Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Other Side of the Coin
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   The Other Side of the Coin
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Thu Aug 20, 2009 @ 12:09am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   22:30 hrs
As Ryan and Nora had re-materialised in Sickbay, she had lost the feeling in her leg. She was woozy from whatever he had put in her neck and she was only a little bit aware that Chelsea had been there too, and something had gone down between her and Ryan.

Nora was very worried. She knew how much Chelsea had been hurting Ryan lately and she could see he was holding back on a lot of emotion. She reached for his hand through the mist of sedation. "Ryan" she whispered. "Are you ok?"

Ryan took her hand as he hurried trying to grab his tricorder. He wasn't really in the mood to talk about how he felt. "Erm yeah I'm fine, but this isnt really the time to have an in-depth conversation about how I feel... just relax, you've had quite a shock" he told her calmly as he stood reading the results on this tricorder.

Nora's heart lurched. He had no idea how much she would give to comfort him. No idea how much she cared. He didn't deserve all this, he was so lovely. If only she could tell him. She lay quietly and said nothing, as always.

As he worked to treat her leg, his gentleness and care made her heart ache more. "Ryan?" she tried to speak but was still groggy. "You're so kind. If I were lucky enough to have someone like you, I'd never be unhappy again as long as I lived." she murmoured, half in and half out of consciousness.

Ryan was stopped in his tracks from what she had just said. Ryan smiled. *Does that mean what i think it does?* he wondered. "Well thankyou Nora, I appreciate that..."

"No worries" she wasn't sure if this was real, it seemed so misty. "You deserve so much more"

"Nah...I doubt that very much" he said as he worked, using the bone regenerator, to repair the bone and healing the bruising, a few seconds later he reached for the dermal regenerator to heal the nerve damage and the skin. This process took a while.

"You'd be wrong then" she rolled her eyes, trying to keep conscious.

As he worked he was handed a hypospray that would reverse the effects of the sedative, the minor surgery was almost complete, but she would still need to remain in sickbay for a little while longer. He injected the hypospray into her neck. He placed his hand over hers. "You should start feeling a little more awake now" he smiled.

She looked a little disappointed for a moment. "Back to reality eh?" she muttered. "pity"

"Well I didnt want to leave you sedated all night..." he sighed. "Whats all this about?"

"All what?" she began to come out of the nice pink haze. "What? did I misbehave or something?" she tried to smile.

Ryan shook his head. "No, nothing don't worry, im just tired it's been a long day and just....ahh nothing I don't even know what I'm saying..." he chuckled slightly.

Looking at him with her large, cornflower blue eyes, her long blonde curls in disarray framing her lovely, fine-boned face, Nora flushed, pink-cheeked. "Yes, it has. I'm so sorry I ruined the show. After all that rehearsing, and you put up with so much from Chelsea about it all and now it's all been for nothing... and it's all my fault." she apologised from the heart. She really did feel that if it hadn't been for her his life wouldn't have become so difficult.

"Heyy no it's not your fault...accidents could have been me who fell...don't blame yourself...there'll be other shows" he smiled. "As for me and Chelsea well...actually I don't know...maybe the prophets could guide me...tell me what to do, how to feel...highly doubtful"

"Ryan, if you ever need a friend...." she began. "If you ever need anything.... I'd... " she wanted to say she'd die for him, but she daren't.

Nora had watched him torture himself as he had become aware that Chelsea was getting more and more upset about their rehearsing for the show.

She'd witnessed him hurting when one of the nurses had mentioned, when they'd both been in the office, that Chelsea had been wanting to see him but had gone away because Nora was there.

It hadn't been a tactful thing for the nurse to say in front of Nora and she'd got the impression it was done because the medical staff were judging them by the amount of unhappiness Chelsea was showing the world, but there was nothing for her to be so jealous about. That was what was making Ryan AND Nora so unhappy. It was all groundless, much to Nora's disappointment because she adored him.

"You'd what?" he asked, as the lights in sickbay dimmed. "You were going to say something" he said as he sat on the chair by the biobed.

"I can't. You would never allow....." she stopped. "How's my leg? Will I dance again?"

She couldn't take advantage of his confusion much as her heart was screaming at her to finally just tell him.

Ryan frowned a little and his lips pouted slightly wondering what she was going to say, his expression returned to normal and he replied. "Your leg is fine, although I want you to remain in sickbay until I say otherwise...and yes you will dance again, no need to worry" he smiled.

"Thank you SO much!" she breathed, more grateful than she could say. "You're a brilliant doctor as well, is there nothing about you that isn't perfect?" she bubbled over, thrilled at the news and forgetting to be careful about what she said.

Ryan chuckled. "No one is perfect Nora, and I am far from perfect trust me...I wish I was"

~You are to me~ she thought and her eyes said it, if only he could read them. She just smiled. "I guess we all wish that about ourselves." she said gently, avoiding it as she always did. ~if only he were free. Why do I always fall for the ones I can't have?~

"Yeah..." he said thoughtfully. "Well..." he said as he stood. "I'll be in my should rest...I don't normally do nights but in this case...I'll make an exception" he smiled and started to walk to the office.

Nora's heart did another somersault. ~An exception for me?~ she thought, feeling better already just knowing he was nearby. ~I'd do nights with you any day you like!~ she thought rolling on her side restlessly.

Having had the antidote to the sedative she was wide awake now and didn't settle at all. Soon the whole of Sickbay had gone totally quiet and the only light to be seen was that of the office.

Nora got quietly up and tried out her knee. She went along to the toilet and then on the way back, she peeped into the office window and saw Ryan who had nodded off in his chair.

~Poor baby, he's exhausted!~ she thought and noted that he had his head at an awkward angle. ~He'll wake with a stiff neck~ she decided and crept quietly in, gently supporting his head and putting a cushion under it.

She would have walked away, but she couldn't resist him as his face seemed so peaceful in sleep. She leaned softly forward and placed a kiss on his lips. She had wanted to kiss him for so long but he'd been in a relationship. As far as Nora knew, he still was, rocky as it may have become.

One stolen moment, that was all she allowed herself. Then she began to creep out again, softly so as not to wake him.


A JP between:

Lt. Ryan Milarno


CWO Eleanora Martin
Science Officer
NPC played by Chelsea