Cascade – Welcome to the Last Chance Saloon
by Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel

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Title   Welcome to the Last Chance Saloon
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant JG Ronan Larel
Posted   Sun Mar 03, 2013 @ 12:46pm
Location   Transporter Bay
Timeline   SD71 12:00
With trepidation Karen made her way to the transporter bay, the USS Horatio had signalled its approach, its mission, to lend the station one brave soul.

Larel was due to transport as soon as they were in range, and then the Horatio would dock - an impromptu break for the crew whilst their counselor took on a daunting challenge.

He still had time to change his mind.

Karen nodded at the transporter chief and waited.

Ronan let out a small sigh as he materialized in the transporter room of the starbase. He was happy Commander Villiers had enough confidence in him to assign him to the mission, but was a bit nervous regardless. Stepping off the pad with his large duffle over his shoulder he said "Lieutenant Junior Grade Ronan Larel reporting for duty Commander."

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant," Karen said, extending her hand. It was not going to be easy, but if they were successful, there was a big win here. "I hope that your time aboard will be rewarding."

Nodding, Ronan replied "I believe it will be Commander. Thank you"

There was something else she wanted to say, but Karen waited until they were in the corridor, "You are at liberty to return to the Horatio after this special assignment, but if you should be interested in staying with us, we could find you a permanent posting. We're without a Chief Counselor, and a Chief Diplomat, you'd be qualified for either role. Something to think about," she said.

A bit surprised by the offer, Ronan quickly recovered his composure and said "I will definitely consider it Commander. Thank you. I assume after I get settled in I should report to the counselling offices?"

"Please do," Karen said as they walked at an easy pace down the corridor, "I have scheduled a meeting at 15:00 in one of the lower Engineering labs. The whole team will be there."

Ronan nodded and said "I'll be there Commander. I look forward to serving with you." He then quickly made his way to his assigned quarters, dropped his bag, then headed to the counselling department.