Judgement – Mossroot Brandy
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Arrival Alexander Sinclair

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Title   Mossroot Brandy
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Arrival Alexander Sinclair
Posted   Wed Feb 23, 2011 @ 4:54pm
Location   The Box Of Delights
Timeline   SD36 - 2000

Bridget sat alone, hunched over a small table in a dark corner, slowly nursing her third beer. She was still dressed in her uniform, but with a clean white lab coat hiding the dark stains on her knees where she'd knelt to clean the fish liver oil out of her locker. Her change of clothes was completely saturated, even down to the shoes and hose she'd planned to wear. She had to throw them in the incinerator and that pissed her off. All she had left to wear was her uniform, unless she wanted to go home and change. And she just didn't want to do that. She wanted to see Edward, to vent her frustration, and to get his sympathy.

But he was busy. The place was crawling with customers and he just didn't have time to take a break. So she sat down to wait, and ordered a beer. And then another. And then a third. While she herself didn't realize it, everyone around her thought she smelled like a fish and chips street vendor after a long day in the hot sun. Patrons of the Box avoided her, some wrinkling their noses as they passed by. She was so wrapped up in her funk that she didn't even notice.

Lobes moved through the crowd. He was trying to avoid AJ at this point. It wasn’t that he was mad at him or anything, but when his friend got in this mood it was best for Lobes to go find something or someone else to entertain him. That had never been Lobe’s problem; he had always been able to keep himself entertained.

He had to admit he liked the Box of Delights and he bet the owner was making quite a tidy profit, though he would have to talk to the owner if he ever figured who it was. An old guy working the tables? That made absolutely no sense to him. No, anyone who worked the tables were supposed to offer more than just table services, and the old guy was just bad for business.

He was brought out of his thoughts by an interesting smell. He knew that hu-mon females would spray scents on themselves to attract mates, but Lobes had never thought that one of those scents would attract him. He started to move around trying to find where it was strongest and eventually found it.

He was right, it was a hu-mon female sitting alone, apparently awaiting an eligible procreation partner. He watched her for a few moments and noticed how the other patrons gave her a wide berth. Lobes figured it meant that they did not want to let her think they were interested. He was not sure why, she smelt wonderful.

He started to make his way toward her when he realized he was empty-handed. A Ferengi woman would not even talk to a male that did not offer some gift when first meeting. As he walked by one of the many tables, he grabbed a bottle just as the young couple looked to watch something on stage.

“Hello,ed” Lobes said to the Doctor as he gave her his most mischievous grin. It seemed to lose the intent as it showed rows of sharp teeth. “I just happen to have this bottle of…” He started saying and then realized he had no idea what it was. He looked quickly down at the label and continued as if nothing had happened. “...Moosroot Brandy. Would you care to drink it with me?”

Bridget looked up. Well, she didn't have to look up very far. Big ears, sharp teeth - yep, a Ferengi. "I'm married, so don't get any ideas. How did you find Mossroot Brandy this far from Feriginar?" It was a particularly nasty drink to most humans. but for some strange reason, Bridget liked it. She motioned for him to take a seat.

Lobes moved into the chair across from her and smiled. He decided to avoid the question about the brandy, he didn’t exactly want to lie to her and say he grabbed it from three tables over. He was trying to think like a human male so he said something he had heard AJ say. “Since you are a very beautiful married woman you won’t mind if I sit here and fantasize about the night that could have been between us?” He then motioned over a waiter to bring two glasses.

Bridget blinked, and then burst out laughing. What a pickup line! "Mister, you go right ahead. Fantasize away!" She waved a hand in the air dismissively, and then waggled a finger at him. "But I don't want to hear about it, okay?" She shook her head, still smiling. "Did you make that one up yourself?" She asked doubtfully.

He took the glasses from the waiter when he got close. The waiter crinkled his nose in a funny way and left the area quickly. Lobes assumed the man must have a problem with Ferengi. He ignored it. Turning back to the beautiful woman before him, his eyes appreciating the sight in front of him as best they could, lingering longer in some areas more than others. He started to pour their drinks, ensuring that she had more than enough, before he finally spoke. "Yes and no.” He replied; but before she could ask, he continued. “I used some liberties with the wording, but only a Ferengi could truly make it work. Hu-mon males don’t exactly ooze sexuality like we Ferengi males.”

She saw his eyes traveling her face and torso, and when they returned to her face, she raised an eyebrow in challenge. "You're only torturing yourself, you know."

She laughed again, when he spoke about oozing sexuality. It was a typical Ferengi self-compliment, and she let it go without objecting, accepting the glass he handed her and swirling the snifter to release the brandy's aroma. It was spicy and smelled a bit like freshly turned earth in which mushrooms had been grown. She smiled appreciatively and took a sip, holding it in her mouth a second before allowing it to slide down her throat. She coughed a little - it had been a long time since she'd had Mossroot. It burned like hellfire going down, but only for a second; the aftertaste was what was worth it: the flavor was like bottled sunshine and slightly sweet. Not to mention that it had an alcoholic kick like a thousand mules.

"Be careful with this stuff, my lad. It's one-hundred-eighty proof," she took another small sip and winced just a bit. Noticing the amount of Mossroot in her glass, she realized he didn't know the spirit at all. He'd poured enough of it in her glass to get her schnockered about twelve times over. There was no way she would drink all of it.

He too followed her example and continued to drink slowly. It wasn’t that he was afraid of getting drunk, far from it; he had been drinking for a long time. Not to mention he was intrigued by this game that was before him. He did not understand non-Ferengi females very well, and this one even less. To him this was more a bartering session, but without latinum which instantly put him a disadvantage. Though since she was married and he had never been with a female that was not Ferengi, he had a feeling that this was not going well. For a Ferengi, the more interest a person shows in something, the less they like it and more likely they were trying to use you. So in the end he had no real clue what he was doing, but she was laughing, so that had to good, right?

"So tell me, what brings you to Deep Space Five?" she inquired.

“Work.” Lobes said as he took another sip. “Me and my friend have come here to make lots and lots of latinum. Though I am not sure exactly how, given that I have seen signs for one of the largest trading companies in the Federation here. So I am not exactly sure how, but if AJ wants to work out of here, then I’ll stay here and work with him.” Lobes was not sure why he had said so much to her, some of it more personal than he would have liked. Maybe it was her gentle smile or the way her soft eyes looked at him, not the way most would look at a Ferengi.

"Ah, okay, you're traders! Well, of course, that makes sense, you being the beloved son of the Grand Nagus," she said with a wink. "And what is it that you're here to trade?"

Lobes opened his mouth to say something and then paused. A puzzled look crossed his face and then a big grin formed followed by loud laughter. “To tell you the truth, I have no idea!” He said continuing to laugh. “I’ve seen the big hu-mon businesses here. If these are anything like the ones that work in Ferengi space, we are in so much trouble. If that is the case we will move on.”

"Well... well what about working here?" She waved her hand, a little unsteadily, around the casino.

He looked at her a little surprised. "You mean like as a dealer?"

"Well, I dunno. Maybe. My husband, over there," she pointed vaguely, in the direction of Edward's Dabo table. "He works here. Maybe he could put in a good word for you or shumthing." She didn't even notice the slur in her voice.

Lobes sat there for a moment with a thoughtful look on his face. Well, as thoughtful as a Ferengi can look, anyway. "I am an engineer and the only one that can keep AJ's ship moving. He needs me," he said. "Of course, all the Latinum we are going to make wouldn't hurt, either!" Those words even sounded hollow to him. His time in prison had taught him one thing that many Ferengi never learn. That friendship was more than a corporate partnership.

"Fair enough, fair enough," she raised her glass as if in salute. "Can't fight the Ninth Rule, eh?

"Exactly." He said grinning at her impishly. "A Ferengi can't live on Latinum alone. Though we give it a hell of a try!"


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitoner) - DS5


Roark "Lobes"
Ferengi Engineer