Time is Fleeting – Boundary Values for Cardassians
by Colonel James Darson & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Boundary Values for Cardassians
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Thu Oct 08, 2009 @ 8:42pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 10 - 0000 (Backpost)

Darson stalked forward into the foyer of what was obviously the newly constructed Cardassian Embassy. He spared a moment to examine the area for easily accessible exits, and then headed steadily towards the receptionist. He drew himself up to his full height, which when added to his cloak and armor, made for a very intimidating sight as he stared down at the person at the desk.

“Greetings” he said in a voice that was as smooth as an oil slick, “I am Colonel Darson, the Marine Garrison Commander onboard this outpost. I am here to see the Vi’kar Gul Getal,” from his numerous dealings with Cardassians, he had learned that they truly appreciated two things when dealing with other species. Directness and respect.

The receptionist tilted her head toward him, and didn't seem to be intimidated by the marine. "Do you have an appointment?" She asked in a slender and almost seductive tone.

Darson leaned down and carefully modulated his voice down into the bass ranges until it was as sweet as melted chocolate as he brought an armored hand up to draw lazy circles on the receptionists desk with his finger, “I’m afraid I don’t have an appointment my dear…but I promise you that I won’t take up much of his time, especially considering the lateness of the hour.”

She cocked her head to one side and smiled warmly. "I'll show you the way." With the end of her sentence she got up and started walking toward a closed door. "Vi'kar Gul Getal will see you now." She opened the door, and without reply, litereally ran off and seated herself behind her desk.

Darson didn’t even spare her a glance as he entered the room and the hatch sealed behind him. As he looked at the slightly startled looking Cardassian Ambassador, he said in fluent Cardassian with hardly any accent, “Greetings, Vi’kar Gul Getal.”

Tharek arose from his seat and straightened his uniform. "Greetings to you as well Colonel. I mean this with no disrespect, but what the hell are you doing in my embassy?" He looked toward the door. "And why did my secretary let you in without my authorization?!"

Darson advanced on him slowly, moving silently like a predator stalking a wary animal. He made his way across the room, in between the chairs that sat facing the desk, and loomed in front of it, his shadow falling across the desk. He stood staring silently at Tharek for a moment more, and then suddenly his cloak fluttered as his hand burst out.

Lightning quick, as if drawing a weapon of some kind, the hand shot out holding a long black object, one that looked mightily like a silenced pistol, or a knife of some kind. The hand froze fully extended, facing directly towards Tharek, allowing him a good glimpse of what exactly was in his hand.

It was a bottle. A long black bottle with an oblong shape, and a twisting head, which Darson held in his hand with the bottom facing directly at Tharek’s chest like the barrel of a loaded gun. He spun it around in his hand and placed it smoothly on the metallic surface of the desk, “I came…to have a drink,” he whispered as he moved back to one of the chairs in front of the desk, and took a seat, his cloak furling around him, “And…to have a little talk with you.”

"Kanar?" A smile grew over Tharek's face. "I'll take you up on that Colonel. And may I ask, what to talk about?"

“Well, I thought I’d let you start…I’m sure that you have plenty of fascinating things to talk about…for example, I was hoping that you could tell me how my good friend Raedheol is doing. I haven’t seen him in almost a week, and I worry about him, you know?”

A dimm, blank face grew onto Tharek. "If, dear Colonel, you are asking me to give up information or to spy on Raedheol. You have another thing coming."

Darson shook his head and made a slightly disappointed sound, “Oh…I sincerely hope that you are mistaken, Ambassador,” He picked up the bottle of Kanar and opened it with a slight “pop”. He drew two glasses out of his cloak, and set them on the table. As he stared at Getel, he began to pour from about his head height, with the liquid flowing down in a steady unbroken stream perfectly into the two glasses.

As he replaced the bottle on the table, he picked up one of the small glasses and held it up to the meager lightsource in the room to inspect the color of the beverage as he simultaneously double checked that the jamming devices in his armor were active, “Because you see my dear Gul, while the good Commander Gabriel is the Chief of Security onboard, and all the consulates and foreign personnel onboard are technically his responsibility, lately he has been so blinded by his personal feelings that he has rendered himself incapable of dealing with you all in anything less than a hostile way…I can sense that you’ve experienced this for yourself, am I right?”

Tharek quickly picked up the glass on the table and grunted in agreement. He then quickly and sharply spoke; "Its Vi'Kar Gul to you, and yes, i have been met with verbal hostility on the station, courtesy of one Dorian Gabriel."

“I on the other hand are not burdened by such compulsions. And as the Marine Commander on station, I am bound by a peculiar set of responsibilities…one of which is to ensure the safety of this station and the Federation as a whole, and I can tell you that there is nothing I will not do to ensure this safety. You must be able to understand where I am coming from? After all…one does not follow your particular ‘career path’ without having the deepest of loyalty towards your government.”

"My loyalty to the Cardassian government was and is still, un-flinching." His eyes squinted, narrowing down to a slit in his head.

“Likewise mine to the Federation,” Darson whispered as he closed the distance between them, “I assume that you’ve read Mr. Gabriel’s list of protocols to be followed, yes? Well, let me fill you in on a couple of my own…Don’t make trouble and stay out of my way…because this is my station Vikar…mine. Captain Tahir may Command it, Commander Gabriel may Police it…but I hold the real power here. So keep this in mind: you respect your boundaries and we won’t have any trouble…but if you don’t, if you pull any stunt that I don’t like, or I learn that you your are colluding in some plot to put this Station or the Federation in Jeopardy, I will not hesitate bring my full might to bear against you. And let me assure you that that is something that you truly don’t want to experience. Are we clear… Vikar Gul Getel ?

"Are you expecting me to endanger the Federation?" He then drew a PaDD out of his desk. "Celestial class starbase. While I don’t have clearance to look at the tactical information, I know that it has a marine and security compliment to outrival more than a dozen Cardassian ships. It has weapons strong enough to punch a hole through solid Tritanium. I am here with one ship, and a standard security detail. Why would I want to try to bring myself to harm when stationed on here?"

Darson chuckled darkly, his hood fluttering around his head, “An interesting point Gul…an interesting point indeed. I suppose that’s all that I have to talk about with you right now, so I’ll take my leave of you now. I’ll be in touch then, Gul Getel…but I urge you to heed what I have said this evening. You can keep the Kanar though…share it with the Gul of the Rakara…I’m sure that he will appreciate it.”

He turned to leave, the bottle of Kanar still sitting half full on the desk. As he moved towards the door and opened it, he turned his head slightly to the side, his mask obscured by his hood. Almost as an afterthought he said, “Oh yes, one more thing Vikar. Please keep in mind that if you were planning to hide behind the shield of diplomatic immunity…there are certain persons onboard who wouldn’t mind circumventing it for the sake of ‘Security’…just keep that in mind. Good night, Vikar Gul Getel.”

With that, the door closed and as mysteriously as he had come, he was gone.

Tharek scrutinized the back of Darson, unti lhe had finally exited. He then pressed a button on his desk. "Gil Terok, contact Vixen. Tell him to up the plans. Also, tell G'mar to have his troops armed at all times... "


Lt. Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador