Incommunicado – Once around the 'Block' Part 1
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Once around the 'Block' Part 1
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Feb 24, 2012 @ 9:06pm
Location   Administrations level
Timeline   SD48 14:45
He toyed with the pen, a gift from Mercy and something that he had not seen since he was a child and now he found himself playing with it and remembering his childhood.
"I don't know what made you think of this. A 'Paper Mate' is something that I have not seen since my great grandfather gave one to me as a boy." His grin was wide across his face as he eased his neck around to look at Mercy.

Mercy smiled shyly, lowering her eyes and looking back up at him from beneath long dark lashes. She wasn't normally shy of him but his pleasure over the random little gift was giving her as much joy of her own that she was blushing. "I hoped you'd like it" she admitted. "But it was a risk... if you had hated it, I'd have been mortified to have given you something you might have thought was boring, old and out-moded."

He lay the pen flat on the counter as he turned to look at the beautiful lady that was more thoughtful, caring and damned pretty than she gave herself credit for.
He reached out and with the back of his finger, gently stroked Mercys nose.
"Old and out moded? You could have given me a replicated Pepys Quill and I'd have been thrilled." He admitted with a huge grin. "You know me better than I know myself. I would never have thought to buy you something of historical value." He said as he thought of the Constitution class out in the dock and took the half step forward and bridged the gap between them.
At once, the smell of her perfume wafted into his nostrils and he forgot the pen, only the beauty of the dark haired, thin faced lovely before him filled his mind.
"You are gorgeous Merc." He stated and leant forward and kissed her gently on the cheek as his hand stroked the side of her arm, "Thank you. Now I need some paper," He teased and then added, "so I can write you a love letter."

"I was hoping you'd say something like that!" Mercy smirked, blushing even pinker at his compliments, as she produced a box of replicated 90gsm watermarked paper in a soft hued beige colour with a hint of darkening around the edges to imitate ageing. "It's my job to think outside the box.... as it were.... pun intended." she smiled triumphantly as she handed it over and held out her cheek for another kiss.

Bryans grin widened as he took presented box and lifted the lid, curiosity getting the better of him as he smelt the aroma of paper before reacting to Mercys awaiting cheek and planted yet another gentle kiss.
"I can't wait to try this out." He said as he lay both items together on the counter top.

"So how long do love poems take to write? And will there be time for tea whilst you get inspiration? Then afterwards, depending on how moving and beautiful your sonnets are, maybe I might be inspired myself.... into cooking you an incredible meal to thank you." she sketched out a perfect plan that she had clearly already had in mind.

"I can't believe we've been together a whole year... and more importantly that you remembered our 'anniversary'." she sighed, awaiting her second kiss happily.

Bryan felt himself blush. They had not officially been together for a year, or had they? He began to think quickly as he had no gift to reciprocate.
"It's not a year since we started courting. It's only been four months!" He bravely corrected her. "We had a good few months of chasing before you finally made me realise that we should be together." Then he realised what it was she was referring to. "You mean working together for a year?" At least he hoped it was what she was referring to or he would have to scarper to one of the promenade shops and find her something equally impressive and he didn't have the faintest idea of where to start, except for shoes. mercy liked her shoes and hats, she liked hats, or at least thought she did.

"Since we met, silly!" she chastised him gently, pouting because he hadn't noticed her turned cheek and she'd missed out on the second kiss she'd hoped for.

"When we get to dating for a whole year we could perhaps go on a holiday? If you want to, that is?" she suggested. "We've got plenty of time to plan it!

Bryan could see she was disappointed by her pout and the way her arms folded across her chest.
"Let's make that 6 months, but we still have to celebrate our 'Anniversary' by doing something special." He offered trying to make up for upsetting her by what he attributed to his lack of sensitivity. "What would you like to do." He asked feeling guilty.

"I'd like a kiss please." she pouted with a sparkle in her eyes. Then we can plan our holiday for SIX months' time!" she was happy accepting the deal to bring it closer.

The smile returned to hide Bryans shame as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Mercys waist and kissed her, not gently but deeply, exploring her with his tiongue before pulling apart, leaving hmself somewhat breathless.

"Alrighty. Lets get down and have a wander around the Prom, see what we can see eh?" He said as his hand found hers and practically dragged her out of the administration office.
"Where to first?" Bryan asked looking down to the myriad of lights that housed all sorts of amazing wonders behind the dressed frontages. "There's Mongoes, Bennies, Redo." As soon as he said it he shot around to look at Mercy, "No, you don't need Redo, you're already perfect." His statement came with a huge grin.

Mercy blushed and looked at him adoringly. "Awww that's SOOOO sweet!" she said, moving in closer to him as they walked and squeezing his hand. "I'm so lucky that I have you. I don't know anyone so kind and thoughtful as you." she gushed happily.

"Oh, Jenna said to say hi by the way, and Alexia too. She's really sad since she gathered up all her courage and went to see Gabriel, did you hear about that? Broke her heart. But she keeps insisting that he was so gentle with her.... strange a man with a reputation like that.... hard to imagine him gentle with anyone but that's what Alexia is adamant about. He as good as told her to forget about him but she only seems all the more ardent over him." she shook her head compassionately.

Bryan nodded as they rounded onto the stairwell."Everyone has. Nothing travels faster than bad news. I hope she does what she feels is right. He wasn't found guilty or anything, but because of other evidence, the higher ups decided he was not an ideal person to represent an officer." He paused as he felt Mercys grasp on his hand tense and then relax and turned to lookup at her.
She looked like an angel. One of the overhead lights behind her, seemed to give her an aura, a picture of beauty that stood above him and he felt that warm glow that Mercy would make him feel and he remembered how lucky he was to have her.
"Would you prefer he autolift?" He offered looking down at her feet and the higher than officially recognised heels that she liked to wear and did nothing but accentuate her already shapely legs.

"Yes please, but only because I'm hoping we'll be alone in there!" she giggled. "Bry, do you think that's fair? I mean, if he isn't guilty, it's pretty harsh of the Ups to treat him as if he's unsuitable. I wish Alexia could be as happy as I am. It doesn't seem fair. There are so many lonely people around the universe and I used to be one of them. Thank you for changing that for me." she gazed at him, genuinely grateful.

Starting to retrace his steps upwards, he paused and shook his head.
"No, I don't think it's fair, but I can understand the reasoning even if I disagree. Gabriel did a great deal of good on this station, keeping the ne'er do wells under control." Bryan drew back to the top step and started to turn Mercy towards him when the shriek from below made his turn.

At that moment as if summoned, one of the lonely people on the station, Jenna Minton came up the stairwell towards them.

"HEY!" she called out in surprise, grinning from ear to ear. "Hello you two lovebirds. I haven't seen you two in ..... ooh, half an hour?" she joked, taking the last of the stairs two at a time and rushing over to hug them both tightly.

"Hey Jen" Mercy grinned and returned the hug, showing no outward sign of her disappointment not to be alone with Bryan any more. "What are you up to?" she asked politely.

"I'm not doing much. I'm pretty bored actually. I'm supposed to be at lunch... say.... do you two fancy some lunch? I'll buy! What about pizza? Or something Klingon.... there's a great place down one level. It's called Y'Inchu's....... or if you like we could do the Italian place....... come on! I insist. It's my birthday next week. My treat." she babbled, interlocking one arm up to the elbow with each of them and railroading them towards the open promenade level nearest to where they had arrived.

Mercy's eyes looked across at Bryan, her expression torn. Hadn't she just said it was unfair that nice people were lonely and how lucky she was not to be? How could she deny Jenna some company over lunch when she would have Bryan all to herself tonight. She could 'hardly' say no, could she?

Bryan scratched at his head and held a maniacal grin on his face as he was dragged along. "Jen, I don't mind lunch, but you're not paying for us. It's your birthday, let us pay." He protested despite a wide eyed glare of disapproval from Mercy. "After all, you're only Forty once!" He teased.

"FORT....." Jenna spluttered and stopped dead in her tracks, almost causing them all to get swung inwards and collide.

"BryaNNNN!" Mercy protested but with a smirk, realising what he was doing.

"YOU!!!" Jen realised he was teasing and cuffed him on the upper arm in mock retaliation.

Bryan feigned hurt as he restrained himself from giggling like a school girl.
"I just couldn't resist!" He fluttered his eyes looking for forgiveness as he reached across and rubbed Jens shoulder. "But seriously, we'll pay for lunch, but Mercy chooses the restaurant. Deal?"

"Deal" Jen beamed. "But I didn't intend you two to end up with the bill. It was my invitation and I expect you would rather be ....."

"Bryan *deserves* the bill for that comment about being 40 so don't even start worrying about that!" Mercy laughed, cutting off Jenna's concerns. "I fancy Italian." she added quickly, knowing how little Bryan liked Klingon food. She herself was more partial to eating things that weren't still alive and squirming too so she was VERY happy to accept the role of Chooser-in-Chief.

"Italian it is then!" Bryan stated as he now pulled the two ladies towards their initial destination.


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