Incommunicado – Making new friends.
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Making new friends.
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Thu Aug 02, 2012 @ 1:06am
Location   Gymnasium, Lieutenant Rex's Quarters
Timeline   SD58. 1200-1330h


David had been wanting to see the recreational facilities available on the station to get a workout in before the start of his shift. He hopped on the turbolift and went to deck 33 to see the gymnasium. He went to the weight lifting systems and started to work out when he saw someone else there. A female, not human though.

"Hi there!" David greeted her.

Saria looked up to the man. "Just a moment." She said, lifting up the weights and stacking it on the rack. She stood up, stretching her arms. "Hello! I'm glad someone finally comes to see me in the gym." she smiled. "The name is Saria. You can call me either Saria, or Rex, if you like."

"I'm David, the new Propulsion Specialist. Ensign David Straggard, to be precise." David said as he was grabbing the multi setting dumbbells. He started to do a weight to warm up. "I just came aboard today, thought I'd check out the facilities and get a work out before starting my shift. You can call me David." David said this while finishing his set and hesitated for a sec. "So what's your rank and position?"

"Lieutenant Junior Grade, Chief of Science." She smiled. "You're not the only new here. I arrived here a month and a half ago. To be honest, very few Lieutenant JG's have the rank of Chief. But since I was the only one in the Science department, they promoted me from Acting Chief to Chief." She wiped the sweat from her face, and swung her ponytail over her shoulder. "Propulsion Specialist, you say? You might come in handy to me..."

"Yeah, I'm fresh out of the Academy. I'm going to help with the whole anomaly issue with the engines. I guess you'll come in handy too, we might be working together...but I'm not really on duty... so what is your world? You are humanoid, let me guess. Trill?" David said as he was studying her face as well as her overall "structure". "I've met some trill before back on Earth." David put the weights down and was heading over to the bench as he hesitated and looked back at Saria. "Wanna spot me? I thought I'd be doing this workout solo but we could do some partner workouts if you'd like."

"Oh yeah, sure!" Saria said, walking up to David. "Who knows, I might come in handy to you as well. I have been an Engineer for a few times. It was a lot of fun, being one. However, I still repair shuttles. Besides, nice observation." She smiled, looking at the spots going down her bare midriff.

"My mother was a diplomat on Earth at Starfleet Command. I was able to meet many people from many worlds. I became most acquainted with Vulcans, Klingons, and Andorians. So what's your story? Why Starfleet?" He tried to maintain his concentration as he was lifting the weights as he was trying to make conversation.

"Well, after a few centuries, there is something in you that wants an adventure, not just a dull routine. I used to be a philosopher, librarian, politician, engineer... and I have dobe most courses of Starfleet more than a few times, but that never gets boring. It made me experience... friendship, love, loyalty, adventure, but also pain, death, outer space... you name it." She said, looking at David with a smile. "However, not every previous host was as kind and gentle like me." Saria said.

David finished the set while looking up at Saria. He almost blushed and took a deep breath to mask his nervousness. "Well that's good." David then asked, "So what shift are you on duty? I was wondering maybe you could show me around the station during off-duty hours?" He then proceeded to the treadmills looking to see if Saria would follow.

Saria smiled graciously. "My shifts are from 08:00 till 14:00 and from 20:00 till 02:00. I still have plenty of time." She walked after David, and leant on one of the treadmills. "Although, if you ever feel lonely, you can always drop by between those times at my quarters. Deck 26, room 16." She said, raising a teasing eyebrow.

David responded with a smile. "Yeah, that'd be nice. I'll do a short jog here and get cleaned up quick and meet you at your quarters?" David set the treadmill and started jogging.

"Sounds perfect to me." Saria said, picking up her bag and leaving the gym. "You know where to find me!"

Saria's Quarters

Saria walked out of her room, dressed up in her uniform, except for her boots. She quickly bound her hair into a ponytail, and swung it over her shoulder. She walked constantly trough her room, placing some furniture and moving some objects. "Computer." She said. "Play piano blues, 50s - 60s." Soon, the music played lightly trough the room, creating a nice atmosphere.

David had been so occupied with his studies and Starfleet that it's been awhile since he's really "gone out" with anyone. This time, he thought, it's different since he'll be starting fresh here on the station. He stepped into the turbolift, "Deck.. oh crap. Computer, which deck is Lieutenant Rex's quarters on?"

"Deck 26, room 16." The computer answered.

"Proceed to deck 26." David said. He walked out of the turbolift putting his hand through his hair trying to look good for Saria. He didn't want to mess this up. He walked down the halls rehearsing lines in his head trying not to be a nervous wreck when he sees Saria. What could go wrong. He came to the door of her quarter and "rang" the bell.

When the doorbell rang, Saria looked at the door. It has been a while since she had a visitor lately, but some company would do her good. She quickly straightened the flowers on the table. "Come in!" She said, waiting for her visitor to enter.

David walked in one step at a time. "Hi." He said. "Thanks for having me over." He looked around the room while standing somewhat awkwardly still and saw the flowers and Saria. "Beautiful flowers to compliment you as I see. You look good in your uniform..." Uniform!?!? David thought, that's the best you can come up with? Shrugging off the thought he hoped she took the remark well.

Saria smiled, and then blushed. "You... really think so?" She nearly stuttered. "Thank you! Nobody has actually ever said I looked good in uniform... but your hair looks... good as well." She said, looking at David with both her organic and bionic eyes.

"Thanks." David smiled a bit more relaxed. He was starting to feel comfortable. He proceeded to the replicator. "Supernova's for two, please." The replicator fashioned two drinks and David brought them to Saria. "So, tell me more about trill customs and culture... you know what? Tell me about your experiences as a trill." David took a sip of the drink in his hand.

Saria took place on the couch, gesturing David to sot next to her. She took the drink from him, and placed it on the table. "Thanks." She said. "Well, where to begin... Being joined is seen as a great honor in our society. When the symbiont is transplanted into you, it feels like you recovered your lost memory. You will know what happened for the last hundred years, experience what others have experienced. Like 30 minds, melding with your own. A series of books, added to an incomplete bookshelf." She said, thoughtfully. "Would you mind... if I would stretch my legs on your lap? I'm used to stretch myself down on the couch, since I don't get a lot of visitors here."

"Oh, I don't mind." David smiled. The drink had been relaxing him. It's been awhile since he's had a drink like this. He set the drink down and took Saria's legs. They were slender and attractive. David tried to "play it cool". "It must be interesting with all the memories and experiences that you have lived in and relived through your thoughts. From all the years, what have you learned?"

"I learned quite some things in the past lifetimes. Such as: Don't mess with the Federation, Death doesn't like to be cheated, Treat you symbiont like it's your only hope. As I said, there have been some grimy spots in my past. But I have also learnt that every new life is a new start." Saria said, wiggling her red-polised toes, then looking at David. "What about you? Have you learnt anything useful yet besides building warp engines?" She smiled, drinking from her supernova.

"Well, I guess it's be careful with your feelings. I've found teachings of Surak to be most helpful in integrating into my life to better manage my feelings. More particularly, romantic ones. However, I don't deny them to the degree a Vulcan may do so. I embrace my humanity and primitive tendencies like a nor human would but under clear direction to keep them in check when I make decisions in life." David felt he had said a bit too much. "I try to basically keep myself from getting hurt as I've learned the hurt from others in relationships... more cautious to be specific." He relaxed again. "With you, I guess I feel safer with my feelings..." David didn't want to seem effeminate and tried to keep his manliness. The drink must've been loosening him up a bit much.

A sympathetic smile crossed Saria's face, looking right in the eyes of David. I know how you're feeling, David. I don't share my past really much with others. But someone I met once said: "Choices you make are forever". And damn right he was. I... I regret what I've done to him, to the other innocent people... it's all her fault. My 4th last host. She was... not humane..." Saria said, looking down at her knees. "Sometimes, being unjoined isn't that bad at all."

David reached over to put his arm around her shoulder. "It's ok, that's the past. You are Saria Rex. Not the last host you were. The only purpose that those memories should serve in your life here and now is to be learned from. Even though you have been around for centuries I bet you still understand that there is always more to learn about relationships with others." He pulled her closer trying to comfort her.

Saria allowed herself to get pulled closer by David. It gave her sone relief about sharing one of her greatest secrets. "I guess you're right. But I've been walking around with this guilt for a long time, and I don't know how to deal with it. I've been trying to lock them up, deep inside, but it seems it left a scar in my memories though." She looked at David with watery eyes. "What do you think? Should I be justified for her being a part of me, while she has created nothing more than suffering in the past?"

David had no experience with millennia old sentient beings having multiple personality memories. He had to go back to basics. "You don't need to justify anything. Be who you are here and now, in this station, in this room, with me. It's a fresh start, right? Like i said, learn from the mistakes. Don't let them consume you." David put his other arm around her and hugged her closer. "It's ok, I'm here with you and for you."

A little smile appeared on Saria's face. She opened her arms, and layed them around David's neck, with her head resting on his shoulder. "You're a dear friend, David. I guees I owe you a Cardassian Sunrise later." She joked. "Sorry about your uniform, though. I actually dropped some tears on it."

David rested Saria's head on his shoulder. "Tears are a sign of healing. My shoulder will always be here for your tears if you need one to cry on." David laid his head on her head and hugged her closer. "I'm glad to be trusted by you."

"And so am I" Saria said. "Would you care for some tea? It's usually around this time that I drink Cardassian Red Leaf Tea." She continued.

"Sure." David took his arm back with one arm still around Saria and remained next to her.

Saria stood up, walking up to the replicator. "What kind of tea would you like?" She smiled.

"I guess I would like to try Cardassian Red Leaf Tea as well." David smiled. David loved trying new things.

"Well, alright then." She smiled. "Two Cardassian Red Leaf Teas." She said to the replicator. Two cups of steaming tea energized in a few seconds, and Saria took them with them.
"Here you go." She said when she gave a cup to David. "It tastes horrible in the beginning, but you'll get used to it." Saria walked over to the windows in her room, and gazed for the stars outside.

David walked over to join her. He thought he would put his arm around her but he felt it was a bit much. Just friends... for now. He said to her, "Gets me every time. The stars. Zefram Cochrane said it best, 'to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.' The reason most of us are here is because of those stars triggering our inner explorer." David's eyes lit up as he was lost in his imagination as he looked upon the stars.

"All species are somewhat curious about what there will be, over there. Maybe it's a star, maybe it's something else." She said. "I've seen what no other has seen, and yet I'm still sane. But it would have been nice to have met Zefram Cochrane. Have you ever been there? In Bozeman?" She asked, turning her head to David.

"I visited there as a child. My father took me there. It's a big reason why I became so fascinated with warp engines. I was also able to meet a lot of the scientists there and learned a lot. I actually built my first warp engine when I was 17. That's a whole other story though." David hesitated a bit. "Computer, what time is it?"

"1330 hours." The computer said.

"I should get going." David said. "I have Beta shift and I'd like to be one time for my first shift." David gave Saria a hug. "I enjoyed this. Thanks for having me over." He had a big smile as he walked towards the door. "See you later then?"

"But of course!" Saria said, looking at David, leaving. "You know where to find me when I'm having free time." She said, and gave a wink with her bionic eye.


Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist