We All Fall Down – Unlocking secrets
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Unlocking secrets
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Aug 08, 2014 @ 5:56am
Location   Intelligence office, Cheif Intel office (Jarred's old office)
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1 2045 hrs

The intelligence offices on Deep Space five were massive, but they sit largely empty now. The skeleton crews that are here are mostly working on open operations. As he walked past the communications intercept room the techs were almost unwavering looking at the mountain of intercepts, the lab was filled with crates awaiting pick up for cataloging. the offices were either empty or showing signs of being prepped for a new CIO to take over, as he approached his old office he paused for a second then opened the door, it was still a mess. The pile of PADDs from just about every intelligence operation in the region was on that desk.

There was a strong sense that he had left in a hurry, in fact, he wasn't supposed to be gone this long. The office it self was scheduled too be cleared in the morning, but he hadn't collected all of his personal belongings he found a packing crate and started to unlock wall cabinets, the gleam of six different pistol griped weapons were uncovered as the door opened, a back door opened behind the desk. That room was going to take some effort too clear out. He could sense another presence in the room, "Lieutenant Katz, I know I didn't trip any of the alarms so what brings you down to my old office?"

Sarah smiled when she both saw and heard Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace rummaging through the office. She noticed that he had gathered a couple of boxes, for personal belongings she assumed, and she spoke up:

"I am here only because I heard someone rummaging around and I came in to see who it was. Glad to see it was you. Seeing you makes this so much easier since trying to contact you can be difficult."

"I hear that there is to be a meeting of the department heads later today. Sort of a 'glad to see you' and a 'lets all get to know one another' meeting. I was wondering if that was going to include the new Chief Deputy Marshal, Wolfgang Steiner? If so, do you want me to contact him or have you got that under control? Oh, by the way, there are many files in the drawers of the desk. I was going to go through them and familiarize myself with them, but now I think that I should give you a chance to go through them first and pull those that are no longer relevant. Since I need the room, you have 24 hours to do this!" said Sarah with a smile.

"I'm going to need more than 24 hours, most of the comm equipment has to be relocated back down to the old intelligence offices, plus the back room there has quite a bit of stuff in it." pointing to the open door "I had quite a bit of equipment in there."

Most of the comm equipment can be left here since I will be using it. You can download what is address to only you onto a disc. That will leave a % of the memory free and I should 'inherit' the equipment. You will probably need to let me know about anything specific about the equipment though. Problem solved!"

"Seriously though, I need to move into this office. I am surprised you have not moved out already. And before you tell me that with your promotion and new duties you have had little time....I am amazed that you have not been given time to do this."

"But you didn't answer my question. Do you want me to contact the new Chief Deputy Marshal, Wolfgang Steiner and let him know about the meeting, or do you have that well in hand? And when and where is the meeting later today going to be? "

"Steiner failed to check in with both of us, I'll remind him of protocol later on." Jarred said as he checked the chamber of his side arm, "Yes there is a small arsenal in here, I kept my department's weaponry located here so we could plan our operations more easily, plus it really annoyed your predecessor." he said with a smirk.

"But back to Steiner, if you want to say 'hello' I'm not going to stop you, but not checking in with the XO is a real annoyance, and severely lacking in proper protocol." Jarred said with some annoyance.

Sarah stood up from her spot on the desk corner and said:

"I'll go to Steiner and remind him about protocol. I have a gut feeling that he would rather hear that from me then you at this moment. Besides, that will leave you free to stay here and continue to 'clean up'....so to speak. As far as the 'arsenal' you spoke of, if those are personal weapons, I can understand how you would want to clear them out so you can take them with you. Otherwise you can leave them, give me the key for the case and again.....Problem solved!"

"As far as my predecessor goes, I thought that was you, sir, or were you the Assistant Chief Of Intelligence?"

"Chief of intelligence for six weeks, then during a mission I was severely injured, I spent 18 months recovering, then another three playing hide and go seek with some smugglers." Jarred realized his file had been read "Your predecessor got into some serious trouble and has been in and out of prison over it, I know he's out again, but I haven't spoken to him since I got back."
With that said, Sarah got up as if to leave.

"I'm going to go to Steiner's location now and that will leave you here and give you a chance to move things out. I will talk to him about protocol. That is, if that is ok with you," remarked Sarah.

"Please do, and be gentle I'll be less than nice about it later on." Jarred was about to go into the back room, "Oh keep your security teams away from Armitage imports, its actually not what you think going on there." he said trying to avoid too many questions.

Jarred looked at the security chief, "I'll get the rest of this packed up, and moved to storage for now." that wasn't quite a lie, it was going into storage, down near docking port 99.

'Armitage imports,' thought Sarah to herself. 'I wonder what he means? I'll have to look into that later, after talking to Steiner.'

Walking down the hall and entering the elevator, Sarah spoke to the computer and indicated that it was to take her to the level occupied by the Chief Deputy Marshal's office. She was sure she would find Wolfgang Steiner there. Upon entering she saw a very tall and well built young man. After a few moments she also noticed that he moved with a slight limp.

"Uhmm," said Sarah as she cleared her thoat.