Unity – The enemy of my enemy....
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   The enemy of my enemy....
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Mar 12, 2010 @ 10:25am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD17 - 10:15

Greo stirred on the biobed, his body a smudge on the edge of his consciousness. He knew he was in sickbay, but couldn't remember why or for how long. The world around him seemed like a pastiche of fuzzy lights and darkened shapes. He blinked several times his vision beginning to clear a little. A sheet lay over him and he could see that someone had put him into a surgical gown. His grey lumpy feet poked out at him from the end of the bed. He flexed his hands and wiggled his toes. All working he thought to himself. In the corner of the room, at a large wall covered in bright blue and yellow lights, he could make out the shape of a doctor.

"Hello?" Greo rasped between dry lips.

Chelsea approached the bed and offered up some gauze soaked in water to wet Greo's lips and trickle softly onto his tongue. "Here you go" she said, wetting another pad and offering more fluid into his mouth. "Nice to have you back. You've been through the mill but you're on the mend now. How do you feel?" she said.

Karen was somewhat relieved that he appeared to be on the road to recovery, she had been impressed by Tovon's enthusiasm since the moment they met and she feared any lasting damage would rob them of the services of a valuable officer. She waited for the doctor's nod before stepping forward.

"Lieutenant Commander Tovon, you had us worried for a while," she said.

Greo looked from the doctor to the commander. His vision was clearing now, but his body still ached all down one side.

"I'm feeling a lot better, thanks." He tried to shuffle up so he was slightly more upright. "I remember sorting the final shut down of the romulan core. I was running the final diagnostic when...." He frowned deeply. "I can't really remember. What happened? Is the lab ok?"

"There have been several bombings at locations around the station, all connected I'm sorry to say. You took the brunt of one of them. The lab is a mess, and currently off-limits," Karen explained pausing to draw a breath. "Your results are intact, but I can't say the same for the item you were studying, the core sustained some damage."

Greo couldn't believe what he was hearing. Bombings? He sat up some more so he could look Villiers in the eye.

"Now it makes sense!" He seemed to be thinking hard, pain written across his face. "I thought there was something strange about my final diagnostic of the core. I think the bomb was placed inside it." He looked at the commander. "Who would do such a thing? Romulans?"

Karen sucked the air through her teeth. She paced away, talking as she thought, "If they knew we had the core they'd have asked for it back if they'd wanted it ... offered us a deal, information about the Romulan attack in exchange for their equipment ... no such request has been made ... and blowing it to pieces isn't exactly subtle."

Chelsea checked Tovon's vitals, making sure this wasn't too stressful for him to continue with but he was doing well. Silently she moved around him, nodding.

The Executive Officer turned back and paced back to the bio-bed still speaking her thoughts, "if they hadn't wanted to make a request they could have made an attempt to steal it back blaming it on someone else ... god knows there are enough ships in and out every day, enough questionable travellers. How much did you get from it, Commander Tovon," she asked, resting her hands on the edge of the biobed.

Greo looked at the commander and tried to think back to the vast stores of data the core had contained.

"Commander there was a huge amount of information concerning weak or strategically important targets all along the neutral zone and the edges of romulan space. It even went into some tactical data on romulan systems. If you remember though it had appeared amidst the warbird wreckage. I had begun processing the data and figuring the co-ordinate systems, but hadn't finished. It would need some work but anyone who took that data would have a list of worthy targets as long as my arm. There were many interesting elements."

The Commander pursed her lips; that complicated matters. "If the Romulans did know the core was recovered that is certainly data they would not want found out, but I still don't think they'd do it that way." Karen knew there was a route they could take,though there was no guarantee it would help. "Mister Tovon," she said, "How would you feel about doing a bit of investigating, we've got a Consulate down the hall, an ambassador and god knows what, let's see if they really are here for diplomatic reasons; if so there's an outside chance that they don't know we have the core, and when they learn we do they'll want to do as much to find out who interfered with it as we do."

"If you're moving my patient, I want a micro-monitor on his neck which will transmit his bio-readings to Sickbay at all times. If his condition destabilises, I want both of your assurances that Mr Tovon will return to be administered to medically at once. Otherwise I'm afraid he goes nowhere - he was too badly injured to just wander off and get into dangerous situations again before he has healed properly. He's due more treatment each day for the next week anyway." Chelsea interjected protectively.

Karen half turned, "I'm not giving an order, doctor, however if commander Tovon wants to make this investigation it will be with my backing, you may request any medical precautions you think necessary but the decision is his."

Chelsea opened her mouth to retort that *with all due respect* whilst the *choice* to undertake the assignment was always Tovon's, if he made a choice to forfeit his life it would have to remain within the boundaries of *absolutely essential beyond any alternative* otherwise he could be medically classed as suicidal.

Suicide in this century was a diagnosed *disorder and imbalance* which would render him unfit for duty, etc. etc. yada yada, so it would be game, set and match to the CMO, even if the C-i-C of the whole of Starfleet were playing against her.

However at this moment in time, as Tovon hadn't shown any desire to take it to those extremes yet, there was no need for Chelsea to show her cards nor her teeth. She closed her mouth and picked up a small disc of electronic wizardry which flickered to life in the palm of her hand. She held it out to Tovon.

"Make choices that allow us *both* to do the right thing here". She said quietly, genuinely hoping he would choose to wear it of his own accord.

"Doctor, you needn't worry so much about me. I am just going to ask the romulans a few questions." He looked from one woman to the other, their motives at complete odds. One wished the best for him as an individual whereas the other wished the best for those all around them, the security of the station itself. Greo had no choice, he too knew the old adage.

"Commander I will head over to the embassy in an hour, I need to compose myself before confronting such adversaries." He hoped that would calm both of them.

Chelsea's palm still contained the medical monitor. "Will you take this?" she asked.

"Of course doctor." Greo looked down at the small device. He took it from her and placed it against his neck. "I'll be taking it easy and i'll comm you if I feel worse."

He could just hear the faint bleeping and buzzing of the small monitor. It had a comforting rhythm. He stilled his mind, mentally preparing himself for the challenge to come. Romulans were known for their deceptive and manipulative ways. No doubt a diplomat would be an interesting adversary.


Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Chief Science Officer

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams
Chief Medical Officer