Incommunicado – Holodate
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Holodate
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Wed Sep 12, 2012 @ 11:53pm
Location   Holodeck 8, Deck 33
Timeline   SD58, 2030h

David was going to surprise Saria. Since she had given him the warp coil, he felt he really wanted to let her know how much he really appreciated it. A Holodeck session perhaps, David thought. David programmed a romantic simulation on the Holodeck. Dinner and a show, David thought. Really old fashioned, yet effective. Possibly even a moonlight walk in the park.

David tapped his combadge, "Ensign Straggard to Lieutenant Rex." He said.

Saria's combadge chirped, and she quickly tapped her combadge. "Hey David..." she said, with a somewhat sensual voice. "What's up?"

"Since we're both off duty, would like like to join me in Holodeck 8?" David said.

David didn't see, but Saria raised a teasing eyebrow. "Holodeck 8? Count me in. I'll be there in a few minutes." she said, walking toward the nearest turbolift and eventually stepped into it. "Holodecks." She spoke.

David saw Saria coem out of the turbolift. "Hey!" David called out to her while waving. David then faced the computer panel and said, "Computer, begin program Straggard Romance 1."

The computer replied, "Enter when ready." David stood at the entryway while looking at Saria coming towards him.

"I'm ready most of the time." She smiled, approaching David. She laid her arms around David's neck, and gave him a kiss. "Thanks for getting me of my boring pattern."

They then entered the Holodeck together to a simulation of a table with candles and 2 chairs with a view of a modern day city on Earth. David pulled out one of the chairs to seat Saria. David then said, "Computer, generate civillian clothing to overlay Saria and I." The computer then emitted clothing over their uniforms to make them feel more comfortable and less formal.

Saria looked down, as her formal uniform changed into a black dress the other second. She smiled, looking at the mirror behind David, and saw that her implants were overlayed as well, returning her face and hand to a natural state. "Feels strange" She said, shortly, "I've never been on a holodate. Have you?" She smiled to David.

"I haven't, it was something I had heard about among the crew. Seemed interesting and I wanted to show you how much I appreciated your gift with another gift." David said. "Something to eat or drink perhaps? The replicator systems are also patched into the holodeck so we can eat and drink real food as well instead of holo-food. To make it more interesting, a waiter perhaps?"

"A waiter, you said?" A rough voice said. It came from a the waiter next to the table. He was smoking a cigar, and looked at the two. In all sudden, he laughed with a deep tone. "Rex, who have you brought to this humble establishment now? You should be at Cesar's with him." He joked. Then, he focused on the man at the other side of the table, and extended his hand. "The name's Hunter, a good friend of Rex."

David shook Hunter's hand. "Straggard, David Straggard." David was surprised. How did she add him to my program? David thought to himself.

"Nevertheless, I know exactly what to get for you two." He said, as he walked toward the kitchen.
Saria looked back at David, trough the fire of the candle. She smiled graciously toward him. "Thanks again, David. It's a sweet surprise." She said.

David looked at her in her dress, "You look beautiful." He said as he looked into her eyes through the fire in the candle. He felt she looked absolutely stunning to the point that she was almost something of a dream, something that could only be created on a Holodeck. Yet she is all real and here with him.

Saria stared into Davids eyes for another moment, and then looked toward the kitchen. "Hunter, where's the music?!" She yelled.
"Coming right up, milady." Hunter's voice cane from the kitchen. Not much later, a jazz band suddenly appeared on the stage and began playing. Saria looked back at David, and smiled. She grabbed David's hands, which were on the table, gently. She then looked back at David.
"I've dreamt of this for a long time already." She smiled, nervously.

"Really now?" David looked at her while raising his eyebrow. "So tell me about this 'Hunter' that will be serving our meal."

"Hunter? He's a good holofriend of mine. I met him in a holoprogram on the Lakota, and eventually took his program with me. He usually accompanies me when I'm on my own on the holodecks." Saria explained.

"Cool." David replied. "I thought I'd surprise you with this since you gave me the warp coil. Also We haven't really been on a date yet. Thought I'd make it special." David smelled the food from the kitchen. "Smells good."

"Well, no problem of course. I've built this kind of warp drive a lot back in the days. The only thing now is the resources to get for the drive, as you might have noticed." Saria said. "You'll travel 40 lightyears with it in 15 hours, if everything goes right."

David put those numbers through his mind. Something seemed wrong. "You're talking about something of a transwarp speed? Our warp equations breakdown at warp 10 but this speed would propose warp factors beyond 10. Somewhere around a warp "28" would be the speed."

"I knew you were going to say that." Saria grinned. "Remember I told you it had a slipstream drive incorporated?"

David thought about that a bit. "Ah, I see." David then saw Hunter come over with the 2 plates of their food in his hands.

Hunter grinned. "You're hungry, aren't you? Well, I've got your food right here." He said. "Saria, for you a dish of Regova eggs..." He said, putting the yellow-green scaled eggs down at Saria's side of the table. "And for you, mister Straggard, some... Tuber Root." He said, thinking. "Enjoy it." He said.

David picked up his fork in slow manner. "I haven't had some Andorian Tuber Root in quite some time. Ever since my time before the Academy my mother would make this. She got a recipe from one of the Andorian diplomats and made it when she got home. This is comfort food for me." David dug in with his fork and started to eat it. "Thank you Hunter!" David called as Hunter returned to the kitchen. "And thank you." He said to Saria as he smiled.

"No problem at all, David." Saria smiled as she peeled the eggs on her dish. "It's good to have you with me."

20 minutes Later

David and Saria had finished their meal. David then stood up from his chair. "A moonlight walk, perhaps? If you're up to it."

"Really?!" Saria exclaimed, "How sweet of you!" She said, as she stood up from her chair and pushed it to the table.

David put his hand out and held Saria's hand and guided her toward a sidewalk. "It never ceases to amaze me how well the Holodeck depicts a beautiful night sky." He said as he pointed up and looked at the sky.

"It certainly does" Saria said, gazing up the sky, spotting a shooting star. "But I'm still glad to be here, with you." She said, looking at David.

"As am I." David said as he put his other hand on hers. He leaned toward her and kissed her on the lips.

Saria swung her arms around David's neck to lift herself up a bit, and kissed him as well, thinking only about him.

David lifted her up and spun around while holding her close as her hair flowed in the beautiful night. He felt as if time stopped and felt like the happiest person in the galaxy. Heck, the whole universe for that matter. "You are amazing, Saria." David whispered into her ear as he held her and brought her down to the ground.

"So are you, David." Saria said, with her face buried in his neck. "I want to be with you all the time I can spare." She said, kissing him on his cheek.

David then saw that it was gettinsg a bit late. "I think there's a limit on the Holodeck usage. Can we go back to your quarters?" David said as he switched to holding Saria's hand.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist