Interlude – Between Gorgo and Andromeda
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Between Gorgo and Andromeda
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Aug 02, 2010 @ 5:41pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD29, Before Little Box of Horrors

Yolanthe had put the shutters up early, and declared a happy hour to make up for the closure of her bar for the Ambassador's party the day before. Then she fussed about, polishing the bar, replicating extra glassware and straightening the menus on the empty tables.

"What's got into you?" Klia arrived with a stack of padds tucked under one arm.

"I'm expecting someone." She put a half dozen bottles of a trill lager on a tray for one of the waiters, and then went back to straightening the bottles behind the bar. She was swampy green.

"Who? You're not normally this nervous." Klia narrowed her eyes. "It better not be the reptile. I told you I don't want you seeing him again."

Too late Yolanthe thought. glad her nervousness about her guest's imminent arrival was countering any incriminating shift in her body colour. "Be nice, he's not that bad. And no it isn't. It’s the other Ambassador's niece. The party girl from yesterday."

"Oh." Klia deflated a bit. "I still don't see why you're so-"

Yolanthe cut her off. "She's here, shoo!" She made a flapping gesture with her hands to motion Klia away as Rianni approached.

Rianni sauntered over to the bar just as Yolanthe's friend left, smiling as she sat she couldn't help but ask, "Who was that?"

"That’s Klia. Business partner, best friend, bunk mate and guide to the cultural complexity of the Alpha quadrant." She glanced fondly at Klia's retreating back. "currently attempting to branch out into my common sense. Don't mind her. How's your first day as a proper Romulo?"

"Pretty quiet, actually." Rianni laughed, "So far I haven't been brought in on any conspiracies to replace the Federation President's brain with tater tots or anything. How about your day?"

"Just getting started." She leaned across the bar and rested on her elbows. "What can I get you?"

"Umm, I guess an Ouzo if you have any of the good stuff." Rianni replied, she hadn't really come here to drink, she was much more interested in the bar owner, "And how's the Greek salad here? That is, assuming you make one."

"I'm not an expert on Ouzo, but try this." Yolanthe had had the bottle waiting. "The salad you'll have to wait for. "She beckoned one of the waiters over and sent him back to the kitchen with the order, "Five minutes or so." She nodded at the ouzo. "any good?"

"Not bad." Rianni nodded, "Though Papa Gregori has a couple of bottles he brought with him from Athens, real great stuff. I'll have to share some with you."

"I prefer Kanar myself. And when it comes to Terran drinks, its red wine, or the mixological perfection of a martini. After that, I'm an amateur."

"I also like a good martini." Rianni smiled, "Best one I ever got was, and this is kind of funny, on a carrier over Chintoka. We had a pilot in my squadron, his name was Koslov, and he made the best vodka martinis I think I ever tasted. Russian vodka, extra dry and extra smooth, just great."

"Vodka Martini," Yolanthe sniffed with the pure disdain of the Martini snob, "Bet he shook it too."

"Shaken and not stirred." Rianni laughed, Yolanthe's snobbish display amusing her greatly.

The Bokkai topped up Rianni's glass and poured herself a large glass of kanar. "So did you have fun last night?"

"Tremendously, even though there was this hot woman running the bar I was trying to get to spend some quality time with me who shot me down." Rianni replied, sipping the Ouzo, "But, here I am again. Every day is a new chance, right?"

At the compliment, Yolanthe had turned a tropical blue, then a warm peach, and back to swampy green. She drained the kanar and poured another one. "You'd like my world. Women outnumber the men nineteen to one. "

"Yeah, not a lot of luck with men on my end." Rianni laughed, "And I like you better in blue than green, just my opinion. So, do we want to keep sitting here talking or maybe go somewhere more private?"

"Probably best if we go somewhere private." She gulped down her kanar, "come through to my office."

"Right behind you." Rianni smiled, following Yolanthe.
As the tall bokkai led the way across the bar, Klia watched them from the mezzanine, furious. First the Spoonhead, now a Romulo. Well, half Romulo, but what did that matter when she'd spent all of yesterday making a big fuss over her Romulo heritage. Really, had Lani left all her brains on her backwater world. And why always the nasty, dangerous races? Klia seethed in Silence and continued to glare at their backs. If looks could kill, Rianni would have been a greasy spot on the floor.

"Take a seat." Yolanthe pointed to her couch, made from a black wood and fatly upholstered in thick white velvet.

Rianni sat on the couch, loving it instantly, "Nice, really high class." She smiled, "So, let's have a little fun."

Yolanthe leant against the edge of her desk. There was no easy way to say this. "Back home, these sort of relationships are fairly normal. So many women, so few men, and we only get sex with the men, no relationships. And its constant. At our age, it’s all about the breeding whether you're in the mood or not."

As she babbled, she was getting greyer and greyer. "In short, what I'm saying is, it’s not because you're a woman, or that I don't think you're attractive, but because I'm just not really available right now. I haven't been... for a while now and ..." She trailed off, thinking of Tharek. What could she say that wouldn't hurt the pilot's feelings or a complete lie.

~Wow, what the frack is wrong with me?~ Rianni thought, feeling the sting of another rejection, "Yeah, it's okay. I should go anyway, this has gotten very awkward and, yeah." With that she got up to leave as quickly as humanly, or Romulanly, possible.

Yolanthe made a grab for her, catching her by the upper arm, "Miss Monteros, wait a moment." She didn't give Rianni a chance to reply, "What I'm trying to say is, is that I've been expected to turn it on and off like a tap since I was sixteen, I don't have to do that anymore, So I don't. It’s nothing to do with you beyond it being far far too fast.. And it’s not awkward. I've had this conversation a lot. Haven't you?"

"Who said I was asking you to turn on anything like a tap?" Rianni asked, now genuinely offended, "Look, I found you attractive, and I like you. I'm not looking for a concubine or a sex slave. If you thought I came back here looking for a hooker, you've underestimated us both, Yolanthe. What I'm looking for is something more, and I thought there might be a chance because there are a lot of qualities about you I like. I didn't come back here for 'Slam, Bam, Thank You, Ma'am.' Give us both more credit than that."

Yolanthe groaned inwardly. This was going from bad to worse. "I'm sorry, but when you said you wanted to have fun- " She stopped, knowing she was making it worse. "You have my unreserved apologies, Miss Monteros. I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted you to know that I was sincerely flattered, but flirting is part of my job and I was afraid I'd given you false hope, for which I apologise again."

"No, really, it's okay." Rianni sighed, she was used to rejection, this was nothing new, ~Wonder what the frack is wrong with me?~ "If you'll excuse me."

"No." Yolanthe had seen that face enough times on various patrons who had sat at her bar on her previous berth. Someone who had been knocked back one too many times. "It's not okay. I'd like to make it up to you if I can."

"Really, there's nothing to make up to anyone here." Rianni shook her head, "I really should be getting to my ship, we're about to go on a three day patrol and I want to be there early to set the pace for the day. Responsibility of command and all that."

Yolanthe went a murky yellow, but let go of Rianni, and touched the door sensor, "I understand. And please, if you ever need a friendly ear, it’s what I'm here for." It was probably a vain offer, but one she had to make.

"I tend to try and keep my problems to myself. Greeks, we're very self reliant, you know?" Rianni smiled as she exited, "But I'm sure I'll see you around." With that she turned to leave, wondering what was going to happen next to frack this day up.

As she moved out into the bar, her way was blocked by the little Orion woman she had seen earlier, who gave her a sullen, venomous glare.

"Hi, Klia, right?" Rianni smiled, extending her hand, "It's very nice to meet you finally."

Klia looked at it, uncertain. She had been waiting here to warn the pilot off her friend. But Rianni had emerged far too quickly. Yolanthe must have let her down. And judging from the slight flush to her skin, she hadn't been gentle. Which meant there was no point in getting upset just yet.

So she shook it, "Er, Rianni t'Khellian, yes? Likewise."

"I answer to Monteros, too." Rianni replied, "Though, with me being off duty and you not being part of my crew just Rianni will be perfect."

"Rianni," Klia echoed.

There was an uncomfortable pause. Klia felt the silence pressing on her to fill it up. "I'm guessing you just had the 'not on the menu' speech?"

"Yeah, basically." Rianni replied, "It's okay, I've been rejected plenty. Seems we had some mixed signals, she thought I was looking for something quick and meaningless when I had my mind on more. It's okay though, like I said, plenty of rejection in this life. But how are you?"

Klia wasn't sure whether to cheer or stick something sharp in the woman. "In need of a stiff drink. Want one?"

"Sure, why not?" Rianni smiled, following Klia and giving Yolanthe one last look before leaving the room.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner of the Box of Delights

Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan