Beg, Steal or Borrow – An easy flight...Or not. Part one
by Ensign Brian Moxis

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Title   An easy flight...Or not. Part one
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Ensign Brian Moxis
Posted   Thu Feb 26, 2009 @ 6:22pm
Location   U.S.S Trinity
Timeline   Almost three weeks after leaving.
Uss Trinity
8 am. Second week of travelling.


~The guest quarters was better then i thought it would be for a low class starship.~ Inside the room Brian's cover was on the ground and his pillow manged to get on top of a shelve some how. The lights was out and the smell of strawberries floated around from the many lit candles around the room. Brian was in the middle of his bed with his legs crossed and eyes shut. He was doing an exercise to relax his mind.

Around him set five to six different padds with certain information on it. One had the crew list of Deep space five. It also gave information about it. The second was letters from his sister she had given him when he left. The other four was his lesson's he did in the academy. He had been going over a lot of information the last two weeks. He wasn't aloud to use the holo deck and the only other thing to do was to hang around the bar in the ship. ~Why waste time there when i could be studying and learning from the past.~ He thought to himself

Quickly opening his eyes, Brian sees the yellow light flashing around him. The power was disrupted on the ship for about 3 minutes but quickly returning. =^=This is captain Lewis. All personal please report to your stations. Civilians who are on board please stay in your quarters. I repeat please stay in your quarters=^= The com ended. Brian walks over to the window and notices the ship coming to a complete stop. ~ I don't remember this in the academy~ The lights went to red in about 5 minutes. Brian got his gear from his bed and headed out the door to the security department. Knowing he might get yelled at he still wanted to help..


SO Brian Moxis