Judgement – Resources and Possible Retributions
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Resources and Possible Retributions
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Mathew Totti & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun May 15, 2011 @ 3:43pm
Location   Engineering
Timeline   SD37 17.20

Tasha breezed into Engineering, not knowing what it was that was going so badly wrong, that her attention was needed but she was surprised to find Lieutenant Totti and Ambassador Lurn angrily pointing fingers at her chief Engineer....
"Ahem!" She made her presence known and the frown on her face signalled that she was not in the most pleasant of moods. "Somebody want to enlighten me?" She enquired as her hands clasped to her waist.

Cala quickly lowered her finger down and looked at the Captain. She took a deep breath, for she knew the Captain wouldn't be at lest bit pleased if she yelled at her. "This man here is being Incompetent to his duties," started Cala trying to compose herself but soon was interrupted by her superior officer.

Lt. Kramer had been watching the situation unfold from Core Control. From this vantage point, he saw the Federation Envoy Ambassador Cala Lurn pressing the Chief of Engineering Lt. Freeman. He figured the dynamics would really change now that the Captain had arrived.

"And what these, our fine Ambassador's don't understand is I just got back aboard the station a few hours ago, and I have no idea what they are referring to. Nor do they care that I was just about to head to my quarters send a message to my parents, then sleep for a while due to exhaustion for being up for 24 hours. And I need some of said sleep before I'm needed here at the butt crack of dawn tomorrow." Bruce informed the Captain. He needed some rest after the jaunt on Feltor Prime and at the moment he could have gotten in deep trouble even doing work in Engineering at the moment, but couldn't resist being back home and fixing things. Plus being told he was incompetent really set him off and really needed to get working on something to get his nerves calmed.

Tasha wasn't sure what to do first, jump up and down, turn and walk away or dive right on in. She chose the middle road.

"Lieutenant Freeman, first let me say it's good to see you back.I hope you saw my communicade." She half closed her eyes, not sure if he had a chance to see that he had received a promotion before she glanced upwards to Lieutenant Kramer before settling her attention back onto Cala and Ambassador Totti.
"May I ask what has prompted this and how is my chief engineer incompetent?" She questioned after dry wiping her face with her right hand and trying to assess the situation.

"I simple asked Lt. Freeman if he had seen a communicator and if so if he could amplify it," Cala started trying to compose herself as a woman and not as some raging beast. It has been time since she had let her anger get the best of her but know wasn't the best for it, "Then he comes out like a raging bull towards me and stated he hadn't seen one."

"I haven't seen any communicade Ma'am from you, nor have I seen a communicator. I've been double checking a few things around here." He said motioning around Engineering, "Can't look bad just getting back. I then looked over a few requests from some departments and allocated some extra resources to said departments as its about time things start winding down for the day. And seeing as there has been excess usage from our Diplomats for the last few days I needed to take some from them and give them elsewhere." Bruce responded.

Bruces' explanation seemed logical, but still that did little to dissuade Cala or Mathew.
"Excess power consumption? How much are we talking?" Tasha asked in general to all parties and wondered why Vincent was distancing himself from the group.

Lt. Kramer saw the Captain look at him. He felt as if the look meant ‘get down here and help deal with this situation.’ He had been in the Core control helping one of the Ensigns monitor a fluctuation in Reactor 3. It had been at 50% capacity all day trying to identify this fluctuation, and it had happened again. But since it had just stopped, Kramer stepped down out of Core Control and walked over and stood shoulder to shoulder with the Chief.

"Close to triple what most departments request for a one day boost. I don't know for what but a few days should have been plenty." Bruce responded to the question.

"Triple!" Tasha exclaimed as her hands went to hips. "Any department in particular?" She asked the question to all, wondering what and why so much power was being usurped and if there was a particular reason.

"Sorry Captain let me rephrase that. Our diplomats asked for triple what anyone else asks for. Every other department asks for a third of what has been allocated to diplomatic for the last few days." Bruce answered.

Cala sighed she had hoped that the Captain would have gotten the memo and understood why. "What Lt. Freeman has stated is true," she began, "But I can't press any further on it. It's something the head of my department should have informed you on, sir."

The captains bottom lip curled inwards. "I'm sorry Cala, Lieutenant Totti only arrived back to DS5 a few hours ago and I have yet to hear from him." She partially explained, as it was also her fault for not debriefing to him and still disliked being called sir, but let it pass. She circled her shoulders with her hands still placed firmly on hips.
She turned back to Bruce, studying his face for a moment before bringing her hand up. "Lieutenant, is the usage detrimental to any other department on the station at present and Ambassador, how long do you envisage the higher draw will be required?" She asked the questions to both, trying to find a common ground.

"Well Lt. Kramer here has been pushing off other requests from Stellar Cartography being the biggest. And a few other Science sub-departments, as per my orders as we would be breaching the 'critical' mark I've set while the reactors were being repaired so we would have extra power at all times in case of emergencies. So no not really detrimental but it is slowing our Scientists studies." Bruce replied.

Kramer looked over to his Chief and felt reassured that he had been doing the right thing. It always felt good for your superior to have your back.

Cala allowed Bruce to finish his statement before she came out, "Quite unfortunate for them." Putting some sympathy down but continued to her orders, "When were able to have extra power then my department will only need it for six to eight hours max."

Tasha weighed up the statements made by both and could see that there was a viable option. She turned to Cala with a pleasant smile upon her lips.
"I can see a possible solution, if you will agree." Tasha began and brought her hand to her comm.

=^="Tahir to Ambassador t'Khellian" =^=

Tasha could see the look of confusion on Calas face, but that would soon dissipate once she had broached the subject of utilising the Romulan Consulate as sort of base of operations, of course, that would only work if Isha was compliant.

"t'Khellian," Isha snapped. Her legs were tired and a dull ache had settled into her lower back, and though she had tried, and tried, Isha could not sleep.

Tasha swallowed. The curtness to Ishas' response forbode of an ill mood and the last thing Tasha wanted to do, was to fire up Isha any further than she had the day before.
=^="Sorry to trouble you ambassador. I am trying to resolve an issue within engineering and I know that you do not usually utilise a large amount of power, in fact, you are well below your quota...." Tasha began as Isha interrupted.

Isha covered her eyes with her palm and moved to sit down. Then she realised where she was about to sit and stuck out a hand to stop herself. It was no longer even the same sofa, but the essence of the last one remained, Ekenda had explained that all to her. It had made sense at the time, but when matters concerned things that she could not herself see Isha's acceptance became blurred.

She moved instead to the chaise beneath the window where she could look outside. "I have many talents, Captain Tahir, but Engineering is not one of them," she said, "Is insufficient offtake endangering your grid?"

With t'Merek's security upgrades she wondered how that could possibly be the case.

Bruce thought about what had been proposed. While there was a possibility of damage occurring it was very minuscule. "Ma'am it is possible there could be damage, but it would just be like a light bulb burning out nothing serious. In essence its turning off a set of lights and wiring it to another department, five hours wouldn't cause lasting harm. That is as long as our Romulan diplomats aren't planning on using a lot of power this evening and give us permission to use their surplus. We should have things back to full strength tomorrow and wont have to use it further." Bruce pulled a chair to himself worried he would fall over he used the back rest as a support. He turned to address the next statement to Cala. "But having an excessive amount of power being used for a long period of time will cause damage. So I will only be able to allocate the amount you have requested for tonight. Then I will have to have a team of engineers inspect the equipment and you will be stuck with your regular amount of power for a week." He knew that it wasn't going to be liked but there was no other choice. He also was curious as to the Captains comment earlier and wanted to end this to ask her about it.

Tasha listened to her Chief Engineer and hoped that his plea would mean she would have to say no more, at least for now.

She moved to Bruces' side, until then, remaining central to each of them.

"Does this sound reasonable?" She ventured.

"My Consulate requires the energy it requires," Isha said as she rested her elbows on her knees and stared into the perpetual night.

How could she agree to that? t'Merek had taken steps to make her safe, and only a reckless fool would come back here a second time ... but she did not think him a fool, though certainly he was reckless.

Isha rested her face in her palms. She would do nothing that might weaken the defences of her territory. "I will authorise no changes to our current usage," Isha said, her tone decisive and uncompromising. She was glad that they could not see the silent tears that dripped through her fingers and in to her lap.

Tasha cocked her head, not really expecting the reply to be so brutal. She looked to Bruce, then to Cala and then to Kramer and shrugged her shoulders.

"Ambassador, is it possible to use the power later in the shifts, when not so much is needed elsewhere?" The Captain asked as her hands idly tapped at her legs, eager to take the Lieutenant to one side, or preferably out of Engineering altogether.

"You would have me compromise essential systems?" Isha asked, "surely if your station is generating insufficient energy that should be addressed at the level of infrastructure, not by rationing services to those who have an SLA in place that guaruntees a minimum level of supply, which, you will find we do not exceed on a routine basis."

"Ambassador t'Khellian we are finishing up the repairs on the reactors due to the damage they received and don't want to cause a breach and have to put the station on emergency power supply's. We are only asking for the power for tonight, five hours no more. If anything happens to your systems I will personally come and repair them tomorrow." Bruce replied hopping it would sweeten the proposal enough to get this problem wrapped up.

Isha rose to her feet and ambled across her suite, there was leverage to be gained here, by being reasonable, but that would only be worth it if her own generosity could be highlighted by another's unwillingness to compromise.

"Perhaps on station's night," Isha said, "there may be scope to reduce the supply to non-essential systems, however your people will need to talk with mine about what those limitations may be. I am simply unable to give you a more definitive answer until I have seen their recommendations," she said.

Bruce nodded to his assistant. "My assistant is on his way to discuss it with your people now." He responded, "What I can think of off the top of my head would be disabling your replicators and a few consoles. But I will leave the rest to Lt. Kramer."

Tasha calmly and with wisdom, held her voice. Bruce had managed to lessen the severity of the situation through logic and charm.
She smiled gratefully and stepped back, awaiting the input from Cala.

Cala just stood there for a moment listen to Isha and Bruce going back and forth. Isha was quite an unique person and a true Romulan at heart. Once of many reasons why Cala really never took to the Romulan Empire much. She quickly thought of something at had she could say to make both parties happy. She was quite satisfied that she would be getting the power she needed but she didn't wish the station to hurting for her and the rest of the Diplomatic's arrogance.

=^= "Isha," she tapped her com badge, "If five hours is all the Chief can give us then that is all he can give." =^= Then she looked at Bruce, even though she was fighting with him earlier; she saw his logic in things.

Isha bristled at the presumption of this new voice, "You have not been given leave to use my name," she snapped, "You will address me as Ambassador t'Khellian or not at all."

Cala sighed for a moment before she continued, "Ambassador t'Khellian," She stated emphizing Isha's name, "Think for a moment. Let's not be too greedy. Five hours might be straining to us but its better then being a sitting duck. As an Ambassador you know other's come first. We must think of the well being of others. We're not the only ones on this station."

Isha knew why Tahir had come to her, because she might actually be willing to help, something that could not be said of the occupant of the other major Embassy on board Deep Space Five. But she was not considering Tahir's request out of altruism, she was considering it because it gave her leverage and if she was going to drive the Cardassian off the station then Isha would need the Federation's co-operation.

"As an Ambassador of the Rihannsu Stelam Shiar I know that the requirements of my Empire come first. I will not endanger my facility so that you can keep your replicators running. I have given my reply to the Lieutenant, Captain Tahir," she stated. Isha was not going to waste her time repeating herself to a fool.

Cala thought for moment, knowing Isha was being stubborn at this situation. Then she looked at the Captain, "Is there any Romulan station at this station other then the Ambassador?"

Tashas hands came back to her waist. Just as she thought they were getting somewhere, they took two steps backwards.
"Only one Romulan embassy, the others are not in use at present and not drawing power. There are of course, a large contingent of Romulan civilians, plus the crew of the Warbird currently docked." She stated matter of factly.

"As you can see Ambassador you have some you people on this Station," Cala started as she continued to talk to Isha through her com badge, "Don't they matter to you?"

"The needs of my people are already taken care of. I will not endanger my facility or my person in order to speed up experiments that can be delayed, albeit at an inconvenience to our esteemed hosts. I will give no answer other than the one I have already given without receiving expert opinion, opinion that I have already been assured will come," Isha said. "Captain Tahir, if you would come to my suite there is something I would discuss with you in private," she added.

Bruce really not listening to what was going on at this point looked up at the reactors. He couldn't help himself silently cursing them as they were the cause for these problems. He tried not to but a little snort, the start of a chuckle escaped his mouth. He had a perfect solution but it was far to late almost being 1800 hours to implement the idea, plus it would be punishing third parties that had nothing to do with the problem. He brought his gaze back down hoping his outburst was quiet enough no one heard it, he really didn't want to have to explain what he was laughing at.

Tasha didn't miss it, she glanced at Bruce and wondered what it was that had amused him.
=^= "Give me fifteen, no twenty minutes and I'll make my way there." =^= Tasha responded, closing the comm.
She looked towards the assistant Engineer.
"Mr Kramer redirect power from the docking ring. Close off power to the Cardassian, Ferenghi and Romulan ships currently under repair. They can continue tomorrow. Also reduce power levels on the Promenade, restrict holosuite use for all establishments. Blame 'Reactor servicing if need be, but allow Ambassador Lurn her needs for this evening." She eased herself back to Bruce. "Lieutenant, walk with me." She urged, her hand already guiding Bruce away from the Ambassador.

"Ma'am?" Bruce replied a little confused but kept going. He followed the Captain knowing he wouldn't hear the end of it if he refused.

Cala listen to the Captain's orders and was glad that she was allow to do what needed to be done. She bowed her head as she watched the Captain leave and made a note to be careful of the Romulan Ambassador. Prideful woman that she was, she wouldn't be a woman to trifle with. She bowed her head to the Engineering officer's and went back to her department for the evening.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Ambassador Cala Lurn

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Lt. Vincent Kramer