was going a pale peach, and tried to ignore it. She didn't look at Rianni. "Why don't you take your choice," she handed him the menu, "then come through to my office, and we can settle accounts while we wait."

"Yes, of course." Gregori smiled, going over a menu with the girls and deciding upon their order.

Yolanthe gave the order to a devastatingly beautiful waiter, and then led them through to the back-of-house, into her black and white roccoco confection of an office, with its dark woods and pale fabrics. She indicated the sofas whilst she sat at her desk in front of a collection of weapons mounted on the wall, though the whole effect was somewhat ruined by the pair of gold mens underwear also hung up there.

She took a padd from a drawer and downloaded the information from the terminal, before coming across to Gregori. "The bill, all itemised. Your share is 16 bars, 4 strips, and 32 slips."

"That's all?" Gregori remarked, raising an eyebrow in surprise as he'd expected it to be twice that much at least, "Rianni, your friends are really buttoned up, aren't they?"

"I guess." Rianni answered, trying hard not to make eye contact with Yolanthe, or the gilded underwear that surely used to contain a Spoonhead.

Ashara, however, had noticed them and wasn't exactly thrilled with what she was seeing of this Yolanthe Ibalin, ~What is this, a club or a brothel?~

Gregori began tapping commands into his padd, transferring the money to clear his debt to Yolanthe, "There you are, seventeen bars, simply put remainder on account for Gregori and family. Prepaid entertainment, no?"

"Not a problem," Yolanthe smiled. "You, and all your family," she risked a glance at Rianni at that point, "Will always be welcome here."

"That is good." Gregori smiled, "Is good to have friends, no?"

Rianni caught Yolanthe's glance, wondering for a second why she could not get that woman out of her mind.

"It is," the bokkai agreed. Then she cleared her throat. "Your granddaughter said you might be able to supply me with a decent un-replicated ouzo?"

"I can at that." Gregori laughed, "In fact, I can be your supplier for the best Ouzo in the galaxy. It's something we have made ourselves for hundreds of years, and I have always thought of taking it commercial. Perhaps now is the time to bring the old Monteros family recipe to the masses."

"I'd love to help with that." Yolanthe risked another glance at Rianni. "Perhaps you or Rianni could stop by another time, and give me a masterclass in tasting?" It was possible the young pilot might take the request the wrong way, see implications that weren't there, but she wanted to be sure Rianni understood that she at least wanted to make amends, show there were no hard feelings.

"I will bring you a case on consignment when my biggest and best ship, The Star of Athens arrives." Gregori offered after a few seconds of grave like silence, wondering why Rianni hadn't jumped on the chance before he had an opportunity to open his mouth.

At that moment, one of the beautiful men that seemed to staff the Box knocked and put his head around the door. "Lunch will be served in five, boss."

"Thank you," Yolanthe stood and turned back to Gregori, wincing over the awkward silence herself, "I look forward to it. Come by when it arrives, and I'll drop everything."

"Good, good." Gregori smiled, "You will be glad you do, is good ouzo, the best."

"Then I hope you don't keep me waiting for it too long." She indicated the door. "Let me show you to your table, and let you have lunch. I'm sure you're granddaughters would never forgive me if you missed the film on my account."

"One thing Gregori has learned, never keep beautiful women waiting." He laughed, "The Star arrives next week, your package will be the first unloaded from it."

"Until then," She led them to a large booth at the back of the Box, and as they sat two waiters brought them their lunch. "Enjoy your meal, Mr Monteros, Ladies."


A JP between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of The Box Of Delights


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO IRW Dhelan

Arrain Ashara t'Khellian
CO, Scout Ship V'Riel


Gregori Monteros
Retired and Loving It!