Unity – Unknowns
by Commander Richard Dunham & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Unknowns
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Jan 17, 2010 @ 7:06pm
Location   Red Lion Pub
Timeline   MD 7 18.00

Dunham was catching a relaxing moment after his mission brief with Lieutenant JG Jarred Wallace, he was sitting at the bar of the Red Lion, and no other customers were frequenting the bar at this time so he enjoyed the calm before the storm. Dunham nursed half a pint of nice cold VB, a drink his friend Lieutenant JG Vincent Tan had got him drinking, it was at this point that a man entered the bar he wasn’t a regular nor had Dunham seen him around the station. He looked tall, a man that was solidly built, he had a hardened air about him, and walked with the confidence of a man that new to handle himself in any situation.

Wayne had needed a break from setting up the offices and had seen this little pub only a few doors down from his office. He walked in expecting the place to be poorly lit and dirty, as it turned out it was nothing of the sort. He walked in calmly and hoped that he could mask some of the traits that tended to give away his back ground. Sitting down at the bar he ordered a scotch on the rocks and tried to relax, all the while taking in every inch of his surroundings. He had not missed the fleet pilot in the slightest only cataloged him as a nonhostile who would be good to have at his back in a fight.

Though it was not in his nature to initiate conversation so he just kept up his passive observance of the room and the crowd while nursing his drink.

Dunham proffered his drink to newcomer raising it in a toast like style, he smiled, as the stranger got his drink off the bartender. “New to town?” he said to the man.

"You could say that but I have been around the fleet all my life." Said Wayne calmly

Dunham gave the man a quick quizzical look up and down out of the corner of his vision, with one eye , “So you’ve just been posted here?”

"Yes and no I retired from the marine corps a few years ago. I kinda felt that starfleet was getting a little to soft for me and considering my age I felt that I was really to old to learn a hole different game. So rather then fight it I retired." Said Wayne bluntly he was proud of his service but was not in the habit of talking about what he had done. That and coupled with the fact that he looked to be about half as old as he really was tended to throw people off.

“Fair enough,” said Dunham with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, there was a moment’s pause between the conversationalists “so your here to work with Lieutenant Colonel James Darson?”

"Wrong again I am here sole because this is the best place I could find to setup my new corporate offices. Though I would be more then happy to advise the Col. I seriously doubt he would like working with someone like me. I know to much about the corps and to many of their little secrets." Said Wayne with a grin as he took another drink.

~That would be an interesting encounter~ thought Dunham to himself imagining this man meeting the literally masked warrior that was the Colonel. Dunham took a sip from his own drink. “Corporate business hey, sounds good? You will have allot of competition from those Weiltzer Corporation types, they have got their fingers in every kind of pie around here.”

"I doubt that they can compete with BII unless that is they are in mineing, shiping, ship yards, have their own casinos, cruise lines and PMC. I think I will have little to fear from them." Said Wayne unfortunately for him the ribbions that held his federation medals of valor sllipped out from his blouse and hung out for all to see. He did not notice this right away though.

Dunham shrugged again, "So what business are you setting up here on Deep Space Five?”

"I plan on making this the main office location as well as a base of operation for the PMC. basicly. Though there might be a few ships from my company that will stop by from time to time. though I doubt that it will be regular." Said Wayne calmly as he finished his drink and help up his glass as a signal for a refill.

“I’m sorry mate unfamiliar with company and corporate terms, what does PMC mean?” said Dunham politely, taking another sip from his beer.

"No reason you would be familiar with that particular term. It means Private Military Contractor. We do alot of basic small things. Some people call us soldiers of fortune or mercinaries because we charge for our services but there are times when we can prove to be an invaluable addition to a military. An example would be our latest job. A small klingon house hired us to protect their interest while their ships were engaged in what amounted to a small turf war with another house." Said Wayne calmly as he took another sip of his drink. He hoped that he had not turned the officer infront of him away with what he had said but better to get it out in the open then to hide something if your going to try and make friends.

Dunham looked at the man thoughtfully, then took another sip from his drink “I didn’t know mercenary work was legal in the United Federation of Planets?”

"It is a fine line however a PMC is not illegal and has been infact used in the federation since it was founded. though mainly on colony worlds as a short term police force. Or in the event of a war as a security force for areas behind the front line." Said Wayne calmly

Dunham shrugged again, “Fair play” he took another sip of his drink when his comm link went off. Dunham recognised the voice immediately it was ensign Master Sergeant Andrew Micklin starfighter wings Crew Chief. =^=LT your needed in flight control=^= Dunham pressed his comm badge to respond. =^= On my way =^= said Dunham, he downed what was left of his drink. “Duty calls” he said to the stranger, he offered his hand out to shake, “A pleasure to meet you Mr?”

"Bradshaw Wayne Bradshaw and the pleasure is all mine." Said Wayne calmly

"Richard Dunham" said Dunham back to Wayne with a nod a wink and a smile. "See you around."

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated


LT Richard Dunham
squadron Leader