Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Disclosure
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Disclosure
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Aieron Peters & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Thu Oct 09, 2008 @ 10:14am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Station Day 3 11:35
She disappeared in a haze of light as the site to site transporters eased her journey to Sickbay.
She had read with concern, but had also heard from Talara what had happened, and this was not an interrogation or a betrayal, it was just a visit to see how the Chief Operations Officer was after the incident.

She walked the few paces, straightening her appearance as the sickbay doors opened and she was surprised to see Dr Milarno up and about, despite what Chelsea had said a few hours earlier.

"Doctor, good to see you up and about." Looking at his newly appeared nose ridges and not sure why she felt drawn to them

Ryan turned to her and smirked. "I'm not really meant to be...but it's not doing much harm..." he smiled.

She smiled, her eyes widened at his excuse, but she was content to see him chatting with the patients. "As long as you don't over exert yourself." She winked knowingly. "So, Lieutenant Peters. Can you take me to him?" She asked, looking over her shoulder to the rooms towards the rear of the triage area.

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, follow me" he said and led her from the triage area.

The sickbay was relatively quiet, which could only be classed as a good thing as they steered around the beds into the rear rooms. Ryan swung open a door which opened up to reveal Aieron sat up in bed with a PADD in hand and his head still wrapped in a bandage.

"Thank you doctor." Tasha said, siding her way past him and into the brightly lit room, which was a great deal brighter than she felt comfortable with.

"Lieutenant Peters. How are you feeling?" Tasha enquired, pulling up a standard plastic chair closer to the bed and taking the seat next to the bed.

Aieron dropped the padd onto the bed in front of him, looking towards Tasha.
"Apart from a nasty headache, I'm fine, thank you. How long was I out for?"

Tasha nodded her head slowly left and right. Talaras report didn't mention anything, just that he had been rendered unconscious.
"I can't say, you will have to talk to Talara for clarification, but it was at least a couple of hours." She answered. "Do you remember anything?" She asked, more out of concern rather than being investigative.

"Ermm.. no. I can't remember anything about it. In fact, I can't remember anything about that day. I can see on my personal record that I passed another exam though."

Tasha nodded, shifting in the chair that felt a little harder on her backside than she would have cared and she had only been sat for a few minutes.
"What the whole day? That must have been quite a knock. Has any medical staff checked you out?" Tasha asked, refraining from making a glib comment about not worth looking for something that wasn't there. She licked her lips, her mouth drying with every passing second in the heat of sickbay. She eyed him suspiciously, knowing how Aieron liked to play a little joke on the odd occasion.

"Yes, they've scanned me. Seems I knocked myself hard enough to get a concussion, which caused memory loss. I remember working in the computer core, and then having a new test and exam scheduled.. going to sleep that day.. but nothing after that and waking up today."

She listened as he explained what he could remember and it was indeed, not a joke. She nodded as she accepted that he was as well as could be expected.
"Well I am glad to hear that you are OK and once the doctor declares you fit, I see no reason why you should not return to duty." She said, standing from the hard chair and rubbing her numb backside and making her way to the door, looking back, to see him watching her, still holding the PADD in his hand.
"Remember to get the rest that the doctor ordered." She said, pulling the door inward and exiting.

Aieron sighed. Doctors always ordered lots of rest, especially if you concussed yourself. Still, he wanted to catch up with his reports first...

Tasha caught up with Ryan and as he had his back to her, she didn't want to startle him. She cleared her throat, making him aware of her presence, but before he turned around, she called his name softly.

"Ryan, can you spare me a minute."

Ryan turned back to face the captain. "Yeah sure..." he said to her as he quickly checked over the lieutenants readings. "Mmm he should be able to leave in a few hours, the head injury isn't too bad, I just need to run a few more tests before I can allow him to leave, once I've done all that he'll be fine" he smiled.

"Do you know how serious the blow to his head was?" Tasha asked in a hushed voice, seeing that Ryan was under some strain, she added. "How are you feeling?"

"It was bad but you have a good medical team onboard captain" he told her with a smile. "And I'm ok..." he let out a chuckle. "Just getting used to it all, thats all" he said as he felt his ridges.

She smiled as she watched him tease the newly appeared ridges and she wondered if they hurt, not missing the humour in his remark.
"Thank you doctor. If you need me, you know how to reach me she smiled, as she made her way out of sickbay.


CO: Tasha Tahir
COO: Aieron Peters
CMO: Ryan Milarno