Intermission – A New Arrival (Unfortunately)
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   A New Arrival (Unfortunately)
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sat Aug 03, 2013 @ 3:00am
Location   Docking bay 5
Timeline   SD 73 - late afternoon

"I see you didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for me. That's quite the shame Mister Wyman. Coming up in the world, or did your superiors not see the need to welcome an officer dispatched by Starfleet Command?"

Wyman and P'Trell exchanged glances which made no effort to hide the disgust both of them were experiencing with the new arrival. Provisional Major Drant, Eldest Son of the Twenty-forth House. That of course was his given name and current rank. The Zarnac Empire viewed him as a traitor to be shot on sight, undeserving of having any name even spoken. Wyman, P'Trell, and pretty much every Starfleet officer who had ever worked closely with Drant saw him as a war criminal at one extreme; a pompous jackass at the other extreme. Neither extreme ruled out the thought of shooting him on sight, however.

He was fairly typical looking for a Zarnac - approximately 1.3 meters tall, stocky build, a short tail and relatively short arms (though neither comically so). He almost looked like a midget raptor from Earth's pre-history. His body was encased from the neck down in an environmental suit, with only his head exposed. A specially tailored Starfleet Marine uniform fit around said suit perfectly.

However, unlike the other Zarnac currently serving in Starfleet, Drant gave off what could most politely be described as an aristocratic air. Indeed he was the only one among the quartet to be raised in the Empire. And as the oldest child of a noble family, he was indeed aristocratic. However, his betrayal of the Empire at Deridous IV meant he would never enjoy the benefits of his social rank again.

Unless, of course, the entire defection was part of a ten year long, elaborate ruse designed to place an Imperial agent inside Starfleet. This potential was the reason Sharas did not return to Starbase Protector with An'ta. It was also the reason that, despite the fact that they were supposed to be greeting an arriving Starfleet dignitary - both Steven and Sharas were armed.

"Can it Major. This is a big facility - the Captain and the Commander aren't made of time. Commander P'Trell is more than capable of welcoming you. I'm just here to make sure he doesn't punch you in the snout. Or worse." Wyman explained, doing a poor job of not glaring daggers at Drant.

Narrowing his eyes at the engineer, Drant came to parade rest. "That's no way to speak to a superior officer, Lieutenant. Admiral Myerson's rules dictating that I fall below all of Drakt's flunkies in the chain of command does not apply to you - as you have never been a part of his little security team. However, for the moment I will neglect to report this breach of protocol to your superiors. Though I might point out that the aforementioned Drakt, despite being in acting command of starbase 182, still took the time to reroute my transport to his facility, threaten me, and then punch me in the nose."

In all the years that Wyman had known P'Trell, he had never known the usually stoic Andorian to find anything funny. And yet at Drant's statement, he was shocked to hear a deep baritone guffaw come from just beside him. "Commander?" he inquired, more than a little taken aback.

Wiping a tear from his left eye, Sharas rather quickly regained his composure. "I'm sorry... actually - no I'm not. I really wish I could have seen that. Not just to see you get laid out, but also to see something crack Drakt's usually cold exterior."

"No wonder you two get along so well - you're both sociopaths." Drant deadpanned as he breezed past the two humanoids. "Come along. I should report in, so that we might deal with this little problem and I can get back to Earth. It's still a virtual prison, but at least there I won't have a large, blue wart attached to my hind quarters."

Both of them fell into step behind the Zarnac as he skittered toward the nearby turbolift. "Sharas, just try not to kill him before we get to Commander Villiers." Wyman pleaded.

"I can't promise anything."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer

also starring

Lt. Cmdr. Sharas P'Trell
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 182


Provisional Major Drant, Eldest Son of the Twenty-forth House
Starfleet Marine Corps.