Judgement – Reactor Status
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Reactor Status
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Thu Mar 24, 2011 @ 2:12pm
Location   Main Engineering

((Main Engineering))

Lt. Kramer stood in the Core Control of Main Engineering. As usual, Main Engineering was a bee hive of activity.

From the center of Core Control, Kramer could look out upon the different activities taking place and those personnel at different stations at task. The 5 officers seated at the consoles monitored the systems for all reactors on the station. Reactors 2 and 3 were still down waiting on replacement parts to arrive. Reactor 1 was great at 100% efficiency. Reactor 4 is the one they were focused on at this time.

Engineering crews had complete repairs to the cooling system on Reactor 4. They were now ready to bring it up to full strength. Lt. Kramer touched his comm badge, =^= Lt. Decker, what is our status?=^=

Lt. Decker was in the reactor control room, just outside the protective shield at Reactor 4. =^=We are doing our final check now.=^= Lt. Drake walked out into the reactor room, leaned over the railing to get a good look at the final checks that were taking place. There were dozens of engineers in the reactor room triple checking each system connected to the reactor. From injection ports to delineation interface to the cooling systems to the power output to emergency discharge and to shut down controls; all seemed ready.

Lt. Decker turned around to look at the officer sitting at the reactor control station through the transparent wall. Ens. Hanson gave him the thumbs up. Decker turned back to look at the reactor again. =^=All right Sir. We are ready for power up on Reactor 4.=^=

Lt. Kramer placed a hand on the shoulder of Ens. Drake sitting at station 4. "Ensign Drake, please bring up power on Reactor 4 to 80%."

"Aye Sir," was his dutiful reply. They both watched the readings and computer readouts and statistics the computer was supplying.

=^=Lt. Decker? Issues?=^= Kramer inquired.

=^=No Sir.=^= Decker replied, =^=Proceed with the test.=^=

With his arms crossed across his chest, Lt. Kramer said, "Mr. Drake, bring up Reactor 4 to 90%."

"Aye Sir."

They waited at that level for several minutes. Kramer noticed a spike on one of the indicators. It was part of the power output flow indicator. It came and went away within a couple seconds. They watched the readouts very intently.

A couple minutes later it spiked again. =^=Lt. Decker? Are you picking up the spikes we see on the Power Output Flow?=^=

=^=Yes Sir.=^= Decker replied, =^=I have a team on it now.=^=

=^=Inform me . . =^= Kramer stopped in mid thought as a sound came into his head. It was like a pitch pipe tone. "Can you hear that?" he asked.

"Sir?" Ens. Drake inquired.

"Can you hear a high pitch or tone?" Kramer clarified as he walked out of the Core Control. He walked in a circular path about the floor of Main Engineering.

=^=What was that Sir, I didn’t get your last transmission.=^= asked Decker.

Lt. Kramer turned to the large corridor to Reactor 4, "Don’t make any changes. I'm heading your way."

After jogging a short distance, Lt Kramer arrived at the Reactor Control Booth and walked out into the Reactor room. Kramer looked from the left to the right and back, listening intently, ignoring the officers questioning him.

"Sir? What's going on?" Decker asked.

"It's hard to explain. I'm hearing something, that no one else can hear." Looking directly at Decker, "I heard it from the Core Control."

Lt. Decker's face showed doubt.

"Let's walk over to the Power Output Flow." Kramer stated to Decker as he began to walk that direction. The power feeds were from the side of the reactor 1 level down. As they approached the team was looking at the equipment with the panels open. “Make a hole.” Kramer walked up very close, turning his ear to the equipment. "Pull out the interlinking assembly." Kramer stated and stepped back.

This task could be done safely while at this stage. No power was running directly through it, just sensing and tracking systems. The engineering crewmen began to pull out this very large assembly. It was only 30 mm wide, but 8 feet tall. The assembly pulled out 3 meters onto the deck towards the reactor.

Lt. Kramer walked up to the assembly and looked it over, up and down, left and right.

Grumbling began to get louder as more officers and crew began to congregate. "Quiet!" Kramer said. Still looking over the interlinking assembly, he then did a double take and bent down. He flipped open a small panel on the assembly. One of the linking chips inside was brighter than the other 4. "Would someone replace this please?" Kramer said and turned and walked away.

Lt. Decker stood there amazed. "You heard the Chief ! Get that chip replaced!" and then he followed the Chief back up to the Reactor Control Room.

"What was that, Sir?" Decker asked as he approached Lt. Kramer.

"It is hard to explain." Kramer began. "I don't quite understand it totally myself yet."

"This ought to be good." Decker said crossing his arms on his chest.

"Sometimes I hear things. Things that relate to operating systems and something is not right.

Still dought in Decker’s eyes.

"I have just learned to not ignore it, this sense that I have."

They watched on the monitor as the Assembly was pushed back into place and the exterior panels closed. They watched the Power Output Flow display for several minutes and there were no more spikes.

Lt. Kramer touched his comm-badge, =^=Ensign Drake, bring the power on Reactor 4 up to full power. =^=

=^=Aye Sir. =^= came the reply.

After a few minutes, Kramer turned and said, "Congratulations Mr. Decker. A job well done."

“Thank you Sir. I'll pass that along to the team.”

"We'll let this run for a few more hours and then back it off a little bit" Kramer stated as he looked down and was causing the control panel to flip quickly through the differently displays.

"Yes Sir." Decker replied, "You'll have to tell me more about this sense of yours. I'm sure you have many stories to tell.

"Ya," Kramer stood up to face Decker. "There have been a few, I'm afraid."


Lt.(JG)Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering
Deep Space Five