Unity – Paddy meets Fu Manchu
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Paddy meets Fu Manchu
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 7:55am
Location   The Red Lantern, San Francisco, Earth
Timeline   SD 16 - 1800

Patrick gratefully walked through the arched doorway and removed his wet overcoat. Like in Melbourne, San Francisco had incurred the ire of the weather gods and being pelted with wild winds and wet weather. It reminded Patrick of why he had left his hometown in the first place.

Ignoring the waiters and other patrons, Patrick strode confidently across to the corner where a semi-darkness prevailed, thanks to the odd positioning of the lights. He bowed his head at the man already seated. "Admiral, you wished to see me?"

"Yes" said the Admiral, still shrouded in shadow. "How are you Mr O'Connor?"

"Very well, sir," Patrick said. "I'm really not surprised you asked to see me. I am as shocked as you are that Commander Tan is involved in all this. But there is no way that his own family would be lying. Tan was seconded secretly to Admiral Ulhan and he is on Deep Space 5."

“Interesting” said the Admiral as he leant forward; placing his elbows on the table in front of him a meshing his fingers together. He looked at the man attentively. “Under a very thin cover,” said the Admiral rhetorically “So Patrick, tell me about Mr Tan, his character, personality, and talents.”

O'Connor hesitated a moment before selling his friend down the river. But it was only a brief pause. "Tan is a top notch surgeon and emergency doctor- one of the very best. He is calm and cool under pressure. It's almost as if he has a pathological desire to be in those situations. If I could have any man beside me in a tight situation, it would be Tan. But these skills don't necessarily make him a good spy or agent or whatever. I'm sure those who put him there know this and all this means a lot more to you than it does to me..."

“Indeed it does mean allot more to me than it does to you. That’s why I’m the Admiral.” He said with a smile "please continue."

"We were in the academy together and then served on several ships together, so I guess we're pretty close. I'm certain that he doesn't really know the whole picture. He's being used as a source. Of the people that could convince him... I'm not sure but I reckon Admiral Uhlan could do it."

It did seem odd to the Admiral that a doctor was sent undercover as a Chief Strategic Operations Officer, it was almost as if those that had sent him wanted him to be discovered, perhaps the man was a ruse or a distraction for a more efficient, competent spy on the station. This would require further digging on his part, something was afoot. “Why do you think he is their O’Connor?”

"Admiral Uhlan was one of Vincent's COs. He wasn't an admiral back then, but Vincent saved his life once, the Admiral started treating him like a son. I don't Uhlan has any family..." Patrick saw his superior absentmindedly prodding a dumpling with his chopsticks and quickly recognized he was drifting off course. "Anyway, Uhlan moved up and started hanging out with shadowy types - Strategic Council this and Arms Committee that - I've only heard rumours of course, but I've heard a fair number of 'em."

“Oh they're there,” said the Admiral not looking up from his problematic dumpling.

"Well, it's none of my business anyway," Patrick responded. "All I know is, Vincent is on duty. He's lied to his wife about where he's been. He went off with an admiral that may or may not have links to the higher-ups. And that his last known location was somewhere in the vicinity of Deep Space 5. You asked me to look into potential sources on DS5 and that's what I've found. Anything else you want to know?"

“Only if you feel you have any more relevant information?” said the Admiral still not making eye contact and looking down into his food, while still poking it with chopsticks.

"There is one other thing. I'm not sure whether it's important or not..."

“Please proceed.” Said they Admiral finally looking up into the man’s eyes and giving him a penetrating look.

"Throughout the course of my investigation, I found a history of some rather odd communications," Patrick consulted his padd, "most of them from a computer within the Marine complex. I'm not entirely sure who it belongs to..."

The Admiral waved a dismissive hand. He was, off course, entirely aware of Darson, the pawn of Mannheim. There was a possibility that someone other than Mannheim was using him but that was not important. What mattered was removing Tan and thus removing Uhlan and his Australian ally's source of information on DS5.

"Apart from that, there's nothing else I have to report," O'Connor said nervously.

The Admiral looked into the man’s eyes. He meshed his fingers together in front of him and leant forward. “That’s a shame” he said quietly, more to himself than the man sitting opposite him. “Dismissed” he said with a wave of one finger.

"Admiral..." Patrick piped up. "I hope you haven't forgotten my requisition order? I need the personnel, perhaps more so than the equipment, if I am to launch my ship in time."

"It is all there," the Admiral grunted as he tossed over a PADD to the Irishman. "And a little extra for your hard work. Remember - there is plenty more from where that came from. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. Now leave."


The Chinese Admiral
Played by Dan
(Lt. Richard Dunham)

Capt. P. O'Connor
Played by Vana
(Lt. Vincent Tan)