Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Executive Decisions - Part 1
by Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer

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Title   Executive Decisions - Part 1
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Johan Weiltzer
Posted   Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 10:43pm
Location   Weiltzer Corp Administrative Offices
Timeline   MD3: 12:30PM - 2:30PM
OFF: I hope you all enjoy this.

ON: Sitting in his Corporation's Administrative Offices, CEO and Fleet Admiral Johan Albrecht Weiltzer was glad that his very pushy Executive Officer was not around the offices. Since joining Weiltzer Corporation, she had had some very brilliant ideas, but she also seemed to think that she was running the show and that she was somehow the one who gave all the orders. Already he had had to practice patience in his manner of correcting her and telling her that he still had the final decision on any and all things within his corporation. She had come highly recommended, but there were times he couldn't help but wonder if she had come highly recommended only because other people wanted to get rid of her and didn't want her around them. Still, she had some brilliant ideas and could eventually prove quite an asset to the Corporation, if he kept her around long enough. Now though, he had to focus on the meeting that was about to happen. The Commanding Officer of the WCV Henry VIII, one Captain Charlene Montgomery, was due to enter the offices any minute now. Johan was still establishing an uplink to the Board of Directors of Weiltzer Freight Corporation. This was what in older Earth Navy terms would be called an Admiral's Mast (basically one step short of a court-martial, meaning no lawyers involved), to determine if the actions taken on the Henry VIII during the Code Blue Crisis, as its infamous shakedown flight from Earth to DS5 had come to be referred to within the Corporation, had been justified or not. The link was finally established and the Board of Directors was now on standby. They would be sitting in and would be there to advise Johan. This mast was predicted to last two hours a day and depending on what Captain Montgomery had to say, could last for two hours a day for more than a week. Whatever decision was reached though, no matter what advice the Board of Directors might give, the decision was Johan's, as he was the Fleet Admiral and was in command of the Fleet (as well as the entire corporation) and was the man under whose command Captain Montgomery fell. As he sat thinking, he heard the door chime, and quickly corrected his posture in his seat before saying 'enter'.

Captain Montgomery entered the room, waited on the doors to whisk shut, and then snapped to attention, saluted, and announced herself. "Captain Charlene Montgomery, WCV Henry VIII, Service Number 722-95ZD-6725F, reporting as ordered, sir."

"Captain Montgomery, while that was a very effective and by the books way of announcing oneself, you will find I am a very relaxed and laid back person who threw the books away years ago. From now on, when you are reporting to me, your name will do just fine, unless I ask for your command or service number, there is no need to throw it out at me. Also, please pull up a seat."

"Thank you, sir. I am pretty sure I know why you called me here," she said as she took a seat facing him with the monitor for the Board of Directors active and positioned behind her head, "and I can assure you that when you are finished debriefing me, you will have no choice but to see that my actions were the correct ones."

"I am quite sure that is the case, but due to conflicting views of your decision, I have no choice but to carry out this Admiral's Mast as well as to question your crew in your presence. Should I find that your actions were irresponsible, not in the best interests of the ship, or acting against the interests of Weiltzer Freight Corporation, it will cost you at least one rank, could cost you your command, and could have some other very costly effects, among which could be the loss of your career. However, should I find that your actions were very responsible, were in the best interests of the ship, or were in the best interests of Weiltzer Freight Corporation, nothing could change, you could be promoted in rank or position, and your career could continue should you so choose."

"I am very aware of that, sir, and believe me, I've seen my share of great men and great women railroaded by this very system, which is why, if you do find against me, I will demand that it go to court-martial to determine if the punishment you have set is truly warranted and justified."

"Captain Montgomery, I acknowledge that you reserve that right, however, please note that by agreeing to this mast, you are waiving your rights to legal counsel, to remain silent, and to not be required to testify against yourself. You are also waiving any rights to remain silent due to self-incrimination or incrimination of others."

"Fleet Admiral Weiltzer, I have done or attended my share of Captain's Masts and Admiral's Masts over my career, I know what the requirements of them are and I stand by my decision, sir," said Charlene a bit irritably.

"Alright, shall we begin?"

"I am ready to begin whenever you are, sir."

"Board of Directors, are you all ready to begin too?"

"Weiltzer Freight Corporation Board of Directors is ready to begin the proceedings."

"Wait a minute, no one informed me that they would be involved in this."

"Captain Montgomery, the Board of Directors is only involved with regards to asking questions that haven't been asked by me or questions that they believe need clarification, as well as to help advise me. They have no power or authority beyond interrogation purposes, and their advice is only that, advice, I do not have to follow it, it is merely their thoughts on everything. I was also under the impression that you knew they would be involved. Since you clearly were not informed at the time that you were informed of this Admiral's Mast, we can recess until tomorrow if you want some time to think or to back out if you wish, or we can continue. Either way, since you were unaware that they would be involved at all, I am going to declare a recess until tomorrow so that you have time to prepare yourself for anything they might ask. That and, it would seem we have used up the two hours allotted for this day of proceedings. We will only have two hours of proceedings each day. I assume you were aware of this fact?"

"Yes, I was Admiral Weiltzer, and while I don't feel the recess is necessary, I do agree that it is best so that I can gather together absolutely everything so that I am best prepared for them. Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation, and I apologize for the miscommunication and the lack of knowledge on my part regarding the Board of Director's being involved."

"Don't worry about it, Captain. See you tomorrow at the same time. Have a good day, and tomorrow we will officially begin everything."

As Charlene Montgomery walked out of the offices, Johan thought to himself, 'damn, she reminds me of my first, second, and third wives all rolled into one person'. Of course, Johan would never make the mistake of marrying again, alimony for 3 marriages was bad enough as it was, and besides that, she was someone under his command, and while it was acceptable in Weiltzer Corp to be married to people under your command, Johan felt it best if he uphold the highest standards, morals, and values and not end up in those shoes, that and, being single had its' advantages.

OFF: Hope you all enjoyed this. Obviously due to the time references, other posts bearing the title Executive Decisions will be taking place between the days of the Mast, so, it overall should prove to be an extensive plotline on this end, given that it is one week of a rough equivalent of a trial.