We All Fall Down – The Feminine Mystique
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   The Feminine Mystique
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Sun Jul 06, 2014 @ 9:28pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   BAck Post SD 77? (after beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Yolanthe finished her breakfast and dumped the bowl into the replimat's trash for recycling, and headed down to the Box of delights for her morning run. Standing outside with a small crate in her hands was the Ferengi's Orion. What was her name? Kesha? Keyma? Lise had sent her the statuette. "That for me?"

Kieshma nodded. "Lise said you'd agreed upon one point seven five bars of latinum." She hefted the crate in her arms, re-positioning it for a better grip. It wasn't heavy - volcanic stone never was - but the crate was an awkward size and quite bulky.

Yolanthe quickly opened the postern gate in the shutters and took the crate. "Go on through, the money's in my office." She nodded the smaller woman into her bar, and directed her to the luxurious rococo office Yolanthe kept behind the scenes. She put it down on the coffee table infront of the white King Louis sofa and went to her desk. "Do you want a drink?" She gestured with one hand to the black and white mini bar.

"No." Kieshma said quickly. "Where is the money? Lise expects me back soon." He'd been quite insistent that she not waste time with this rather interesting woman.

The bokkai opened the desk drawer. "is that you, or the Ferengi talking?" She drew out a small velvet back and gave it a jerk. Something inside clinked.

Kieshma hissed. "I told you. Lise needs me back at the ship as soon as possible."

"What's really going on with you and him?"

"He's a Ferengi." She growled. "I'm an Orion female. You can guess what he thinks our relationship is from that alone, I'm sure."

Yolanthe gave the Orion a long steady look, her blank eyes making it all the more skeptical. "He seems a bit on edge about it to me. And what do you think your relationship is?"

"He thinks I belong to him, that I'm his property," Kieshma spat the last word. "He hates it when I'm around people he can't control, especially 'free' females who put 'ideas' in my head. Hate to break it to him, but I'm a free female too. The minute that ship heads back for Orion space, I'm out of there."

"Why do you bother with the man at all? You're not going to let a man tell you what to do?" Despite her friendship with Klia, Orions still felt like her polar opposite. Men were the lesser sex, and frequently traded between tribes for keeping the genepool fresh.

"Of course not," Kieshma said. "I just don't have any other options right now. If I could find a job on a ship with a less pig-headed captain, believe me, I would."

"On this station, shouldn't be hard. What do you do. I can probably help, most people end up in here moaning about their staff problems."

Kieshma looked at Yolanthe with open disbelief. No one had ever offered to help her. Not once since her father had sold her to help pay off his gambling debts.

"You want to help me?" she said finally. "What's the catch?"

Yolanthe shrugged, she hadn't thought that far. She just wanted to annoy the ferengi. Men telling her what to do. Cheek. "You'll owe me a favour? I don't know. What do you do?"

"I'm a mechanic," Kieshma said so quietly, Yolanthe had to strain to hear her.

"Oh Good Grief." Yolanthe went a little yellow. The woman was far from her home world, she shouldn't be crushed like this. "This a starbase. People are screaming for mechanics. Sod the Ferengi."

Kieshma wasn't so sure about this whole idea. In her experience, mos people only thought of Orion females in one way. Nevermind that Orion women were intelligent and extremely capable, and most were actually well-educated. Offworld, there was only one sort of Orion female.

"Look," the bar tender insisted, "come sit in the bar tonight, i'll point anyone looking for a mechanic your way, and we'll all keep an eye out for the Ferengi."

Kieshma nodded slowly. It couldn't hurt to try. Most anything would be better than Lise. Besides, she was beginning to like this little rebellious steak she was developing of late.

"That's more like it." Yolanthe was more You are better than any man. I expect you here at twenty hundred, and we'll find you someone you'll actually want to work with."


Mechanic aboard the Desire

Yoklanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights